This Blog contains information on a wide variety of subjects, ranging from Oriental Mysticism to Western Science. It also deals with events that are happening in the world today and explains in detail:
What is about to happen to our planet
Why these events are happening at this time
What places on earth will be affected
What the new world will be like, and
What we can do to prepare
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For the benefit of readers who might be looking for information on specific subjects related to prophecy, the following articles have been included here for easy reference. They can be found in “Articles” listed under the heading “Categories” in the column on the right, or by clicking here:
The Apocalypse Unveiled
The Rapture Revealed
The Lost Years of Jesus
The New Golden Age
The Last Pope
The Death of the Pope
The Four Horsemen
The Doomsday Prophecies
The Kachina Prophecies of the Hopi
Rebuilding the Temple of Solomon
What is “Wormwood” in the Book of Revelation?
What is “Mystery Babylon” in the Book of Revelation?
Why America is not Mentioned in “End Time” Prophecy
This poem was written by Allan Colston many years ago after a visit to Mount Adams – a dormant volcano located in Washington State. As he used to tell his friends, this poem was not just a tribute to one of his favourite locations in the Pacific Northwest, but it also represented a summary of his underlying philosophy of life.
The Mansions of the Lord
O Traveller
Know that you did not come this way by chance,
For there are reasons for your movements in this world.
Whether your purpose be to rest, or climb or to explore,
Let this be your touchstone and your guide.
Take your time.
Take time to see the stars fade with the dawn,
Take time to watch the dusk merge into night,
Take time to learn the wonders of this mountain realm,
Take time to feel the peace that fills this place.
Take your time.
For how you fill your time will be your fit reward.
The treasures of this world await those who seek,
And those who fill their time with what they love to do,
In a Poll conducted toward the end of last year by the Barna Group, a research firm that focuses on matters of religious faith, it was reported that 41% of Americans over the age of 18 believe that the world is currently living in the “End Times” period, as prophesied in the Bible.
Yet the Poll revealed an interesting dichotomy. While 77% of those people who consider themselves to be Evangelicals supported this view, an almost equal percentage of people who profess to be Catholics (73 %), felt that the “End Times” are not upon us at this time.
But while there may be conflicting opinions about whether or not we are now living in Apocalyptic times, both groups were in agreement on one point. And that is the question: “Why is there no mention of the United States of America in “End Time” prophecy?”
In fact, Pastors, Preachers and Ministers from across the United States confess that this is the question that is most commonly asked of them by their congregations. It is an enigma that appears to defy conventional explanation.
As noted in Charisma Magazine, when the New York Times best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg tells his audiences that America is not mentioned in Bible prophecy, many ask in amazement how the wealthiest, most powerful nation in history can play no part in the events of the Last Days.
While numerous countries are specifically mentioned in Biblical texts concerning the events of the Last Days, such as Israel, Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Persia, modern Turkey and Iraq, as well as references to Russia and even China, there is nothing at all about America.
As Joel Rosenberg himself explains:
“The Bible doesn’t say what happens to us. But by the absence of us being clearly defined in the text, it means something has happened. The question is what—what will happen to us that will neutralize our ability or desire to be an influential player in the last days of history before the return of Jesus Christ?” (View source)
Billy Graham, doyen of American evangelists, has for many years warned that the world is living in the End Times, and that the Second Coming of Jesus is not far off. His son Franklin, has gone even further. He predicts that America is about to experience God’s wrath because of its wickedness.
“In the last four years, we have begun to turn our backs on God. We have taken God out of our education system. We have taken him out of government. You have lawyers that sue you every time you mention the name of Jesus Christ in any public forum.
“What has happened is we have allowed ourselves to take God out everything that we do – and I believe that God will judge our nation one day“. (View Source)
Exactly what form this judgement will take is something that Franklin Graham has not gone on record to say. But that has not stopped numerous other preachers around the country from weighing in with their own opinions.
For example, Greg Laurie, who is Pastor of the Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, contends that there are three plausible reasons why America does not feature in End Times prophecy. The first is that the United States might be devastated by a nuclear war.
In support of this possibility, he cites the continuing threat posed by Russia, as well as other hostile nations that now possess, or may soon possess, nuclear weapons. He even foresees the possibility of a series of nuclear strikes carried out by terrorist organizations.
The second reason quoted by Laurie is that the country may simply decline as a world power. As he writes:
“As our country becomes more and more secular, systematically eliminating God and the Bible from our education system, courts, and the arts we will begin to reap the inevitable results of sin. We will begin to rot from the inside“.
Laurie suggests a third reason why the United States is not mentioned in Scripture, and that is because the country might experience a great religious revival, which could lead to a vast number of its citizens disappearing off the earth at the time of the end. As he writes:
“When the Rapture of the church takes place, don’t you think there would be an impact on the United States if 78 million people disappeared? If people in every level of government, the military, the economic sector, business, agriculture, medicine and communications suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth, it undoubtedly would have a crippling effect on our infrastructure as a nation.
“For all practical purposes, when the Rapture takes place, it will impact every nation. It will cause the entire world to suddenly shift. This could be the scenario for the United States in the last days“. (View Source)
Unfortunately, not everyone who studies Bible prophecy is as sanguine about the future of America as Laurie is. Others suggest dire scenarios ranging from economic and political chaos, caused by the collapse of its debt-based economy, to military defeat at the hands of the armies of the Anti-Christ.
What all of these Biblical preachers share in common is that they base their views solely upon the writings of Scripture, believing them to be the direct word of God, and the final authority on all matters relating to the Last Days before the return of the Christ.
Yet if they could only bring themselves to be a little more eclectic in their research, these good Christian ministers might well discover the true answer to the question of why the United States does not appear to play any part in the End Times prophesied in the Bible.
Within the span of the last hundred years or so, there have been two men who have demonstrated a profound insight into the future of the North American continent, as well as what will happen to it in the coming years. Perhaps fittingly, both of these men were born in America.
The first of these unusual men was Edgar Cayce. While there are many people who acknowledge Cayce today as an important mystic and healer, there are relatively few Americans who actually know much about who he was, what he did, or how he did it.
Edgar Cayce was born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, in 1877, and died in 1945 at the age of 67 at his home in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Those who do recall his name tend to associate him with the best-seller written about him in 1967 by author Jess Stearn, who called him “The Sleeping Prophet“.
Yet the reality was that Cayce was neither “asleep”, nor was he a “prophet”. Instead, he was a man who discovered that he possessed an extraordinary gift that has so far never been matched by any other person. It all began when he developed an acute case of laryngitis.
His condition was so serious that it affected his ability to speak. Finally, after suffering from this condition for many months, he sought help from Al Layne, a local homeopathic physician. It was Layne who suggested that he place himself in a state of self-imposed hypnosis.
So, on 30th March, 1901, the young Cayce lay down on a couch and settled into a relaxed state. Then, to the amazement of his parents and a few others who were present in the room, he proceeded to describe exactly what was wrong with his throat, as well how to treat it.
Following his own advice, Cayce was soon completely cured of his disease. News of his remarkable recovery, which was publicized in the local press, soon attracted people from surrounding areas, all of whom were anxious to see if he could help them recover from their own illnesses.
In dealing with these cases, Cayce would always follow the same procedure.
He would lie down on a couch, place his arms across his chest, and relax. Then, just as his eyelids began to flicker, someone would ask him a question. All Cayce needed to know was the name of the person that the reading was for, and where that person was at the time of the reading.
It didn’t matter how near or far the person for whom the reading was conducted happened to be at the time. Cayce would then begin to intone an answer to the question. Although most of these questions related to health matters, over time they covered a host of other topics.
It should be noted that Cayce never actually “fell asleep” during any of his readings. To observers, he seemed to be in a trance-like state. And when he opened his eyes at the end of a reading, he remembered nothing. It was his secretary who recorded every word that had been spoken.
Nor did he ever charge for a reading. He merely invited those who wished to do so, to make donations. During his lifetime he gave over 14,000 readings, including such notable historical figures as President Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Edison, Nelson Rockefeller and George Gershwin.
Readers need to understand, as Cayce himself went to great lengths to emphasize, that he was not the author of the material contained in his readings. He said that much of the information that he gave came to him from the subconscious mind of the person for whom he was doing the reading.
He also attributed the source for most of the historical and esoteric content of his readings to the Akashic Records, which he claimed was a universal source of knowledge that was a repository of everything that had happened in the past, as well as everything that would happen in the future.
On many an occasion Cayce’s answers were in direct conflict with his own personal beliefs, such those dealing with astrology and reincarnation. But in each case he chose not to interfere, and left it up to the individual for whom the reading was given to decide on its value and validity.
For those who may be unfamiliar with the Cayce story, the following video provides a brief summary of some of the events that were predicted to occur in the coming years.
What has made Cayce an important interpreter of End Time prophecy was that, in the course of his readings, he was occasionally asked questions about the future of America, especially about events that were predicted in the Bible to occur during the days leading up to the return of the Christ.
One of his most famous readings about the future of America took place on August 13, 1931, when the question he was asked was: What is the shape of the world to come? Part of his reply is quoted below:
“In the next few years lands will appear in the Atlantic as well as the Pacific. And what is the coast line now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even many of the battle fields of the present will be ocean, will be seas, the bays, the lands over which the new order will carry on their trade as one with another.
“Portions of the now east coast of New York, or New York City itself, will in the main disappear. This will be another generation, though, here, while the southern portions of Carolina, Georgia – these will disappear. This will be much sooner.
“The waters of the lakes will empty into the Gulf, rather than the waterway over which such discussions have been recently made. It would be well if the waterway were prepared, but not for that purpose for which it is at present being considered.
“Then the area where the entity is now located (Virginia Beach) will be among the safety lands, as will the portions of what is now Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and much of the southern portion of Canada and the eastern portion of Canada; while the western land – much of that is to be disturbed – in this land – as, of course, much in other lands.” (Reading 1152-11)
It is clear from this reply that the continent of North America would undergo dramatic geological changes at the time of the end. This message was reinforced in subsequent readings when his source said that the earth itself would be convulsed as a result of a change in its axis.
And this is where the second American possessing unusual talents enters the scene. His name is Gordon-Michael Scallion. And just as in the case of Edgar Cayce, Scallion’s unusual ability manifested itself unexpectedly in his life as a result of a health crisis affecting his throat.
In 1979, as explained in previous Blog posts under the heading Future Flooding, Gordon-Michael Scallion, or GMS as he prefers to be called, was is the middle of delivering a public lecture when he suddenly lost his voice completely “in a split second”.
He was taken to hospital where doctors conducted a series of comprehensive tests on his vocal chords, larynx and throat. However, since they were unable to find anything wrong, they dismissed his symptoms as psychosomatic. Yet stranger things were to follow.
Within a few hours of leaving the hospital, GMS found that his physical vision had changed. He now began to see colours and lights around animals, plants, trees and people. He had no idea what these colours meant and he thought that his vision was to blame.
It was only later that he realised that what he was seeing were the “auras” of people, plants and animals. And like Cayce before him, he discovered that he had the ability to look into people and see what was wrong with their physical, mental or spiritual bodies.
Then in 1991, he found that he was able to sense what was wrong with the earth itself. He began to experience nightmares in which it appeared as if the earth was a sentient being, just like a human, and that it was in great pain.
He also began to get visions of changes that would take place to the existing continents of the earth in future times and, in particular, changes that would take place on the North American continent. As he later wrote:
“Since 1979 I have had ongoing visions concerning the Earth, sometimes as many as ten or more in a day, lasting from a few seconds to minutes. In 1982, I began to sketch a map based on the visions, and I updated it through the years as new information was presented to me.
“This map is the culmination of a major ongoing effort to consolidate all the Earth change information I have received. As a result, the “Future Map of the World” is the most comprehensive and up to date representation of Earth Change visions and information presented to me over the past seventeen years.”
Scallion’s future map of North America is of particular interest, because the information he received in his visions so closely match that of Edgar Cayce in his readings half a century before. According to this map, large parts of the East Coast will be swamped by the ocean, along with major parts of West Coast. In addition, the Great Lakes will drain into the Gulf of Mexico, just as Cayce predicted in his reading 1152-11 quoted above.
But Scallion has not only compiled a map of what his visions suggest will be the future outline of the United States, he has also gone on record to indicate how these changes will occur on the Pacific Coast, as shown in the video below:
Scallion indicates that the reason for the above earth changes is a change in the alignment of the tectonic plates, such as might be caused by the interaction between the earth and a large comet. And this is where his visions match the descriptions given by St. John in his Book of Revelation.
As I explained in my article entitled What is “Wormwood” in the Book of Revelation?”, the different plagues associated with the seven angels with their seven trumpets described by St. John, are actually the predictable effects of a close encounter with a comet.
Now Scallion was not the first person to link disasters in North America with an encounter between the earth and a comet. As far back as the 12th century AD, a Christian mystic known as St. Hildegard of Bingen in Germany, was advocating just such a scenario during the End Times.
Just as Scallion’s predictions have been based on visionary experiences, so St. Hildegard, who came to be known as the Sibyl of the Rhine, had a series of visions about future events. And in 1141 AD, she had a vision in which she was instructed to “write down that which you see and hear“.
She subsequently published her first theological text under the title of “Scivias” (“Know the Ways of the Lord”). In this work, which dealt with things that would occur during the days leading up to the return of the Christ, she referred to the coming of a comet and its impact on “the great nation”.
“Before the Comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scoured with want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent by an earthquake, storm and tidal waves will be devastated. It will be divided, and in great part submerged.”
As she went on to record:
“The Comet by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. [After the] great Comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water, causing much want and plagues.
“The ocean will also flood many other countries, so that all coastal cities will live in fear, with many destroyed. All sea coast cities will be fearful and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease. (View Source)
So here we have evidence, written almost eight centuries before the readings of Edgar Cayce, of a “great nation” that will be “divided” (split into two parts), and devastated by “earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water”, and “in great part submerged”.
It takes little insight to recognise that the “great nation” that St. Hildegard was referring to here was the United States of America, especially since her predictions match almost exactly what Cayce said in his reading 1152-11 quoted above, and what Scallion has illustrated in the above video.
There seems little doubt, therefore, that the reason why America is not mentioned in Biblical prophecy about the events of the “Last Days”, is because the entire country has been devastated by a series of natural disasters, robbing it of its former influence and power.
And for those who scoff at the idea of America splitting into two parts, it is worth remembering that three of the greatest earthquakes to have hit the continental United States, occurred in 1811 and 1812 in the Mississippi valley region of the New Madrid seismic zone.
The New Madrid fault line is a series of faults that run for 150 miles (240 Kms) beneath the continental crust of the North America plate. Earthquakes that occur in this zone threaten parts of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi.
In the case of the earthquakes of 1811 and 1812, windows shook as far afield as Washington, D.C., waking the President, while church bells rang in Richmond, Virginia. Those closer to the epicentre, such as Ohio, fled their homes in terror, as the ground continued shaking for more than ten minutes.
The entire town of Little Prairie was destroyed by liquefaction, as seismic waves caused the water-saturated soil to turn into liquid that was incapable of supporting those structures built upon it.
And when will all this happen? It will begin on the “Great and Terrible Day of the Lord”, when a giant asteroid, almost a mile wide, will slam into the Atlantic Ocean not far from the island of Puerto Rico, setting off a series of towering Tsunamis that will devastate all the coastlines of the world.
When that time comes, the judgement of God that evangelists like Billy Graham have long warned about, will strike America with a series of hammer-blows that will leave it a mere shadow of its former glory and might, and no longer able to influence the affairs of the world.
As has been pointed out in earlier instalments, modern astronomers have tended to dismiss the sensational claims that have appeared on the Internet in recent years associated with comets as yet further examples of public ignorance, or even hysteria.
But one person who did consider comets to be a potential threat to the earth, and who wrote graphically about it, was the 16th century French savant Michele de Nostredame, who has become better known to us by his Latinized name of Nostradamus.
Michele de Nostredame (1503 – 1566)
It was in 1550 that Nostradamus first published an Almanac containing prophetic information. This Almanac was so well received that for many years it became an annual publication. He subsequently published more generalized predictions under the title of “Prognostications”.
By 1555, Nostradamus completed the first part of his Book of Prophecies, with which his name has ever since been linked. This book contained references to events that he predicted would occur in the future, and that would culminate in the ending of the Piscean Age.
Nostradamus used the word “century” to describe these prophecies. This term had nothing to do with time or the passing of the years. Instead, it was simply the term he gave to his collection of prophecies, because each “century” contained 100 verses.
Each verse of prophecy, called a quatrain, consisted of four lines with alternate rhymes. So the word at the end of line one rhymed with the word at the end of line three, and the word at the end of line two rhymed with that at the end of line four.
The verses of “The Prophecies” – all 4772 lines of them – were written in old Provincial French. This was a language that was still very close to its Greek and Latin roots, but was quite different from the French language that is spoken today.
This is one of the reasons why so many commentators over the years have struggled to interpret his verses. In addition, they were also filled with anagrams, confusing names and other linguistic riddles.
Nostradamus would also conceal the names of towns destined to become famous, by using small neighboring towns instead. He would also disguise them by means of popular names or nicknames, and spell them without capital letters.
Nostradamus used these stratagems deliberately in order to obscure their meaning, and to ensure that they would only be understood after careful analysis and investigation.
As if his archaic and convoluted style was not enough, Nostradamus also juggled the order of his verses. Although they were originally written in chronological order, he later scrambled them before they were published, so that very few verses were linked together in time.
Verses of prophecies relating to completely different centuries have ended up next to one another, making it even more difficult for commentators to interpret them.
But in spite of the need to disguise his future predictions with obscure language in order to avoid offending the Catholic Inquisition at the time, Nostradamus was unmistakably clear when it came to the comet that would devastate the earth in the last days of the present age.
The verses that Nostradamus wrote about the comet and the cataclysmic effects it will have upon the earth make gloomy reading. Yet they will undoubtedly become the headlines of tomorrow when the events unfold exactly as he foretold.
When Nostradamus wrote about the comet in his verses he referred to it in a variety of ways. Among his descriptions were “bearded star”, “great star”, “fire from the sky”, trail of sparks”, “burning torch”, “flaming torch”, “long meteor”, and “dart from heaven”.
He also made frequent references to “false dust”, “raining blood, milk and stones”, “water coloured by blood”, “great hail”, “red hail” and “hail larger than an egg”.
Because the appearance of the comet and the events that would follow formed such a critical part of earth’s future, Nostradamus composed nearly sixty quatrains about this one event alone. The following verses are some of the examples of what he wrote.
Century One – Verse 46
Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande, a great fire will fall from the sky for three nights. The cause will appear stupefying and marvellous: Shortly afterward the ground will tremble.
Century One – Verse 67
The great famine which I sense approaching will often turn (in various areas) then become world-wide. It will be so vast and long lasting that (they) will grab roots from the trees and children from the breast.
Century Two – Verse 15
Shortly before the monarch is assassinated, Castor and Pollux in the ship, a bearded star: The public treasure devastated by land and sea, Pisa, Asti, Ferrara, Turin under threat.
Century Two – Verse 18
New, unexpected and sudden rain will suddenly halt two armies: From the skies, fire, and a sea of stones, The death of seven suddenly by land and sea.
Century Two – Verse 41
The great star will burn for seven days, the cloud will cause two suns to appear: The large mastiff will howl all night when the great pontiff changes his residence.
Century Two – Verse 43
During the appearance of the bearded star, the three great princes will become enemies: Struck from the sky, peaceful earth quaking, Po, Tiber overflowing, a serpent placed upon the shore.
Century Two – Verse 46
After great misery for humanity, a greater one comes when the great cycle of the centuries is renewed. It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and plague, Fire will be seen in the sky, dragging a trail of sparks.
Century Two – Verse 62
Mabus will soon die, then will come a terrible destruction of people and animals: Sudden vengeance will be seen, A hundred hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.
Century Two – Verse 70
The dart from heaven will make its journey, speaking with death; a great execution. The stone in the tree, the proud nation brought down, A human monster, cleansing, the penalty paid.
Century Two – Verse 81
The city is almost destroyed by fire from the sky: The Deucalion flood threatens again: Sardinia is vexed by the Punic fleet, after Phaeton has left Libra.
Century Two – Verse 91
A great fire will be seen at sunrise, noise and light extending towards the north: Death within the earth, one will hear cries, Death awaits them through war, fire and famine.
Century Two -Verse 92
Golden fire will be seen in the sky on earth: Struck from on high, a marvellous accomplishment: Great slaughter for humanity: The nephew of the great one taken, spectacular death, the proud one escapes.
Century Two – Verse 96
A flaming torch will be seen in the sky at night near the end and the source of the Rhone: Famine, war: relief comes too late, Persia turns to invade Macedonia.
Century Three – Verse 19
In Lucca it will rain blood and milk, shortly before a change of leader: Great plague and war, famine and drought will be seen, far from where the prince and ruler dies.
Century Three – Verse 42
A child born with two teeth in his mouth, stones will fall like rain in Tuscany: A few years after no wheat or barley, to satisfy those who faint from hunger.
Century Four – Verse 67
When Saturn and Mars are equally fiery, the air is parched by a long meteor: From hidden fires a great place blazes with burning heat, Little rain, hot winds, wars, invasions.
Century Five – Verse 62
Blood will rain down on the rocks, the Sun in the East, Saturn in the West: War near Orgon, a great evil seen near Rome, ships sunk to the bottom taken by Poseidon.
Century Five – Verse 90
In the Cyclades, Perinthus and Larissa, in Sparta and the entire Pelopennesus: A very great famine, plague through false dust, lasting nine months throughout the whole peninsula.
Century Five – Verse 98
At the forty-eighth degree latitude, at the end of Cancer a very great drought: Fish boiled in the seas, rivers and lakes, Béarn and Bigorre in distress from fire in the sky.
Century Six – Verse 5
A very great famine caused by pestilence, will extend its length to the arctic pole: Samarobrin one hundred leagues from the hemisphere, They will live without law, free from government.
Century Six – Verse 6
He will appear towards the North, not far from the bearded star in Cancer: Susa, Siena, Boetia, Eretria, The great Roman will die, the night is dispersed.
Century Six – Verse 38
The enemies of peace, the profligate ones, after having conquered Italy: The bloodthirsty king, red will be revealed, Fire, bloodshed, water coloured with blood.
Century Eight – Verse 2
I see Condom, Auch and Mirande, encompassed by fire from the sky. The Sun and Mars joined in Leo, then at Marmande, lightning, great hail, A wall falls into the Garonne.
Century Eight – Verse 10
A great stench will come from Lausanne, but they will not know its source, It will displace people in distant places, Fire in the sky, a foreign nation defeated.
Century Eight – Verse 77
The antichrist swiftly annihilates the three, Twenty-seven years his war will last. The heretics will be dead, captive, exiled; Blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.
Century Nine – Verse 83
The Sun in twenty degrees of Taurus, a very great earthquake, The great crowded theater will be ruined: Darkness will trouble the sky and the earth, even the faithless will call on God and the saints.
Century Ten – Verse 60
I weep for Nice, Monaco, Pisa, Genoa, Savona, Siena, Capua, Modena and Malta: Blood from on high and the sword for a gift, Fire, earthquake, water, an ill-timed alliance.
Century Ten – Verse 67
A mighty trembling in the month of May, Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus: Venus also in Cancer, Mars in Virgo, Then hail will fall larger than an egg.
The picture painted by Nostradamus of the appearance of the comet and its aftermath on the earth is bleak indeed. Earthquakes that devastate the land; fiery meteorites that bombard the earth setting fire to forests and vegetation; red dust that poisons the drinking water and causes disease.
An asteroid that plunges into the sea causing tidal waves that swamp coastal cities and kill marine life. Humanity afflicted by famine, war, pestilence and plague. Those spared the destruction of these disasters desperately trying to survive amidst “little rain, hot winds, wars, invasions”.
Although the Coma surrounding the nucleus of the comet will be many times larger than the earth, the asteroid that will strike the earth will be small by comparison. Yet it will still be large enough to cause immense destruction across the surface of the earth.
In the Book of Revelation, John calls this asteroid a “great mountain” .
“And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea.” (Revelation 8: 8)
By an interesting coincidence, Nostradamus used the same words that appear in the Bible (great mountain) in a verse that he wrote about a future asteroid that would strike the earth.
“The great mountain, seven stadia round, After peace, war, famine, flood. It will spread far, drowning great countries, Even those of great age and mighty foundations.” (Century One: Verse 69)
Nostradamus gives the size of this “great mountain” as “seven stadia round”. The “stadium” was a unit of measurement used by the Greeks and Romans. “Seven stadia round” would make this asteroid nearly a mile (7/10ths) wide.
An asteroid of this size traveling at a speed of several hundred thousand miles an hour would cause global devastation, especially if it were to crash into the sea.
As I wrote in my article entitled What is Mystery Babylon, the impact of this collision would not only vaporize the asteroid itself, it would also penetrate the ocean floor causing huge amounts of superheated water, molten rock and other matter to rise high into the upper atmosphere, where they would then fall back down to earth in the form of blazing missiles that would set fire to buildings, forests and crops around the entire planet.
Volcanoes would suddenly roar back to life, spewing vast clouds of debris into the atmosphere, adding to the hellish conditions. Forest fires would also create enormous noxious fumes that would stain the sky and cause the moon to appear “blood-red” in colour.
In addition to setting off a series of gigantic earthquakes around the world, the impact of this asteroid would also cause a rupture of undersea fault lines that would generate colossal tidal waves that would travel around the world many times, “drowning great countries, even those of great age and mighty foundations”.
The death toll caused by this disaster would run into the hundreds of millions, while the damage to cities, ships and cargo would be beyond count. Such are the horrors that await mankind at the ending of the present age, as described so vividly in the quatrains of Nostradamus.
Allan, Nostradamus: His Life and Prophecies, The Return of the Comet, December 6, 2024, 2:29 pm
In my previous Blogpost, I drew attention to the fact that the appearance of the comet Tsuchinstan/ATLAS in the skies above earth in October 2024, was actually the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy of the Hopi Indians in Arizona, U.S.A.
According to the Hopi tradition, “Kachinas” are the messengers of Maasaw, their creator of the earth. They are the spirit teachers of nature. The Hopi predict that the new world that is about to dawn upon the Earth will be heralded by the arrival of two of these Kachinas. One will be coloured blue, and the other red.
They believe that the return of the Blue Kachina will be the forewarning that tells us there will soon be a new day, a new way of life and a new world coming. Not far behind will come the Purifier, the Red Kachina who will bring the day of purification.
And since I believe that the recent comet was the long-awaited Blue Kachina, for reasons I set out in my post, it seems to me that the appearance of the Red Kachina (or Destroyer) is now only a matter of time – and not much time at that.
And if this is so, then we are faced with a series of critical questions, which are:
Is the earth about to be struck by an asteroid from a comet?
If so, how big will it be?
Where will it strike the earth?
What will happen to America?
What will happen to the rest of the world?
When will this happen?
Readers may perhaps be surprised to learn that answers to ALL of the above questions already appear in my Blog, albeit in a variety of posts over a span of many years. So, for the sake of clarity, I will now explain my answers in the order set out above.
1 – Is The Earth About To Be Struck By An Asteroid From A Comet?
My answer is YES, and my reasons for saying so are as follows:
As I explained in my post “What is “Mystery Babylon?”, in his book of Revelation St. John makes it plain that in the “latter days” the earth will be struck by an asteroid:
“And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all”.
Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more.”
This asteroid that St. John refers to as “Wormwood”, will emanate from the tail of the great comet that the Hopi Indians call the Red Kachina, or “Purifier”.
The idea that our earthly civilization could be imperilled by a close encounter with a comet is not new. It is in fact as old as Christianity itself. St. John wrote about it in his Book of Revelation, as I explained in my post “What is “Wormwood” in the Book of Revelation?”
Some nine hundred years later St. Hildegard of Bingen, who came to be known as the Sibyl of the Rhine, had a series of visions about future events. And in 1141 AD, she had a vision in which she was instructed to “write down that which you see and hear“.
She subsequently published her first theological text under the title of “Scivias” (“Know the Ways of the Lord”). In this work, which dealt with things that would occur during the days leading up to the return of the Christ, she referred to the coming of a comet and its impact on “the great nation”.
“Before the Comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scoured with want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent by an earthquake, storm and tidal waves will be devastated. It will be divided, and in great part submerged.”
As she went on to record:
“The Comet by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. [After the] great Comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water, causing much want and plagues.
“The ocean will also flood many other countries, so that all coastal cities will live in fear, with many destroyed. All sea coast cities will be fearful and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease. (View Source)
So here we have evidence of a “great nation” that will be “divided” (split into two parts), and devastated by “earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water”, and “in great part submerged”.
It takes little insight to recognise that the “great nation” that St. Hildegard was referring to here is the United States of America, especially since her predictions match those of the American psychic Edgar Cayce that I quoted in my post “Why America is not mentioned in “End Time” Prophecy”.
And then there are the numerous prophetic quatrains of Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, containing references to a close encounter with a comet that I quoted in my post “Nostradamus and the Comet”.
Furthermore, we need to be aware of the warnings of the Old Testament prophet Joel, who lived some twenty-five centuries ago. In chapter two of the Book of Joel, he writes:
“I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.
“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions”.
Anyone who has researched the subject on YouTube lately, cannot fail to be aware of the increasing numbers of people who claim to have prophetic dreams and visions involving asteroids, tidal waves and other disasters, such as the video by Brandon Biggs below.
2 – How Big Will It Be?
In my article “Nostradamus and the Comet”, I wrote that although the Coma surrounding the nucleus of the comet will be many times larger than the earth, the asteroid that will strike the earth will be small by comparison. Yet it will still be large enough to cause immense destruction across the surface of the earth.
In his Book of Revelation, St. John calls this asteroid a “great mountain” .
“And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea.” (Revelation 8: 8)
By an interesting coincidence, Nostradamus used those same words that appear in the Bible (great mountain) in a verse that he wrote about a future asteroid that would strike the earth.
“The great mountain, seven stadia round, After peace, war, famine, flood. It will spread far, drowning great countries, even those of great age and mighty foundations.” (Century One: Verse 69)
Nostradamus gives the size of this “great mountain” as “seven stadia round”. The “stadium” was a unit of measurement used by the Greeks and Romans. “Seven stadia round” would make this asteroid nearly a mile (7/10ths) wide.
3 – Where Will It Strike The Earth?
According to the Puerto Rican prophet Efrain Rodriguez that I quoted in my post “The Day of the Lord – Part Six”, the exact impact point of this asteroid will be in the Atlantic Ocean near Isla de Mona, a tiny uninhabited island located just west of Puerto Rico.
4 – What Will Happen To America?
As I explained in my post “Why America is Not Mentioned in “End Time” Prophecy”, the continent of North America will undergo dramatic geological changes at the time of the end, and that the Earth itself would be convulsed as a result of a collision with an asteroid.
The initial impact of this collision would not only vaporize the asteroid itself, but it would also generate a series of towering tsunamis or tidal waves that would spread out from the point of impact in all directions in ever expanding circles.
Efrain went on to predict that the impact of the asteroid would create a 12-point earthquake on the Richter scale that would set off a series of megathrust earthquakes in subduction zones all around the planet, together with a shock wave that would bring winds of up to 300mph (480 kph).
And as Brandon Biggs described in the video above, these towering tidal waves would sweep over Bermuda and the islands of the Caribbean before moving on to the coastline of Florida and the city of Miami Beach, reaching all the way along the coast up to New York city.
On the West coast of America, the tidal waves generated by the asteroid would be compounded by damage caused by earthquakes generated by fractures in the San Andreas fault in the South, and the Cascadia fault in the North.
As if to confirm these predictions, in recent years an increasing number of people report having had vivid dreams and visions involving tidal waves. Prominent among them is the well-known Tennessee author and Evangelist Perry Stone as can be seen in his video below.
In addition to the devastation caused by these tidal waves along its Eastern and Western coasts, America would also be struck in the centre along what is known as the New Madrid fault zone that I mentioned earlier, causing the country to be divided into two parts.
The New Madrid fault line is a series of faults that run for 150 miles (240 kms) beneath the continental crust of the North America plate. Earthquakes that occur in this zone threaten parts of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi.
And in the predictions of St. Hildegard we have evidence, written almost eight centuries before the readings of Edgar Cayce, of a “great nation” that will be “divided” (split into two parts), and devastated by “earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water”, and “in great part submerged”.
And once again, it is no surprise to find that people across America are now having dreams and visions of a great divide that opens up from New Orleans all the way up to the Great Lakes, as evidenced by another video by Brandon Biggs.
5 – What Will Happen to the Rest of the World?
In 1979, as explained in my post “The Day of the Lord – Part Five“, Gordon-Michael Scallion, or GMS as he preferred to be called, was is the middle of delivering a public lecture when he suddenly lost his voice completely “in a split second”.
He was taken to hospital where doctors conducted a series of comprehensive tests on his vocal cords, larynx and throat. However, since they were unable to find anything wrong, they dismissed his symptoms as psychosomatic. Yet stranger things were to follow.
Within a few hours of leaving the hospital, GMS found that his physical vision had changed. He now began to see colours and lights around animals, plants, trees and people. He had no idea what these colours meant and he thought that his vision was to blame.
It was only later that he realised that what he was seeing were the “auras” of people, plants and animals. And like Cayce before him, he discovered that he had the ability to look into people and see what was wrong with their physical, mental or spiritual bodies.
Then in 1991, he found that he was able to sense what was wrong with the earth itself. He began to experience nightmares in which it appeared as if the earth was a sentient being, just like a human, and that it was in great pain.
He also began to get visions of changes that would take place to the existing continents of the earth in future times. As he later wrote:
“Since 1979 I have had ongoing visions concerning the Earth, sometimes as many as ten or more in a day, lasting from a few seconds to minutes. In 1982, I began to sketch a map based on the visions, and I updated it through the years as new information was presented to me.
“This map is the culmination of a major ongoing effort to consolidate all the Earth change information I have received. As a result, the “Future Map of the World” is the most comprehensive and up to date representation of Earth Change visions and information presented to me over the past seventeen years.”
Scallion indicated that the reason for these earth changes would be a change in the alignment of the tectonic plates, such as might be caused by the interaction between the earth and a large comet.
Finally, for those readers who would like to get a closer look at those land masses that will be most affected, as well as what those regions in which they live today will look like in the coming age, a link is provided here with different segments of Scallion’s new world map.
There is, however, one cautionary reminder that all readers should bear in mind, and that is that although the future world map that Scallion has outlined here represents the final outcome of future world changes that appeared to him in visions, the actual timing of these changes will vary.
Although many of these changes will undoubtedly happen on the “Day of the Lord” when the asteroid plunges in the ocean, others will only occur later as a result of subsequent shifts in the tectonic plates in different parts of the world.
And, as always when dealing with matters of a spiritual nature, no one should move from their present location unless they feel compelled to do so by a strong inner impulse, for the Lord knows how to protect all those who are his true followers.
6 – When Will This Happen?
As in all things related to Bible prophecy, the overriding question is not so much WHAT will happen, but WHEN.
And here again, we already know the answer to this question. In fact, we have known about it for well over twenty-five hundred years. And that is because it was predicted by the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel, as I explained in my article “The Invasion of Israel”.
Ezekiel predicted that in the “Latter Days” the land of Israel would be threatened by many nations, and that the armies of these nations would surround Israel on every side.
“Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, thus saith the Lord God; in that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it? And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army.”
“And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.” (Ezekiel 38: 14-16)
For more than a year now, Israel has been conducting a war against the Muslim forces of Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon as well as in the West Bank with dramatic success, leaving literally tens of thousands of people starving and homeless.
Given the scale and devastation inflicted on the Palestinians, how likely is it that other nations will come to their aid and rise up against Israel?
If the Bible is any guide then the answer is clear. Ezekiel writes that a coalition of forces from places like Libya, Ethiopia, Sudan and Iran, as well as those emanating from what he calls “the north parts”, such as Meshech and Tubal, as well as Gomer and the house of Togarmah, all of which form part of modern Turkey.
So the key question here is, how likely is it that Turkey will join forces with other Muslim nations and rise up against Israel? In a normal world, one would have to say “not very likely”. But in the new world that is unfolding, in which “nation shall rise against nation”, anything is possible.
Ezekiel then goes on to predict that this invasion would fail, not because of any human intervention, but because of a response by God himself.
“And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face. For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken. Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel.” (Ezekiel 38: 18-19)
“And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire and brimstone.” (Ezekiel 38: 22)
And here we see the two ingredients featured in all of the prophecies quoted above. The first is the reference to “blood, hailstones, fire and brimstone”, and the second is “the great shaking in the land of Israel”.
It is obvious that Ezekiel is referring here to the moment when the Earth is struck by an asteroid, causing “a great shaking”, not only in the land of Israel, but throughout the world itself. So when we see the armies of its enemies surrounding Israel, we shall know that the asteroid strike is imminent.
And finally, while researching this post, I was reminded of an event that happened to me well over forty years ago. Thinking back on it now, it raises the question as to whether I might have unwittingly stumbled upon the date on which the asteroid will strike and the Great Tribulation will begin.
In my post “The Three Days of Darkness – Part Six” I described the vision of a lady I have called Elise, in which she saw the destruction of Vancouver as a result of an enormous earthquake followed by a series of tidal waves.
In this vision, Elise was told to “look at the sky and memorise the positions of the stars”. She did so, and the result was that I was able to recreate the day and time by virtue of my position on the staff of the Vancouver Museums and Planetarium.
It turned out that the planet Jupiter was the key to understanding the date on which this vision occurred in 1978, and also that this particular alignment would occur again every twelve years – in 1990, 2002 and 2014. Although nothing of any consequence happened on any of those days, the next anniversary will take place on:
October 15, 2026
And based on the rate at which the present world is disintegrating, if I was a betting man, I would be prepared to lay good odds that that will prove to be the day on which the asteroid will strike, the Rapture of the Church will take place, and the Three Days of Darkness will begin, followed by the final seven years of tribulation leading up to the return of the Christ.
Allan, Signs of the Times, The Return of the Comet, October 20, 2024, 1:50 pm
If you were to approach the leading philosophers, scientists and historians alive today, and ask them to name the most significant event in the history of Western civilization, you would undoubtedly get a motley array of answers ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous.
But if you were to respond to them by saying that the most significant event of the last five thousand years actually took place just a few days ago, you would be met with incredulity and mirth, where you would be the one that would be ridiculed.
And yet that is the extraordinary situation in which we find ourselves today.
Whereas most of these people would likely point to events which led to discoveries in science, medicine, or things like space travel, very few would perhaps have even been aware of the arrival of a comet in the skies above earth in October of this year.
And even if they were, they would laugh at the very idea that a “dirty snowball” (which is how the Scientific American defines comets) could even pose a threat to the earth. And anyway, they would no doubt say, why would the appearance of a comet even be considered to be a significant event?
And the answer is truly shocking. Because it is a sign of the coming destruction of Western civilization, in which the surface of the earth, and even its orbit around the sun will be completely changed, and life as we know it will come to an end.
In response, they would do more than laugh, they would no doubt consign you and your ideas to the insane asylum of the universe, to be dismissed as yet one more example of hysteria, and what Donald Trump would refer to as fake news.
And yet they would not only be wrong, but they themselves would most likely become the victims of the coming cataclysms.
The idea that our earthly civilization could be imperilled by a close encounter with a comet is not new. It is in fact as old as Christianity itself. St. John wrote about it in his Book of Revelation, as I explained in my post “What is “Wormwood” in the Book of Revelation?”
The Sybil of the Rhine
Some nine hundred years later St. Hildegard, who came to be known as the Sibyl of the Rhine, had a series of visions about future events. And in 1141 AD, she had a vision in which she was instructed to “write down that which you see and hear“.
She subsequently published her first theological text under the title of “Scivias” (“Know the Ways of the Lord”). In this work, which dealt with things that would occur during the days leading up to the return of the Christ, she referred to the coming of a comet and its impact on “the great nation”.
“Before the Comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scoured with want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent by an earthquake, storm and tidal waves will be devastated. It will be divided, and in great part submerged.”
As she went on to record:
“The Comet by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. [After the] great Comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water, causing much want and plagues.
“The ocean will also flood many other countries, so that all coastal cities will live in fear, with many destroyed. All sea coast cities will be fearful and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease. (View Source)
So here we have evidence of a “great nation” that will be “divided” (split into two parts), and devastated by “earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water”, and “in great part submerged”.
It takes little insight to recognise that the “great nation” that St. Hildegard was referring to here is the United States of America, especially since her predictions match those of the American psychic Edgar Cayce that I quoted in my post “Why America is not mentioned in “End Time” Prophecy”.
And then there are the numerous prophetic quatrains of Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, containing references to a close encounter with a comet that I quoted in my post “Nostradamus and the Comet”.
But although there have been so many references to comets, they all lack one crucial ingredient. Although they all refer to “End Times” or “Latter Days”, none of them provide clues as to when they will occur.
Which of course brings us to the recurring refrain of Christians everywhere. We don’t know when these things will happen and anyone who tries to give a date is clearly wrong because Jesus explicitly said: “Of that day and time knoweth no man but my Father only”. (Matthew 24:32-33)
But as I explained in my Blogpost “The Final Countdown”, it is clear that what Jesus was referring to here was the exact time and day of his return to earth on the Mount of Olives, rather than to the predicted events that would lead up to his return.
The Two Kachinas
Like the Maya, the Hopi Indians of Arizona have a prophetic tradition of their own, which I discussed in my Blogpost “The Kachina Prophecies of the Hopi“. They too believe that there have been previous world ages, each of which ended in a global catastrophe.
But whereas the Maya believe that we are now living in the 5th world age, the Hopi consider the 5th age to be the one that is about to unfold on the planet.
“According to the Hopi tradition, “Kachinas” are the messengers of Maasaw, their creator of the earth. They are the spirit teachers of nature. The Hopi predict that the new world that is about to dawn upon the Earth will be heralded by the arrival of two of these Kachinas. One will be coloured blue, and the other red.
They believe that the return of the Blue Kachina will be the forewarning that tells us there will soon be a new day, a new way of life and a new world coming. Not far behind will come the Purifier, the Red Kachina who will bring the day of purification.
For the Hopi, the key date in the fulfillment of their prophecy is the day when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance “in the heavens”. And this is where the prophecies of St. John in his Book of Revelation and the Hopi coalesce, for this will be the sign that our current age is about to end, and be replaced by “a new earth and a new heaven”.
So the key question is this. When this new comet finally appears in the skies above earth in October 2024, will it be coloured blue? If it is, this will be the long-awaited sign that the end of the age is nigh, and that the final countdown has begun”.
Comet Tsuchinstan/ATLAS
As indicated in that post, in February 2023, a long period comet was discovered during a survey of the sky at the Sutherland Observatory in South Africa using ATLAS – short for the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System.
But when its orbit was calculated, it was noted that images of this object had already been seen by the Purple Mountain Observatory in China. So, based on long established practice, it was given a name honouring both of its discoverers. (Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinstan-Atlas)
At the time of its discovery, the comet was located between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. But studies of its trajectory indicated that it would reach its perihelion (closest approach to the sun) on September 28, 2024. However, it was still too far away to make any predictions of its size or brightness.
As astronomers have learned to their cost, comets are notoriously hard to predict due to a variety of factors. For this reason, they made it clear that they would not be able to describe its visual appearance until further observations had been made.
By January of this year, this comet could be seen through 15-inch telescopes, moving through the constellations of Libra and Virgo. However, it was still a faint object with a short tail. Then between May and June, its brightness began to fade, although it had a slightly longer tail.
During the last week in September it finally became visible in the dawn sky in the Southern Hemisphere. By then it had had gained in brightness and developed a pronounced tail. And by early October it was easily visible in the night sky, as evidenced by the photograph below.
One of the striking features of all comets are their luminous tails emanating from the nucleus of the comet. These tails consist of fine dust particles blown away from the surface of the comet by the radiation force of the sun.
These tails always point away from the head of the comet, which means they trail behind the comet on its path towards the sun, while they are actually blown in front of the comet as it travels away from the sun into outer space.
In addition to these luminous dust tails, comets also have separate tails of ionized particles which vary in colour according to the chemical composition of the nucleus of the comet.
It soon became apparent that in addition to the prominent dust-tail which is common to all comets, comet Tsuchistan-ATLAS also had an ionized tail emanating from the nucleus of the comet that was coloured dark blue, as shown on the photograph here.
Judging by these photographs alone, there seems little doubt that this new comet truly is the long-awaited Blue Kachina of the Hopi Indians, and that it will be followed “not far behind” by the Red Kachina, the Purifier who will bring the day of purification.
So how long will we have to wait to find out if the Red Kachina makes an appearance?
Based on the evidence of the events that are unfolding on the planet at this time, I believe that there is every likelihood that this Purifier will make its appearance in the heavens more quickly than any of our so-called experts could imagine, as will be explained in the next instalment.
Allan, Signs of the Times, The Return of the Comet, October 13, 2024, 11:14 am
Shortly before he was crucified, Jesus was asked by his disciples what the signs of the end of the world would be, and when they would occur. The answer that he gave them is recorded in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
However, when it came to the question as to when these things would happen, Jesus replied: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (Matthew 24:36)
Curiously enough, although the disciple John was present when this conversation took place, he makes no mention of this in his own gospel. However, when he was later banished to the island of Patmos, he had a series of visions showing what would happen during the time of the end, and he recorded what he saw in his Book of Revelation.
John said he was visited by an angel who explained to him the sequence of events that would occur during the “end times”. In Chapter 17 he wrote:
“And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, come hither; I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
“So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
“And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” (Revelation 17:1-5)
Mainstream Christianity today believes that the mystery woman that John was describing refers to the rise of a future one-world religion that will be founded by, and presided over, by a future Anti-Christ who is predicted to appear on the world stage during the “last days”.
However, as I explained in my post “What is Mystery Babylon in the Book of Revelation?“, most Christian scholars seem oblivious of the fact that a one-world religion that exactly matches that described by St. John has grown up under their very gaze.
This religion that that the angel calls “Babylon” is not just the name of a place. It is a symbol of everything for which the original city of Babylon was once famous. At the height of its glory Babylon was the envy of the world. It was a place of great luxury and wealth. Its hanging gardens were among the wonders of the ancient world.
The religion symbolized by the mystery woman called “Babylon” is the religion of materialism. It is the desire for material wealth ahead of all other values in life. Babylon is a very old religion. It has seduced people since the earliest days of civilization. It is now the dominant religion on the earth. All nations have fallen prey to its seductive lure.
All of humanity is governed today by an economic system that is based on money. All human enterprise is based on a system that is required to generate money in order to survive. Yet as we have discovered in the last few years, our economic system has become corrupted to the point where the lust for money on the part of the few, has placed the livelihood of hundreds of millions of people around the world in jeopardy.
Not only is this desire for material wealth now the major economic motivator around the planet, but it has assumed the character of a religion. This world-wide religion of materialism has captured the minds and hearts of humanity just as much as if it were a traditional faith.
There is little doubt that our modern economic system comprising commerce, finance, investment and trade now fits the one-world religion described by St. John. For in describing the influence of this mystery woman he wrote:
“For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” (Revelation 18:1-3)
The references above to “the kings of the earth”, “merchants of the earth” and “waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies” should make it obvious that John is not writing about a religious movement led by some future Anti-Christ.
Instead he is referring here to a mercantile system that has grown to world-wide proportions, but has become totally corrupted by materialistic pursuits and is devoid of spiritual qualities.
Not only has our modern economic system been subverted from within by greed and the lust for wealth, but it has also been exploited from without by powerful interests whose main purpose has been to entrench themselves in positions of power, and at the same time insulate themselves from accountability and justice.
This system has now become so convoluted and complex that no single nation or institution has the power to reform it. And as has happened in the past, when the institutions of humanity become corrupted from within, they become ripe for destruction.
According to the angel, our global system of international finance and trade will be destroyed by a giant asteroid that will strike the earth and plunge into the sea. The devastation will be unimaginable and it will leave merchants everywhere stupefied with terror.
“And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all”. (Revelation 18:21)
“And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more.”
“The merchants of these things, which were made rich by these things, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, and saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!”
“For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many trade by sea, stood afar off, and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, what city is like unto this great city!
“And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! For in one hour is she made desolate” (Revelation 18:9-19)
According to the angel, this mystery woman called Babylon would be utterly destroyed in the great and terrible day of the Lord, because she had become ”the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird“. (Revelation 18:2)
Then, in Chapter 8, St. John describes the devastation that would be caused on earth after “the great mountain burning with fire” was cast into the sea.
“And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared them selves to sound. The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
“And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea; and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
“And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise”. (Revelation 8:6-12)
The above verses refer to a global disaster that strikes the earth suddenly, devastating the land as well as the oceans, leading to an immense loss of life, as well as cargo and shipping. And the reference to “a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp” is a clear reference to a comet.
And the verse indicating that the “third part” of the sun will be smitten, and that the day was darkened for a third part of it and the night likewise, is a reference to what Biblical scholars call “the three days of darkness”, as I have explained in the following Blogposts.
Furthermore, although St. John does not use words like “comet” or “asteroid”, simply because they were not part of his vocabulary at the time, others have, including Nostradamus and the 12th century visionary St. Hildegard of Bingen, who wrote:
“The Comet by its tremendous pressure, will force out much of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. (After the) great Comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water, causing much want and plagues.
“The ocean will also flood many other countries, so that all coastal cities will live in fear, with many of them destroyed by tidal waves. Most living creatures will be killed and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease.” (View Source)
So the key question that has challenged students of end time prophecy ever since is when this global catastrophe will happen. As mentioned previously, when Jesus was asked when these events would occur, he replied: “Of that day and hour knoweth no man but my Father only.” (Matthew 24:36)
It is clear that Jesus was referring here to the exact moment of his return to earth on the Day of Judgment, for he then went on to say:
“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” (Matthew 24; 32-33)
So, if you happen to be around when the forces of the Anti-Christ are confronted by the armies of the “Prince of the East” in the valley of Jezreel before the long-awaited battle of Armageddon, you can pretty much guarantee that Jesus will return in a matter of hours.
Likewise, when you see the “great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp” in the skies above earth, then you can safely predict that Mystery Babylon will soon be destroyed, the rapture will occur, and that the three days of darkness will begin.
And this is where modern technology is on our side, for we now live in the space age where every heavenly intruder that could threaten the earth can be identified beforehand, so we know both the day and the hour when this collision will occur, as can be seen on the website “”.
Here is an example of what they show:
“Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. None of the known PHAs is on a collision course with our planet, although astronomers are finding new ones all the time.
“On May 27, 2023 there were 2335 potentially hazardous asteroids
And just as potentially hazardous asteroids are tracked as they approach the earth, so are comets that will become visible in the skies above earth. And although it is safe to say that most Bible scholars are as yet unaware of this, a new comet has been discovered that could have prophetic significance.
The object I am referring to is Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-Atlas)
This comet was first discovered in February of this year (2023) during a survey of the sky at the Sutherland Observatory in South Africa using ATLAS (the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System). At the time it was considered unimportant, and was given the reference A10SVYR.
But when its orbit was calculated, it was noted that images of this object had already been seen by the Purple Mountain Observatory in China, on January 9, 2023. Further observations revealed that it had a short tail, so following long-stablished practice it was designated a comet and given a name honouring both of its discoverers.
Initial data suggests that the comet is currently located between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, and that it will only reach perihelion (its closest approach to the Sun) on September 28 of next year (2024). This means it should become visible to the naked eye around 11 or 12 October 2024.
Whether or not this comet will go on to become as prominent as Halley’s Comet or comet Hale-Bopp cannot be predicted at this time. This will depend on a variety of factors outlined in the video below.
From a prophetic point of view, we need to remember that Christians are not the only people with a prophetic tradition relating to the ending of the current age.
According to the Hopi tradition, “Kachinas” are the messengers of Maasaw, their creator of the earth. They are the spirit teachers of nature. The Hopi predict that the new world that is about to dawn upon the Earth will be heralded by the arrival of two of these Kachinas. One will be coloured blue, and the other red.
They believe that the return of the Blue Kachina will be the forewarning that tells us there will soon be a new day, a new way of life and a new world coming. Not far behind will come the Purifier, the Red Kachina who will bring the day of purification.
Speaking of the new world that is to come, they say that when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the 5th world will emerge. In the final days we will look up in the heavens and witness the return of the two brothers who helped to create this world in the birthing time.
For the Hopi, the key date in the fulfillment of their prophecy is the day when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance “in the heavens”. And this is where the prophecies of St. John in his Book of Revelation and the Hopi coalesce, for this will be the sign that our current age is about to end, and be replaced by “a new earth and a new heaven”.
Could it be that the demise of Babylon and the arrival of the Blue Kachina are interlinked – that is to say – could the Blue Kachina be a warning of the Red Kachina that will soon follow, that will strike the earth and bring an end to our system of commerce and trade?
So the key question is this. When this new comet finally appears in the skies above earth in October 2024, will it be coloured blue? If it is, this will be the long-awaited sign that the end of the age is nigh, and that the final countdown has begun.
Allan, Signs of the Times, The Return of the Comet, October 12, 2024, 8:26 pm
As most readers of this Blog are aware, I have written two eBooks that are available on One is called “The Cosmic Web” and the other “The Last Days of Tolemac“.
The central theme of “The Cosmic Web” (which is sumarised here), is that each one of us spins a web of thought that becomes for us our personal reality, as I explain in the following post:
And because the universe is a subjective phenomenon, and not an objective reality, as we have for so long believed, we are always free to recreate our personal universe in a way which conforms to our desires. Each one of us is free to spin a web of personal belief which then reveals itself as our individual reality.
By contrast, “The Last Days of Tolemac” is a book about prophecy. It deals with events that are happening in the world today and shows how they fulfill prophecies that were made many centuries ago.
When I completed the Tolemac book, I set up a website to market it. Attached to this website was a Blog designed for me by my webmaster which allowed me to post updates from time to time.
Because this Blog was also a convenient way to publicise material from “The Cosmic Web”, I added this as well. So this Blog has now become a vast compendium (more than a thousand pages) of information that many readers have said they enjoy and have profited from.
However, new readers who are interested in prophecy only are often confused by all these different posts. So the purpose of this post is to provide a brief overview of the prophetic side of this website, as summarised in the following posts:
I believe that we are now living in the “Last Days” described in the Bible, and that the seven years under the Anti-Christ will begin shortly, perhaps as soon as October 2026. That would make the date of the battle of Armageddon and the return of Jesus around the year 2033.
This seven-year period will begin with an attack on Israel by Russia and a coalition of Muslim countries.
This will be followed by the Rapture of the chosen ones to meet with the Lord in the air.
At the same time the meteor “Wormwood” will strike the earth causing devastation through earthquakes and tidal waves around the world. This will lead to the destruction of America so that it is no longer a force in world affairs. In fact all coastal cities around the world will be affected.
As a result of these tidal waves most of Western Europe will be under water, including Britain, Holland, France and Germany. The whole of China will also be flooded.
This meteor strike will lead to the “Three Days of Darkness” in which the forces of the underworld (demons, etc) will be let loose on the earth.
Following this destruction in which all the governments of the world are overwhelmed, a man will appear who claims to be the long-awaited Saviour of the world. He will heal the sick and feed the hungry, and perform all the miracles attributed to Jesus.
This man will make a pact with Israel, where their temple of Solomon will be rebuilt and their ancient ritual of animal sacrifice will be restored.
After three-and-a-half years this “Saviour” (Anti-Christ) will be assassinated (head wound). However he will miraculously recover and then reveal his demonic qualities.
He will travel to Jerusalem where he will enter the Holy of Holies and declare himself to be God and demand that all the world worship him. After this no one will be able to buy or sell unless they carry his mark.
The Anti-Christ will then launch a campaign to wipe out the Jews. The only ones to escape will be those who can flee to underground caverns in the desert.
The next three-and-a-half-years will be the Great Tribulation predicted by Jesus, during which time the Mongolian hordes will rise up and sweep across Asia, killing all those who resist them.
They will cross the Euphrates River which will have dried up and confront the forces of the Anti-Christ on the plain of Jezreel near Megiddo in the long-awaited battle of Armageddon.
Jesus will then descend and defeat Satan and bind him up for a thousand years.
This summary is based on my own research. Most of my source material comes from the King James Bible, as well as the Book of Revelation. In addition to this I refer to a variety of other sources of a prophetic nature which I find both convincing and trustworthy.
The following list refers to Posts that I have personally written and researched about each of the above claims.
This seven-year period will begin with an attack on Israel by Russia and a coalition of Muslim countries.
At the same time the meteor “Wormwood” strikes the earth causing devastation through earthquakes and tidal waves around the world. This leads to the destruction of America so that it is no longer a force in world affairs. In fact all coastal cities will be affected.
As a result of these tidal waves most of Western Europe will be under water, including Britain, France and Germany. The whole of China will also be flooded.
Following this destruction in which all the governments of the world are overwhelmed, a man appears who claims to be the long-awaited Saviour of the world. He heals the sick and feeds the hungry, and performs all the miracles attributed to Jesus.
After three-and-a-half years this “Saviour” (Anti-Christ) is assassinated (head wound). However he miraculously recovers, but then reveals his demonic qualities.
He travels to Jerusalem where he enters the Holy of Holies and declares himself to be God and demands that all the world worship him. After this no one will be able to buy or sell unless they carry his mark.
The Anti-Christ then launches a campaign to wipe out the Jews. The only ones to escape will be those who can flee to underground caverns in the desert.
The next three-and-a-half-years will be the Great Tribulation predicted by Jesus, during which time the Mongolian hordes will rise up and sweep across Asia, killing all those who resist them.
They will cross the Euphrates River which will have dried up and confront the forces of the Anti-Christ on the plain of Jezreel near Megiddo in the long-awaited battle of Armageddon.
My name is Mark Stevens. I am talking today to Allan Colston. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events. Welcome to the Podcast Allan.
Thankyou Mark, I hope you had a happy holiday season.
Mark: Very much so, thanks. But on a more sombre note, I want to go back to our last series of Podcasts, where you talked about how what is happening in the world today lines up with Bible prophecy, and the calamitous events described in the Book of Revelation.
The question I wanted to ask you is this. Don’t you find all this discussion about death and destruction depressing? I know I do.
You raise a very good point Mark, because I know that many people feel the same way. Yet the strange thing is that most of them would rather not talk about it. But, to answer your question, no, I am not personally depressed by this, no matter how catastrophic the immediate future of the world may happen to be.
But if you found our previous discussion depressing, then I have something even more disturbing to tell you about.
You will recall how I told you that a new world would rise out of the ashes of the old, and that a saviour would emerge who would rule over the world in a golden age that would last for a thousand years. Perhaps the most depressing words in the entire Bible can be found in the first few verses of chapter 20 of the Book of Revelation, which read as follows:
“And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent which is the Devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled”.
And then comes the kicker Mark, and I am using this word deliberately here in its informal North American sense of “an unexpected and often unpleasant discovery or turn of events”, for the Bible goes on to say: “And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out and deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth”.
When I first came across these words, I was shocked, for it begs the question: what is the point of trying to keep the Biblical commandments if Satan himself has a “get out of jail free” card that he can use from time to time? I mean, what is the point of living if evil keeps on winning?
Other students of the Bible have found this equally distressing. As one reader of a forum that I follow put it:
“What I don’t understand is that if the recurring cataclysms are supposed to cleanse the earth and humanity, how well is it actually being cleansed if evil survives each destruction, only to re-gather its strength and forces to create chaos again and again?
“I don’t doubt these cycles. It’s clear that a very dark force rules this earth at present, but the constant destruction-renewal cycle seems so sad and pointless. Will evil ever be truly destroyed? Will there ever be lasting peace or are we just pawns in a larger, never-ending game?”
The answer to the question posed above is simply this. No, there will never be an end to evil, and Satan and his forces will continue to manifest in our world of shape and form for as long as the world continues to turn, and the universe continues to exist.
And the reason is that we live in a world of opposites – of light and darkness, goodness and evil, heat and cold, high and low, strong and weak and so on and so on. And as Sir Isaac Newton pointed out in his third law of motion, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
So goodness will always be met by an opposing force. If we think of life as a river, then it flows between two opposing banks. On the one side there is goodness, while on the other there is evil. You can never have one without the other.
Mark: How do you know that this is a true analogy?
Well, it’s a long story Mark, and to give you a proper answer I need to refer to my own search for truth and understanding.
As you know, many years ago I wrote a book called The Cosmic Web, which was a synthesis of Eastern mysticism and Western science. In the preface to this book, I outlined why I wrote it and what I found. It included the following words:
“I am a seeker. My personal search for meaning and the answers to the fundamental questions of life began more than half a century ago, while I was a schoolboy at Michaelhouse, located in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa.
“I had little idea then that this quest would lead me on a journey that would span the globe, taking me to places like South America, India and Tibet, or that I would find myself in the company of extraordinary men and women who would both challenge and enlighten me.
“When I first began my quest for an understanding of the mysteries of life, I approached it from the standpoint of the Western materialistic paradigm. I considered myself to be a human being with a defined culture, language and heritage.
“My education had taught me that I was a physical being operating within a human body that functioned on a planet called earth, which itself was a tiny part of a much larger solar system, that was in turn part of a single galaxy set amongst a myriad other.
“When my search took me to India and I began to investigate the teachings of the Hindu Vedas, I was immediately confronted by a profound enigma. According to the teachings of the Sages of the East, based on their own personal experiences, I was not a human being at all, and the world that I considered to be real was dismissed as an illusion.
“My confusion was accompanied by an overwhelming urge to find the answer to this riddle. After all, the world could not possibly be both real and an illusion. It had to be one or the other. I had to know which of these two viewpoints was correct.
“For if it turned out that the scientists were right, then how was it that the Sages had been misled for thousands of years? Or if the Sages were correct, then how could I possibly explain away centuries of scientific proof that our world is incontrovertibly real?
“It took me many years to resolve this conundrum. The answers that I found, and the insights that I gained along the way, form the content of this book. While I have taken care to present the knowledge entrusted to me with the utmost fidelity, I bear full responsibility for the exposition of this thesis. Any shortcomings are mine and mine alone.
“In the course of my investigation, I chose to follow the evidence wherever it led, regardless of whether this happened to agree with accepted thinking at the time. My path ultimately led me to the realisation that the world is nothing like I had previously imagined, and that life holds out the possibility of greater avenues of expression than science has hitherto allowed.
“Now, looking back, I can say that the long years dedicated to this search have yielded a bountiful return. The questing mind has been stilled. But while the distant shore still beckons, the fruits of this endeavour now lie revealed on the pages of this book”.
So there you have it Mark. That in a nutshell explains what I was looking for, and what I found. And having found the answers to my search, my “questing mind has been stilled”. Since that time, I find that I am no longer concerned about the future of the universe, or whether it will unfold in a way that conforms to my own expectations.
Mark: So that leads me to the obvious question. What exactly did you find?
I found the same truth that was taught by the Buddha over two and a half thousand years ago, and which he described in the following way. The basic inescapable fact about the world is suffering. Everyone who is born in this world suffers. However, it is possible to overcome this suffering, and the Buddha laid out his eight-fold path for doing so.
Although I happened to be drawn to a different path from the Buddha, the answers that I found were primarily the same. They can be summarised as follows: Although we live in a world of opposites, it is possible to escape from this limited world of space and time. Not only is this path of escape available to all, but anyone is free to escape at any time.
Once you know this to be true in every fibre of your being, you find that it not only brings about an outward transformation, but an inner peace as well. Not only is there an end to fear, but all doubt ceases to exist as well. In fact, you come to laugh at the very idea of fate.
So although I continue to investigate what is happening in the world on a daily basis, to see if the events that are unfolding do indeed match the prophecies outlined in the Bible and other works, I am personally untroubled by what I find. The same inner peace that I found in India continues to remain with me to this day.
This sense of equanimity within is not generated by outward circumstances, which means that it is not dependent on, nor is it at risk from, anything that may happen to me or to the world. Although I may end up suffering like everyone else, and my body may die, I am not concerned. And that is because I know the ultimate Truth, which is that I am not a person, and never have been.
Mark: Well you’ve got me there Allan. Not only am I a person, but everyone I know knows me as a person. What do you have to say to that?
I understand what you are saying Mark, but once you begin to investigate the true nature of life, you realise that what we take to be our day-to-day reality is actually an illusion. Just as a dream turns out to be an illusion when we wake up, so it is possible to “wake up” from our so-called “real” world of space and time.
Once we do that, our individual personality disappears. I know this may sound strange. It certainly seemed strange to me when I first began my search. The difference is that I had an inner experience that transformed my life. It not only changed the way I thought about the world. It changed the way I thought about myself.
So if you will bear with me Mark, I will try to describe this transformation to you as simply as I can.
The source of all experience in consciousness begins with the sense of “I am”. Before anything can be experienced or known in life, whether it be in the waking state or any other projected state of consciousness, there is always this foundation of the “I am” – the source of our identity.
This “I am”, according to the teaching of the Sages, is rooted in the Supreme Reality. This sense of being not only permeates all experience and form, it also transcends them. This “I am” can never be subdivided. It is always solid, uniform and indivisible.
With the dawning of experience, the images that appear in consciousness become linked together in memory. Through the faculty of memory, the individual personality is formed. Each personality can have no existence without the faculty of memory.
As the individual personality begins to link images together in memory, so it begins to initiate desires, which are derived from the memories of past pleasures. These desires are attempts by the personality to order experiences in pre-selected ways.
The growing child begins to select experiences according to the dictates of desire. It is the desire to experiencewhich lies at the root of all conscious life. Desire is the attempt to attract those experiences which are meaningful or pleasurable to that individual personality. There can be no desire that is independent of personality.
There are no universal desires. Desires are personal expressions which reflect personal motivations. Each personality is thus an embodiment of those desires which form around the central experience of the “I am”. We are all products of our desires, and our experiences in life are determined by the nature of these desires.
Being ourselves the true creators of experience, there is no God who can be commended or blamed for what transpires. Each one of us is personally responsible for what happens in our lives.
The nature of our thoughts determines the character of our experiences. As our thoughts become ingrained in the form of rigid beliefs, so our universe appears to function according to these rigid rules.
Within western technological society, science represents a concerted attempt to reduce all experience to common rules of behaviour that are applicable to all. The rules which science finds, however, are the rules which it alone ordains. Science fashions life into a specific mould of experience which is self-serving and self-validating.
Because science merely deals with permutations of the web and is an attempt to reduce all webs to a common pattern, it can never transcend the web. As such, science can never reveal Reality, or the Truth which lies behind the manifestation of the web. The limitations of science are the limitations of our minds.
Science is free to roam within the vast expanse of mind and is successful in enabling us to spin ever more amazing patterns. But the patterns which science reveals are those patterns which are the reflections of scientific thinking.
By moulding the world into an image of its own belief, science imagines that it has revealed the universe “as it really is”. Yet our worlds are never fixed, and no amount of scientific endeavour can ever restrict the universe to inviolable laws.
The driving force of life is the motivation of desire. Life is nothing more or less than the desire for experience, and the search for ever-new ways in which to experience. Desire stirs the waters of consciousness.
The central Sun of Awareness (which reveals itself as the “I-am” sensation within), shines on this surface and is reflected in a host of tiny ripples, each of which represents an individual personality. Yet the appearance of each separate sun is illusory. Each reflection is a product of the movement of the water. When this disturbance ceases, each wavelet disappears, and with it the image of a separate sun.
The way to transcend the limits of our personal experience is by renouncing the desire to experience. Since it is desire which stirs the waters of consciousness, it is the absence of desire which stills them. So the rediscovery of the central Sun of Awareness is not the fruit of desire, but of the absenceof desire.
It is by voluntarily relinquishing the desire for individual expression that the personality becomes absorbed in the universe, just as the individual raindrop is absorbed into the amorphous sea. By sacrificing individual existence, the personality rediscovers its universal nature.
The price for surpassing all human limitation has always been to surrender individual existence and the desire for individual experience in life. For as long as the personality marches to the beat of an individual drum it can never experience its universal nature.
It is only by voluntarily surrendering the desire to be a person that the personality merges with the Infinite. Individual identity is lost forever, but Universal Awareness is regained.
It was this message of redemption through the death of the personality that was the central feature of the teachings of Jesus. Perhaps I could quote some verses from the Bible to explain.
“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life will lose it, and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” (Matthew 16: 24-25) “He that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.” (John 12: 25)
The cross which Jesus bade his disciples take up was not mere death of the physical body. It was the ultimate sacrifice of the personality – the voluntary relinquishment of individual existence. It was this self-sacrifice which opened the doors of redemption by resurrecting the soul in eternal life.
As Jesus himself proclaimed, he was the way to eternal life, and his life was the pathway to everlasting Truth.
The soul that strives for personal expression is bound to the cycle of rebirth. The individual appears to undergo a series of incarnations which always end in death. It is only when the soul voluntarily surrenders its individual existence that it transcends the power of death and is born no more. It takes off its mortal garb to don the cloak of immortality.
This was the same message that was taught by the Buddha, as recorded in the Dhammapada.
“Go beyond the stream, Brahmin, go with all your soul: leave desires behind. When you have crossed the stream of Samsara (the endless cycle of births and deaths) you will reach the land of Nirvana (extinction of the flame of individual life).” (Verse 383)
“Leave the past behind; leave the future the present behind. Thou art then ready to go to the other shore. Never shalt thou return to a life that ends in death.” (Verse 348)
“He who has gone beyond the illusion of Samsara, the muddy road of transmigration so difficult to pass; who has crossed to the other shore and, free from doubts and temporal desires, has reached in his deep contemplation the joy of Nirvana – him I call a Brahmin.” (Verse 414)
“Empty the boat of your life, 0 man; when empty it will swiftly sail. When empty of passions and harmful desires you are bound for the land of Nirvana.” (Verse 369)
“The traveller has reached the end of the journey! In the freedom of the Infinite he is free from all sorrows, the fetters that bound him are thrown away, and the burning fever of life is no more.” (Verse 90)
The purpose of Jesus’ life was to reveal the good news of the joy of living that lay beyond all mental thinking and intellectual understanding. “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Well Mark, I don’t know if any of this makes sense to you.
Mark: What you have described might seem appealing to you Allan, but I must say that it sounds like death to me.
That’s exactly what I am describing here Mark. I am talking here about the death of the individual personality. Everyone fears the death of their personality, because they believe that it will lead to their extinction and the loss of everything that they value most in life. Instead, it leads to something more wonderful than anything they can possibly imagine.
In chapter thirteen of the gospel of St. Matthew, Jesus describes this state in the following words: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field”.
Notice how Jesus likens this state to a “hidden treasure”, that once found would cause a man to sell everything he owned in order to possess it. And the reason he would do so would not be to acquire status in society or unimaginable wealth. He would do so simply for “the joy thereof”.
And that is what I have been trying to describe to you Mark. We are not talking here about a state of mind or some intellectual theory that can be challenged or denied. Instead, this is the rediscovery of one’s true nature which, once found, leaves an indelible memory that can never be erased.
Once you have come to know your true nature, even if it is only for an instant, you can never forget it, and you become willing to do whatever it takes to get it back. And that has been the motivating force behind the lives of all the great Sages in history. And what I am describing is not limited to them. Anyone of us can experience this at any time.
Mark: You say that anyone can experience this state at any time. Do you know anyone who has? Have you ever experienced it yourself?
As a matter of fact, Mark, I have. And I am not alone in this. Numerous people throughout history have testified how they have had momentary flashes of insight into this divine state. In my Blogpost titled Plato’s Cave, I wrote how the English poet Percy Shelley described this transcendent state in his poem Ode to Liberty:
“Within a cavern of man’s trackless spirit is throned an Image, so intensely fair that the adventurous thoughts that wander near it worship, and as they kneel, tremble and wear the splendour of its presence, and the light penetrates their dreamlike frame till they become charged with the strength of flame”.
As I discussed in my Blog, my own experience happened when I was 31 years old. I was living in India at the time and was visiting a friend in the town of Varkala in Kerala, not far from the southern tip of India. As I sat down one morning, gazing idly into the water of a small pond that was part of his estate, IT happened.
Although the experience itself only lasted for perhaps a few seconds, its effect on the mind was electric! But because this state of Supreme Reality exists beyond the mind, the mind itself is incapable of describing it. Nevertheless, the experience left a residue that has been imprinted on my mind ever since.
I was left with a sense of sheer exhilaration. I knew without a shadow of doubt that I had experienced a state of freedom that lay beyond the mind. It was a state of bliss that defied description. I was not only free from the limits of space and time, but I understood at that moment exactly how the entire universe worked.
I understood also what the ancient Sages of India had said about life. They described it by the Sanskrit term Lila, which represented a form of cosmic dance, in which every part of the created universe had meaning, and that meaning was to express the joy of the Creator.
The best description that I have heard of that state is the one that has been recorded in the Vedas. They called it Sat-Chit-Ananda, which can be translated as Being-Consciousness-Bliss. And that was my experience. I was not only aware, but I was conscious of being aware, and I was immersed in total Bliss.
The key thing to understand Mark is that this Supreme State can never be reached by the intellect. You cannot use the mind to go beyond the mind. No amount of education or speculation can take you there. In fact, those who lack a formal education are sometimes better equipped to navigate this journey of self-discovery.
An example of this was a 15th century basket weaver from Benares (now called Varanasi) in India.
The man’s name was Kabir. Although he was a Muslim by birth and uneducated, he sought union with the Divine with a blazing passion, and it was his unyielding fervour that carried him to his goal. When he died his life was celebrated by Hindus and Muslims alike as one of India’s greatest mystical poets. This is how he described the joy of the Divine State:
“The Lord is in me, the Lord is in you, as life is in every seed.
O servant! Put false pride away, and seek for Him within you.
A million suns are ablaze with light,
The sea of blue spreads in the sky.
The fever of life is stilled, and all stains are washed away;
When I sit in the midst of that world.
Hark to the unstruck bells and drums! Take your delight in love!
Rains pour down without water, and the rivers are streams of light.
One Love it is that pervades the whole world, few there are who know it fully:
They are blind who hope to see it by the light of reason,
That reason which is the cause of separation.
The House of Reason is very far away!
How blessed is Kabir, that amidst this great joy he sings within his own vessel.
It is the music of the meeting of soul with soul;
It is the music of the forgetting of sorrows;
It is the music that transcends all coming in and all going forth.”
Mark: Well Allan, I must say that this has been a very revealing discussion. Although most of it went over my head, I have no doubt that our listeners will find a lot to think about. I want to thank you so much for your time.
You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac. He can be reached by Email at
Allan, AUDIO, The Joy of Living, September 28, 2024, 8:49 am
My name is Mark Stevens. I am speaking today with Allan Colston. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events.
For those listeners who may be new to this topic, this is another in the series “Signs of the Times”. Welcome to the Podcast Allan.
Thanks Mark, it’s good to be with you again.
Mark: We have talked about many different subjects over the last few years, and I was wondering what you would like to talk about today?
Well Mark, I thought for a change we could play a version of the game twenty questions. I will ask you a question, and then when you answer, I will comment on that answer. Only this time I would like to do something that I haven’t done before.
Mark: And what is that?
I am going to embed in my comments a series of links to my Blog, so that those readers of my Blog who would like further information can follow these links. Does that make sense to you?
Mark: Sounds like a great idea. So what is your first question?
My first question is, who is or was James W. Loewen?
Mark: Well that’s an easy one to answer. I haven’t the faintest idea.
I’m not surprised Mark. Most people have probably never heard of him, which is a pity, because he deserves to be better known than he is. The James Loewen I am referring to is an American author. He is 76 years old, and as far as I am aware, still has an office at the University of Vermont. (See link)
Loewen grew up in Decatur, Illinois, and was educated at MacArthur High School where he was awarded a National Merit Scholarship. After graduating from school in 1960, he attended Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. He then went on to earn a PhD in Sociology from Harvard University.
It was while he was teaching at Tougaloo College, a black college in Mississippi, that he became aware that the history taught to black students about events occurring at the time of the Civil War in America, was very different from that taught elsewhere in the country.
It was this discovery that led him to spend two years at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, where he studied and compared twelve different history textbooks which were widely used throughout the United States at that time.
He subsequently published the results of this research in 1995 under the title: Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. The book went on to become a bestseller, and Loewen has since become an acclaimed sociologist, historian and author.
Loewen has travelled the world giving lectures publicising history, or to be more precise, the propagation of historical ideas that have proven to be biased, or even plumb wrong. These lectures were published in a new book in 2005, under the title Everything You’ve Been Taught Is Wrong.
In these lectures, Loewen has not just confined himself to the subject of American history, but to Archaeology and Prehistory as well. And this brings me to my next question Mark. How old is human civilisation? What did they teach you in school about this?
Mark: I was taught that human civilisation began about 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia, with the Sumerian or Akkadian culture. And that this time frame more or less coincided with the rise of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
That’s pretty much what I was taught as well, Mark. And this is where it gets interesting, because this is not just what was taught in schools when we were growing up. This is also what is being taught in leading universities to this day. In fact, it is even more insidious than James Loewen imagined.
If you were to be accepted for a PhD degree at one of the leading Ivy League universities in America today, and you chose for your thesis something related to the earliest human civilisation, you would fail if you did not adhere to this accepted timeline.
This is not just a question of there being no evidence of prior civilisations on the earth that date back before the time of the Sumerians, or the earliest dynastic rulers of Egypt. Evidence of earlier civilisations than these not only exists, but it has existed for centuries.
This evidence has not just been ignored, it has been deliberately and systematically suppressed. You might think that this sounds like some bizarre conspiratorial plot. But it just happens to be the actual state of advanced education today, and it exists in all the countries of the world.
And I am not just referring here to human history, but to every discipline of science as well. And to understand the reason why this situation exists, we need to investigate the fundamental philosophy of science. And that brings me to my next question. Who was Thomas Kuhn?
Mark: Again, I must admit that I have no idea.
Thomas Kuhn was another graduate of Harvard University. When he died in 1996, he was recognised not only as an accomplished physicist, but as one of the world’s leading philosophers of science. His best-known work was his book titled The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, first published in 1962. (See link)
Kuhn studied the history of science from its beginnings in the 16th century with the discoveries of men like Copernicus and Galileo, up to the modern era. What he found was that science had developed in a way that was very different from the way that was taught in schools and universities.
Instead of linear progress, in which one scientific discovery led naturally to the next, he found that scientific development had followed a similar course to the social and political upheavals of those years, in which steady development was punctuated by sudden outbreaks of dramatic change.
Kuhn called these transformations scientific revolutions, and he popularised the use of the term “paradigm” to describe them. He defined a scientific paradigm as “the entire constellation of beliefs, values, techniques, and so on shared by members of a given community”.
Paradigms according to Kuhn, were scientific revolutions which altered the entire perspectives of their times, being “universally recognised scientific achievements that for a time provided model problems and solutions to a community of practitioners.”
He found, for example, that each new scientific revolution did more than build upon the theories of its predecessors, for each completely changed the foundations of the past. As each new paradigm became entrenched, so it was necessary not only to reconstruct past theory, but also to re-evaluate past fact.
So, for example, the Polish mathematician and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus did not discover facts which were unknown to those trained in the Ptolemaic school of astronomy. What he did was to explain these facts in a completely new way.
It was his brilliant and revolutionary insight which enabled subsequent generations of astronomers to add a wealth of information about celestial dynamics, and to explain this information in ways which overcame the problems inherent in the old Ptolemaic system of astronomy.
Other examples of these intellectual giants were Sir Isaac Newton, the British physicist James Maxwell, and Albert Einstein. These men revolutionised the theoretical constructs of their times, in ways which had profound implications for future scientific research and development.
A new paradigm was not therefore just an incremental advance on what was previously known. Instead, it demonstrated a complete revision of the past. It also provided new avenues for solving the anomalies of the past and opened up new vistas for potential exploration.
The key insight provided by Kuhn was that each new scientific revolution was followed by a period of “normal science”, in which scientists trained in the new paradigm were content to function within that paradigm, without realising that they had become trapped within the confines of that paradigm.
And that is where we find ourselves today. Scientists everywhere, no matter what discipline they practise, have unwittingly become bound by the constraints of the current paradigm. And anyone who tries to challenge this, faces excommunication by their peers. They are forced to become outcasts.
As I said, this applies to every known discipline of science. To illustrate my point, let me begin by asking you about the fundamental basics of life on this planet. What were you taught about the origin of the different species that populate the earth? How did these different species come about?
Mark: That’s easy. As Darwin discovered, life first began as simple single-cell creatures that slowly evolved over time into the myriad species that we see under the seas and on the earth today.
Exactly Mark. That’s what I was taught as well. But even though his theory has become the foundation of modern Biology and is taught in all the universities of the world, and is believed to have proven beyond doubt, there’s just one small problem. There is not the slightest evidence to support it. (See link)
When Darwin published his book On The Origin Of Species in 1859, he presented his theory of biological change as a result of what he called “natural selection”. And although he did not conceive of this idea himself, he explained his theory in the following way.
All life is faced with a struggle to survive. And in this battle, some die and some survive. According to Darwin, the reason that some survived was because the were “naturally selected”. In other words, their bodies adapted better to the changing conditions of the world. Those who didn’t, died.
As he explained, these biological changes happened very slowly, which was why we didn’t notice them in our lifetimes. However, he expressed his confidence that, even though he personally was unable to find evidence of these changes in the fossil record, they would be found by others.
The problem is, that in the century and a half since his book was published, no one else has been able to find evidence of these morphological changes either. In fact, biologists have been unable to find evidence of any one species slowly changing over time into another separate species.
And when they tried this experiment in the laboratory, by inducing biological mutations in species that reproduced very rapidly, like fruit flies, scientists were unable to persuade them to change into a separate species, as Darwin’s theory of macro-biological change predicted.
But worse was to follow, for what the fossil record actually shows is that over 90% of all the species that have ever lived on the earth have emerged suddenly in the fossil record, and then remained in that same form until they finally disappeared from the fossil record, again equally suddenly.
So although it is obvious that creatures within a particular species can change as a result of selective breeding, as can be seen with any species that has become domesticated, there is as yet no evidence that these changes lead, by fine gradations, to any species that is completely different.
There are, however, still more problems associated with the traditional theory of evolution. As Darwin himself admitted, his elegant theory was confounded by certain complex organs such as the eye and ear, which he referred to as “organs of extreme perfection”.
If we take the human eye as an example, in order for a person to see effectively, a number of different things need to happen simultaneously and in harmony. The eye has to be kept clear and moist, as a result of the activity of the eyelids and tear glands.
The light which enters the eye has to be focused by a lens precisely upon the retina at the back of the eye-ball. The amount of light which enters the eye must also be carefully controlled by the variable aperture of the iris. If any one of these interdependent functions is faulty, the person is unable to see.
Likewise, in the human ear, rhythmic variations in outer pressure must be matched by equivalent movements of a flexible eardrum. This eardrum is in turn attached to a set of tiny bones located in the middle ear, all of which have to act in unison in order to hear properly.
So for humans to see or hear at all, every part must relate perfectly to every other part. If there is a breakdown at any point in this process, nothing is ultimately seen or heard. And this applies to all species that have reached a certain stage of physical development.
The difficulty that confronted Darwin was all too obvious. If these organs of extreme perfection had themselves evolved through a variety of stages, then how was it possible for a species to survive while these changes were taking place? For as one of his critics has remarked:
“The transparent cornea of our eye could hardly have evolved through progressive trial and error by natural selection. You can either see through it or you can’t. Such an innovation has to be right the first time, or else it just doesn’t happen again, because the blind owner gets eaten.”
Darwin’s essential thesis was that every species survived because of its ability to evolve physically in beneficial ways. But if survival depended on changes of such complexity that they could not possibly be transmitted in a single generation, then existence would effectively be terminated.
Darwin’s response to this difficulty was a splendid piece of intellectual sophistry. He merely drew attention to a succession of different types of eyes, ranging from the simple to the complex, and pointed out that variations in eyes could be inherited.
Then presto! By inferential deduction, it could safely be assumed that the simple eye had evolved into the complex through the process of natural selection, even though the method whereby it did so remained, in his words, “insuperable by our imagination.”
So to summarise, evolutionists have blindly accepted Darwin’s theory for well over a century. Yet although everyone agrees that different species have evolved in form from the simple to the complex, there is not a shred of evidence to prove that this happened in the way that Darwin has described.
And that brings me to another question Mark, that is closely linked with Darwin’s theory of evolution through the process of natural selection. Who was Charles Lyell?
Mark: Well at last we have a name that I can relate to. I seem to recall that he was a Scotsman who was associated with the modern ideas about geology.
Well done Mark. As you say, he was a 19th century Scottish geologist who was the author of the book Principles of Geology, which is the foundation of modern geology as taught in schools and universities around the world. In fact, his work was fundamental to Darwin’s theory. (See link)
The central argument of Lyell’s book was that the present is the key to the past, as well as the doctrine of uniformity, or uniformitarianism as we know it today. What that means is that the forces of nature that sculpt our world today are the same as those that operated in the distant past.
One of the reasons why Darwin’s theory of evolution was embraced so quickly and so readily by the scientific community, was because it not only embodied the work of Lyell, but that it validated it as well. Lyell said that all geological change was the result of minute changes over vast spans of time.
And Darwin’s theory of natural selection was based on a similar idea, that different species evolved by means of equally minute changes in form, which we call mutations, which took place too slowly for the eye to notice. In other words, they needed enormous periods of time to achieve their purpose.
But when it came to providing evidence in support of his theory, Lyell ran into the same problem that Darwin did. The sad fact was that the evidence that did exist at that time, in the form of fossils embedded in geological strata, not only did not support his theory, but plainly disproved it.
This embarrassing fact was so obvious that Lyell pointed it out himself in his book. In the 12th edition of Principles of Geology he wrote:
“It has been truly observed that when we arrange the known fossiliferous formations in chronological order, they constitute a broken and defective series.”
“These violations of continuity are so common as to constitute in most regions the rule rather than the exception, and they have been considered by many geologists as conclusive in favour of sudden revolutions in the inanimate and animate world.”
Lyell’s response to this was hardly believable. He said that the reason why other geologists were unable to find evidence in geological strata of the processes that he described in his book, was because they were stupid. And not only that, but that they were unaware of their own stupidity.
You probably think I’m joking Mark, but this is what he wrote in Principles: “It appeared clear that the earlier geologists had not only a scant acquaintance with existing changes (caused by wind, flowing water, etc.), but they were singularly unconscious of the amount of their ignorance.”
You would think that modern scholars would have seen through this subterfuge by now. But it gets worse. The idea that changes in the surface of the earth have primarily been the result of forces of nature that operate slowly and imperceptibly, has also been incorporated into the paradigms of History and Archeology.
References to cataclysmic events that can still be found in the historical records of ancient societies are ignored by scholars today. And structural ruins that bear testimony to catastrophic changes in the recent past of humanity, continue to be ignored by archeologists.
They are ignored because the idea of catastrophic change within the recent history of the earth has now been officially expunged from the current paradigm of science. Those few brave souls who still try to challenge that view are condemned to being mere voices crying in the wilderness.
So there you have it. Historians ignore the evidence of catastrophic events that have occurred in recent times in the history of the earth, because to do otherwise would offend the theory of Uniformitarianism, which has now become part of the official dogma of science.
And talking of dogma Mark, let me ask you a question about another of the fundamental beliefs that are embedded in the official paradigm of science as taught in all our schools and universities today. It is about Cosmology, the queen of the sciences. How did the universe begin?
Mark: Well that’s an easy one. It began with the Big Bang.
Once again, you’re right on the button with what establishment science would have you believe. And once again, the only problem with this elaborate theory is that it is based on a false assumption. However, that doesn’t bother them, so it continues to be taught in schools and universities. (See link)
The prevailing cosmological model is that all the matter and energy that now fills the universe was flung out from a primordial explosion, and that everything we see in the sky today is the result of that initial explosion. This theory has come to be known as the “Big Bang” theory.
It was the American astronomer Edwin Hubble who played a significant role in the development of this theory. Based on his study of galactic red-shifts in the 1920’s, he concluded that separate galaxies were drifting apart from one another, and that as a result, the universe was expanding.
Once the idea of an expanding universe had become accepted, it was easy to imagine this process in reverse. In other words, based on the rate at which the universe was expanding, astronomers could go back in time and calculate that this explosion took place roughly fourteen billion years ago.
The problem with the Big Bang theory, however, as I just indicated, was that the entire theory rested upon an incorrect interpretation of a phenomenon that was well-known to astronomers at the time. This phenomenon was referred to as the “galactic red-shift”.
Hubble believed that the perceived “red-shift” of distant galaxies was a “Doppler effect”.
It was the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler who showed that a moving source of sound changed its pitch when it passed a stationary observer. Its frequency increased when it approached the observer, and decreased when it moved away. This principle had become known as the Doppler effect.
Because light also travelled in waves, Hubble assumed that it travelled through space in the same way as sound. He found that the waves of light appeared to increase in frequency whenever a source of light moved towards an observer, and to decrease in frequency whenever it moved away.
While this effect was hardly noticeable at low speeds, it became very pronounced when a source of light was moving away at a speed approaching the speed of light. If the light source was receding at high speed, it would move to the left, or red side, of the visible spectrum.
Hubble believed that as galaxies receded from the earth, their light would shift towards the red end of the visible spectrum. And the extent of this shift would show how fast they were receding, and how far they were from the earth. And this was the basis of what became known as “Hubble’s Law”.
But by a strange twist of fate, Hubble’s law, which now forms the basis of the whole theory of the Big Bang, was challenged by Halton Arp, who once served as an assistant to Edwin Hubble while he was conducting his research at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California.
It all started off innocently enough when Arp published his Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies in 1966. It was only some years later that he realized that several of the objects illustrated in his Atlas also appeared on the published list of recognized quasars.
Arp noticed was that some of these “peculiar” galaxies had much smaller red-shifts than the quasars associated with them. It was obvious that these differentials could not be explained by the so-called Doppler effect, nor to any movement of the objects themselves.
He published his findings in the “Astrophysical Journal”, which was the leading publication in its field at the time, hoping to attract the attention of fellow astronomers. Unfortunately, what followed was yet another travesty in the long, sad saga of science.
What Arp had done was unforgivable. He had dared to challenge the established paradigm of science, by having the audacity to provide evidence that Hubble’s law was wrong, and that the entire theory of the Big Bang was invalid.
Arp was shunned by his colleagues and asked to change to another line of research. When he failed to do so, he was denied further use of the Palomar Observatory for his research. Despite being a long-standing Fellow of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, he lost his job and was forced to leave America.
So that brings me to another question that forms part of the paradigm of modern science, Mark. Why is the sun hot?
Mark: You’re kidding me of course. The sun is hot because the nuclear reaction inside the sun generates intense heat, which then radiates outward into space in all directions.
Well done Mark. Score one for the academic establishment, and zero for scientific truth. What you just said is exactly what continues to be taught in schools and universities everywhere. It just so happens that this is not only wrong, but that even a child can see why it is wrong. (See link)
Based on spectrographic analysis, our sun has been found to consist primarily of hydrogen, while the rest is mostly helium. Small amounts of heavier elements such as oxygen, carbon, neon and iron have also been found.
Our sun is thought to have been formed about four and a half billion years ago as a result of the gravitational collapse of a large molecular cloud that existed at the time of the formation of the solar system.
Being at the centre of this gravitational collapse, the sun became increasingly hot until a process of thermonuclear fusion began spontaneously. It was this process of converting hydrogen nuclei into helium that was thought to be the source of its heat and light.
All this remained well and good until the beginning of the space age, when scientists were at last able to send probes to the sun, as well as satellites that orbited the sun, and send back information about the sun that was never previously available.
What this showed was that there was something seriously wrong with their historical model. For if the sun truly was a nuclear reactor, converting hydrogen atoms into helium through a process of thermonuclear fusion, then there should be a simple temperature gradient emanating from the sun.
In other words, the temperatures should get cooler the further away you travel from the surface of the sun. But what the space probes revealed was the exact opposite. It is actually hotter.
For example, although the temperature at the surface of the sun is about 4,400 degrees K, scientists found that at the top of the Chromosphere the temperature rises to about 20,000 degrees K. And further out at the Corona, it again jumps dramatically to about two million degrees Kelvin.
Every schoolchild knows that in this universe a source of heat does not get hotter the further away you go. So when the facts contradict theory, then it is a good idea to re-evaluate the theory. But that is not what academics have done. They have preferred to stay with the old paradigm.
But not all astrophysicists have been prepared to toe the line. Some brave souls who have risked ostracism by their peers have banded together to propose an entirely new paradigm, one that is not based on gravity, but on electromagnetism. They call this paradigm the “electric universe”. (See link)
Mark: Well Allan, I learn something new from you every time we chat. But before we end this Podcast, I want to go back to your question about the age of human civilisation. You never said what you think about this.
Well if you go by ancient texts that are stored away in various museums around the world, you will find that human civilisation goes back tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years, dating back to the earliest Adamic race and the civilisation of Lemuria. (See link)
But the conventional dogma is that even though the earth is a little over four billion years old, human civilisation only began about five thousand years ago. We have also been taught that the planets in our solar system have remained unchanged ever since they were first created.
All of this is of course a myth, as any historian could show within a few days of serious research. But as I have said before, to do so would be to go against the scientific paradigm of uniformitarianism, and anyone who tried to do so would quickly find themselves rejected by their peers.
It was Immanuel Velikovsky who shocked the world of science in 1950 with the publication of his book Worlds in Collision. In this book he produced evidence showing that Venus had a close encounter with the earth around the 15th century BC, and that it threatened the earth again some 52 years later.
The gravitational effects of these encounters forced Venus into a new orbit which then brought it into a collision path with Mars. These close encounters led to Mars being thrown into a new orbit, where it had a series of disastrous encounters with the earth. (See link)
According to Velikovsky, the actual history of the earth was very different from what geologists like Lyall had portrayed. He quoted legends, myths and stories describing times when dwellings were destroyed and the earth was convulsed by natural disasters which had their source in space.
While the nature and number of these disasters varied, these legends indicated that entire civilisations had vanished as a result of these encounters. And, as Plato himself described, our world has repeatedly changed its axis, as well as its orbit around the sun. (See link)
But even though their civilisations may have disappeared, in some cases parts of their architecture have survived, such as the sphinx on the Giza plateau which, as Boston University professor Dr. Robert Schoch believes, may have been built as far back as 10,000 years ago. (See link)
But the existence of so many other megalithic ruins around the world suggest that there may well have been a global civilisation centred on the island of Atlantis that was destroyed by a world-wide cataclysm around 10,500 BC, as described by Plato in his dialogue entitled Critias.
The gigantic stone statues on Easter Island called Moai, some of which weigh fifty tons or more, are considered by conventional archaeologists to have been carved by the Polynesian inhabitants, even though no other examples exist of similar statues carved by Polynesians elsewhere.
They lie at odd angles all around the island, with their bodies covered in sand and debris, and only their heads protruding. To any open-minded observer, it is obvious that they were carved before the soil and debris arrived, most probably by a series of devastating tsunamis. (See link)
Other stone ruins buried beneath tons of soil and debris have been found at a height of over 12,000 feet on the Bolivian altiplano, at a place called Tiwanaku, together with nearby megalithic ruins at Puma Punku. Again, it seems obvious that whatever existed there originally was destroyed by a series of natural disasters.(See link)
Also in South America, this time at Marcahuasi in Peru, can be found a giant stone image of a human head 80 feet high that the locals call Peca Gasha. This location is filled with other strange carvings that are suggestive of animals that have never lived in South America. (See link)
And talking of images of creatures unknown to modern archaeologists, there are the enigmatic stone carvings that were discovered about twenty years ago in Turkey at a place called Göbekli Tepe. (See Link)Again, these ruins had been buried under a hillside of soil and debris that had hidden them for centuries.
These megalithic ruins contain T-shaped stone pillars twenty feet tall that weigh up to ten tons each. Again, whatever civilisation was responsible for building these structures, seems to have vanished without trace in a series of disasters that buried them under a sea of sand and mud.
Finally, anyone interested in learning about the true history of the solar system should look at the video Symbols of an Alien Sky.(See link) And anyone wanting to know more about the real history of human civilisation should listen to this discussion with Dr. Robert Schoch. (See Link)
Based on the foregoing Mark, it is clear that what we have been taught in our schools and universities does not reflect the latest discoveries of science, and no longer provides valid answers to the questions I have raised. So my final question to you is this, and you don’t have to answer it.
Will the next scientific revolution that Thomas Kuhn wrote about come before our civilisation is wiped out by the next cataclysm, or as a result of it?
Mark: Yes, I think I’ll leave that topic to another time. Anyway, this has been a fascinating discussion. I want to thank you Allan for the unique way you have presented your ideas. It certainly gives me much to think about, and I’m sure our listeners will agree as well.
You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac. Do join us for our next Podcast, which will be another in the series titled “Signs of the Times”. Allan Colston can be reached at
Allan, AUDIO, Everything You've Been Taught Is Wrong, September 25, 2024, 2:19 pm
My name is Mark Stevens. I am talking today with Allan Colston. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events.
For those listeners who may be new to this topic, this is another in the series “Signs of the Times”. Welcome to the Podcast Allan.
Thanks Mark, it’s great to chat to you again.
Mark: In many of our past conversations I have begun by asking the questions, leaving you to provide the answers. I was wondering if I could do the same this time as well.
Certainly Mark, what did you have in mind?
Mark: Throughout history there have been people who have predicted future events. Some of these predictions have come true and some have not. So my question to you is this. If some are right and some are wrong, then how can we trust prophecy?
Well you raise an interesting question Mark. As you say, there have always been people who have made predictions about what would happen in the future. And while some of their predictions have proven to be true, many others have turned out to be false.
But I think we need to be clear about the real issue here. There is a fundamental difference between prophecy and prediction, especially when it relates to the Bible. Biblical prophecy is based on the words of people who are considered to have been inspired by God.
Prediction, on the other hand, relates to intellectual analysis, which is always subject to the beliefs, biases and limitations of the individual concerned. So does your question relate to the prophecies themselves, or to the people who have interpreted these prophecies?
Mark: You are right Allan. My concern is rather that so many people who claim to be Biblical experts, seem to have vastly different interpretations about what these prophecies mean.
And that is why Jesus warned his followers that they needed to be wise as serpents, so that they did not fall prey to false Christs, and those who would try to deceive them, particularly during the “end times” in which we are now living.
And you are certainly not alone in this. The entire Christian church is riven with factions who have their own versions of end-time events. You have only to look at the “rapture”. While some think this will happen before the tribulation, others are convinced it will happen during, or even after.
Ultimately, it all boils down to your own personal judgement. Although you may be confronted by many different interpretations of end-time prophecy, if you are serious about the subject, then you have to make up your own mind about what to believe and what not to believe.
But it goes deeper than this. When it comes to the prophecies themselves, much of what is included in the Bible is cloaked in symbolism which makes interpretation extremely difficult. And nowhere is this more true than in the book of Revelation written by St. John.
Mark: Why is that Allan?
While John was in exile on the island of Patmos, he experienced a series of visions which related to the time leading up to the return of the Christ. The challenges that he faced in recording these visions were not unlike the problem that we would face if we tried to describe a vivid dream.
Even though John may have seen exactly what would happen at the time of the end, that did not mean that he was able to interpret what he saw. After all, he was the son of a fisherman, and was hardly equipped to describe life as we experience it today.
He had no understanding of modern astronomy or astronomical terminology, that would help us to understand what he was trying to describe. And he certainly had no idea about modern warfare, involving artillery, tanks, missiles, fighter jets and helicopter gunships.
So when he writes of “locusts with faces of men, hair of women, teeth of lions and tails like unto scorpions”, it is clear that he is doing his best to describe modern armaments operated by human beings. So it is no surprise that people today struggle to interpret what he wrote.
So apart from Jesus, who only spoke of the events leading up to his return in very broad terms, if we want to get a better idea of what will happen in the future, we are forced to rely on the words of St. John and Old Testament prophets who lived around 2,500 years ago.
However, there is one other person that we can turn to who lived closer to us in time, having been born around five hundred years ago. But although he wrote extensively about end-time events, he is perhaps even harder to understand than St. John. Do you know who I am referring to Mark?
Mark: I would have to hazard a guess. Are you thinking of Martin Luther by any chance?
Not quite Mark, although he did live at the same time as Luther. The man’s name was Michel de Nostredame, although we know him better by his Latin name of Nostradamus. While many people are familiar with his name, very few have taken the trouble to study his work.
Nostradamus was an interesting guy. He was a devoted Catholic and remained so for his entire life. The problem was that he used a method of divining the future that brought him into conflict with the forces of the Inquisition, which could easily have led to his death at the stake.
So in order to avoid being prosecuted as a magician, he adopted the strategy of writing down his predictions in a series of four-line verses called quatrains. But he didn’t stop there. His verses were also filled with anagrams, confusing names and other linguistic riddles.
Nostradamus chose these stratagems deliberately, so as to obscure their meaning and ensure that they would only be understood after careful analysis and investigation, and that their meaning would almost never be obvious to the casual reader.
It is worth noting that Nostradamus didn’t consider himself to be an infallible prophet, but only as an accomplished and diligent scholar who strove to acquire insight and understanding into the inscrutable ways of God. But the reason I mention him Mark, is because of something else that he wrote.
Mark: What are you referring to Allan?
Most people think that Nostradamus only wrote in riddles, and that his quatrains were the only record of his prophecies. They forget that we also have copies of letters that he wrote at the time. One of these was to his son César, and another was addressed to Henry, “Second King of France”.
In these letters he wrote explicitly in prose about the events that he predicted would occur in the “latter days” spoken of in the Bible. And it is these passages that seem to me to be worth noting as we try to understand the events that may shortly come to pass. Here are some examples:
“The Old and New Testaments shall be forbidden and burned, after which the Antichrist shall be the infernal prince; and for the last time all the Christian countries shall tremble and also because of the unfaithful ones.”
“For twenty-five years there shall be wars and battles still more ruinous, and towns, villages, castles and other buildings shall be burned, laid waste or destroyed, with a great flood of the blood of young girls, married women, violated widows, suckling infants thrown against the walls of towns, dashed thus and bruised.”
“And so many misfortunes will be provoked by Satan, Prince of Darkness, that almost all the planet will be in chaos and laid waste.”
“Christ’s sanctuary will no longer be trampled by the feet of the unfaithful ones coming from Russia, the world approaching a great conflagration, although my calculations in my prophecies do not cover the whole course of time, – which goes far further.”
“After this time, which men will find long, the peace of the earth will be renewed through the coming of the Golden Age. God the creator, hearing the affliction of his people, shall order Satan to be bound and cast into the abyss of Hell, into the deepest pit.”
“Thus shall commence a universal peace with God and men, and Satan shall remain bound for about a thousand years, which will bring greater strength to the power of the Church; and then he will once again be released.”
The purpose of the prophecies of Nostradamus was to bring hope to mankind. Despite the litany of disasters that have already occurred, and the calamities that still await, mankind is on the threshold of the most enlightened age in the history of the earth.
The words of Nostradamus remain a beacon of hope in the dark days that lie ahead. He speaks to all humanity, and bids them open their eyes to the unfolding glory that is their destiny. His words echo down the centuries.
“The peace of the earth shall be renewed. For according to the celestial signs the Golden Age shall return…… There will be a universal peace among men and the Church of Jesus Christ be delivered from all tribulation.”
Mark: That is quite remarkable Allan. I had no idea about any of this.
What I find remarkable about this myself is that Nostradamus, by his own admission, was not a divinely inspired prophet. Instead, he arrived at his own prophetic insights as a result of what he calls “his calculations”, which we know were based on astrology and the ancient art of “magic”.
And what he is talking about here is quite literally the end of the world as we know it, and the beginning of a new Golden Age which will be characterised by universal peace and the end of all tribulation. And his conclusions almost exactly match those recorded in the visions of St. John.
This suggests to me that the events that are now unfolding in the world are part of some pre-ordained plan. You will recall that in a previous Podcast I quoted from the words of the Oracle of Tolemac, who said, and I quote:
“We want you to know that everything that is happening on your planet at this time is part of a plan. This is the great Cosmic Plan that will lead you into the coming golden age”.
And if Nostradamus was somehow able to discern this plan for himself, it suggests that others may have been able to do so as well. In fact, it reminds me of an ancient Egyptian scroll written in hieroglyphics that was attributed to Hermes. Have you heard of it by any chance, Mark?
Mark: No, I haven’t. What did it have to say?
Well first I need to go into the origin and background of the scroll itself. Shortly after the death of Alexander the Great in 323BC, Egypt was ruled for almost three hundred years by a succession of Hellenistic kings beginning with Ptolemy the first.
It was at this time that Greek scholars began to study ancient hieroglyphic texts that dated back to the earliest days of Egyptian civilisation. One of these was known as the Book of Thoth, named after Thoth, the legendary sage of ancient Egypt whom the Greeks called Hermes.
The Book of Thoth was considered to be the most sacred text of the Arcanum Mystery School. It was said to have been kept in a golden box in the inner sanctuary of the temple at Karnak, and that only the highest Initiate was permitted to have access to it.
The part of this book that I am referring to is known as “Asclepius”, and is a dialogue between Thoth (Hermes) and his disciple Asclepius. It explains the Egyptian view of God, as well as cosmology, time, the cycles of life, destiny and the nature of the world.
However, the part that is relevant here is a prophecy that has come to be known as “The Lament of Hermes”. Although this is a prophecy in which Thoth (or the Greek God Hermes) describes the end of Egyptian civilisation, it also carries uncanny overtones on what is happening in the world today.
As I said, the original text was recorded in Egyptian hieroglyphics, from which it was first translated into Greek, and then Latin and then English. Although there are several versions of the English translation, the one that I prefer reads as follows:
The Lament of Hermes
“Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of heaven or, to be more precise, that everything governed and moved in heaven came down to Egypt and was transferred there? If truth were told, our land is the temple of the whole world.
“And yet, since it befits the wise to know all things in advance, of this you must not remain ignorant: a time will come when it will appear that the Egyptians paid respect to divinity with faithful mind and painstaking reverence – to no purpose.
“All their holy worship will be disappointed and perish without effect, for divinity will return from Earth to Heaven, and Egypt will be abandoned. The land that was the seat of reverence will be widowed by the powers and left destitute of their presence.
“When foreigners occupy the land and territory, not only will reverence fall into neglect but, even harder, a prohibition under penalty prescribed by law (so-called) will be enacted against reverence, fidelity and divine worship. Then this most holy land, seat of shrines and temples, will be filled completely with tombs and corpses.
“Indeed, 0 Egypt, Egypt, of your reverent deeds only stories will survive, and they will be incredible to your children! Only words cut in stone will survive to tell your faithful works, and the Scythian or Indian or some such neighbour barbarian will dwell in Egypt. Indeed.
“As sad as this was, this was not the end of it. Why weep, O Asclepius? Egypt will be carried away to worse things than this; she will be polluted with yet graver crimes.
“She, hitherto most holy, who so much loved the gods, only country of the Earth where the gods made their home in return for her devotion, she who taught men holiness and piety, will give example of the most atrocious cruelty, in that hour, weary of life, men will no longer regard the world as worthy object of their admiration and reverence.
“This All, which is a good thing, the best that can be seen in the past, the present and the future, will be in danger of perishing; men will esteem it a burden; and then they will despise and no longer cherish this whole of the universe, incomparable work of God, glorious construction, good creation made up of an infinite diversity of forms, instrument of the will of God who, without envy, pours forth his favour on all his work, in which is assembled in one whole, in a harmonious diversity, all that can be seen that is worthy of reverence, praise and love.
“For darkness will be preferred to light; it will be thought better to die than to live; none will raise his eyes towards heaven; the pious man will be thought mad, the impious, wise; the frenzied will be thought brave, the worst criminal a good man.
“The soul and all the beliefs attached to it, according to which the soul is immortal by nature or foresees that it can obtain immortality as I have taught you – this will be laughed at and thought nonsense.
“And believe me, it will be considered a capital crime under the law to give oneself to the religion of the mind. A new justice will be created and new laws. Nothing holy, nothing pious, nothing worthy of heaven and of the gods who dwell there, will be any more spoken of nor will find credence in the soul.
“Only the evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and constrain them by violence – miserable creatures – to all the excesses of criminal audacity, engaging them in wars, brigandage, frauds, and in everything which is contrary to the nature of the soul.
“Then the earth will lose its equilibrium, the sea will no longer be navigable, the heaven will no longer be full of stars, the stars will stop their courses in the heaven.
“Every divine voice will be silenced. The fruits of the Earth will moulder, the soil will be no longer fertile, the air itself will grow thick with a lugubrious torpor. Such will be the old age of the world, irreligion, disorder, confusion of all goods.
“When all these things have come to pass, O Asclepius, then the Lord and Father, the god first in power and the demiurge of the One God, having considered these customs and voluntary crimes, endeavouring by his will, which is the divine will, to bar the way to vices and universal corruption and to correct errors, he will annihilate all malice, either by effacing it in a deluge or by consuming it by fire, or destroying it by pestilential maladies diffused in many places.
“Then he will bring back the world to its first beauty, so that this world may again be worthy of reverence and admiration, and that God also, creator and restorer of so great a work, may be glorified by the men who shall live then in continual hymns of praise and benedictions.
“That is what the rebirth of the world will be: a renewal of all good things, a holy and most solemn restoration of Nature herself, imposed by force in the course of time…and by the will of God.”
So there you have it Mark. A quite remarkable message from a lost world that modern scholars are still trying to understand. In fact, one scholar is on record describing this Lament as “one of the most moving passages of prose I have read from Classical Antiquity”.
Mark: It certainly is Allan. And what is amazing is that although it must have been written many thousands of years ago, it strikes a chord with so much of what we have been discussing lately.
That’s exactly the point I wanted to make Mark, and I am so glad that you picked up on these correlations. What makes this Lament so interesting to me is that it deals with a number of issues that are relevant today that are worth discussing in greater detail.
As you rightly pointed out Mark, this Lament was written many thousands of years ago. It was actually part of what has become known as the Corpus Hermeticum, or the body of teaching associated with the Egyptian God of wisdom Thoth, whom the Greeks revered as the God Hermes.
And the essence of his teaching was the idea that the macrocosm was reflected in the microcosm, and that the key to all the mysteries of life could be expressed in the words “as above, so below”. This meant that everything that we see and sense in life is inextricably linked with the Godhead within.
So according to Hermetic philosophy, God is not some remote entity that exists outside of ourselves, but is an integral part of every person, and that each one of us contains that divine spark of universality and immortality. And our task as people is to glorify God in everything we do.
We also need to remember that the ancient Egyptian religion was intimately bound up with ritual and ceremonial magic, and that the aim of their religious practices was to unite the microcosm (us) with the macrocosm (God). Let me give you an example.
Throughout Egypt we find remnants of statues of various Egyptian Gods. We interpret them today as effigies, or sculptures, dedicated to the worship of that God, much as we find effigies of the Virgin Mary in Catholic churches today. But the Egyptians did not see it this way.
The statues of the Egyptian Gods were not regarded as mere images. Through their ceremonial rituals, they imbued these stone statues with supernatural powers so that they were able to give answers to questions put to them. So in that sense, they actually became alive.
Today, we consider such an idea crazy. And that is precisely what Hermes was referring to in his Lament. He said that there would come a time when this ancient knowledge would be lost, and that the Gods would abandon Egypt and return into heaven. And so it has proved.
Today, little remains of the ancient Egyptian culture but their temples, tombs and corpses. And those who study Egyptology today focus on these ruins, rather than on the immortality of the soul and the fundamental divinity that resides within the heart of humanity.
And, as the Lament explains, when the Gods depart from the earth, only the “evil angels” will remain. They will mingle with men and lead them into every form of criminal activity. In fact, everything that is contrary to the nature of their souls. And that is the state of the world in which we live today.
The spirit of evil is abroad, and has infected almost every aspect of human activity, as drugs, violence, crime, exploitation and greed increasingly contaminate all the countries of the world. And in response, nature is in revolt, as environmental threats surround us on every side.
For as the Lament goes on to predict, “then the earth will lose its equilibrium, the sea will no longer be navigable, the heaven will no longer be full of stars, the stars will stop their courses in the heaven. The fruits of the Earth will moulder, the soil will be no longer fertile”.
Does this ring any bells with you Mark?
Mark: It certainly does. In fact, it matches much of what St. John wrote about in his Book of Revelation.
Exactly, Mark. But fortunately, just like St. John, who writes that after the time of the Great Tribulation leading up to the battle of Armageddon, there will be a new earth and a new heaven followed by a thousand years of peace, we can take heart from the concluding lines of the Lament.
“Then will he bring back the world to its first beauty, so that this world may again be worthy of reverence and admiration, and that God also, creator and restorer of so great a work, may be glorified by the men who shall live then in continual hymns of praise and benedictions.
“That is what the rebirth of the world will be: a renewal of all good things, a holy and most solemn restoration of Nature herself, imposed by force in the course of time…and by the will of God.”
And I, along with all those who are burdened by the sorrows of this world, yearn for that day to dawn.
Mark: I want to thank you Allan for a fascinating discussion, and especially for your insights into the ancient Egyptian way of life. You have given us all a lot to think about as well.
You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac. Do join us for our next Podcast, which will be another in the series titled “Signs of the Times”.
Allan, AUDIO, The Lament of Hermes, September 22, 2024, 2:45 pm
My name is Mark Stevens. I am talking today with Allan Colston. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events.
For those listeners who were not with us during our last Podcast, this is a continuation of our series “Signs of the Times”. Welcome to the Podcast Allan.
Thanks Mark, it’s great to be with you once more.
Mark: If you don’t mind, before we begin, I just wanted to ask you something about the way you ended our last podcast.
Sure Mark. What did you have in mind?
Mark: Well you ended up by asking for my prayers so you would have the courage and guidance to say what needs to be said. What exactly did you mean by that?
I’m glad you asked me that because there is something that listeners need to understand before we go any further, and that is the nature and purpose of prophecy.
Most people today use the word prophecy in a very general way. What I mean by that is that they regard prophecy as anything that is predicted to happen in the future, no matter who or what the source.
However, I treat prophecy and prediction as two completely different things. In my Blog, whenever I refer to the word prophecy, I am not talking about predictions.
Mark: So what is the difference between the two?
Many people have asked me the same question Mark. They want to know if it is wise, or even possible, to know what will happen in the future?
People today tend to believe that life unfolds according to chance, based on forces that can never be understood, let alone predicted. They believe that any attempt to try to predict future events is sheer folly. These people are content to take each day as it comes.
But prophecy is not simple prediction, and those who claim to be prophets do not do so merely to inform. They are not just telling an interesting story. All true prophecy stands as a warning. And those who study and learn from these warnings, may not only become the guardians of wisdom. They may in time become beacons for the transformation of society.
Scott: Why is it necessary to warn people?
The Buddha taught his disciples that those who were unaware of the meaning of their times had (and I quote) “much dust in their eyes.” These people would have to acquire understanding by living through the consequences of their actions.
They would have to travel along the path of suffering. So the purpose of all true prophecy is to inspire understanding, and to reduce suffering. And this is the crucial point we need to understand.
For if we can learn to understand prophecy, and take the necessary action beforehand, then we can save ourselves from future suffering. This is the purpose and the goal of my book “The Last Days of Tolemac“.
It is designed to remove the dust from our eyes, and allow us to see the events of our times through the eyes of understanding, rather than through the veil of ignorance.
I consider prediction to be something that is the product of human intellect, whereas true prophecy has a divine origin, either in the form of a vision or a direct quotation by a divine being, such as Jesus.
And I need to make one thing very clear Mark. Although I have studied prophecy for well over fifty years, I am not a prophet. I do not know the future, and I have never had any prophetic dreams or visions, as so many of today’s evangelists claim to have had.
Instead, I am merely an interpreter of prophecy, and my interpretations are based on my own intuition. However, I do not claim to have any special gift, and listeners should always use their own judgement before deciding whether to act on them.
So the test of my interpretations is whether or not they turn out to be correct. And this is where things get serious Mark. And that is why I asked for your prayers.
Mark: Why do you say that, Allan?
Because I believe that what is about to happen on the earth is truly terrifying. At least it is to me. And that is why I am hesitant to talk about it. Also, most people do not welcome bearers of bad news. In fact, if history is any guide, they tend to kill them.
And that is why I need the courage and guidance to say what needs to be said. And this brings me to the subject of today’s podcast, which I have called “Wars and Rumours of Wars”.
In chapter 24 of the gospel of St. Mathew, he writes that shortly before Jesus was crucified, his disciples approached him on the Mount of Olives and asked: “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”
Jesus answered them by saying:
“Take heed that no man deceive you.For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”
What I find significant about this Mark, is that Jesus was not merely referring to conditions which have long existed in the world, but to a specific series of events that would lead up to his return.
After all, there has hardly ever been a time when there wasn’t war between one nation and another. No Mark, Jesus was talking about the time in which we are living now.
And the part that troubles me about this is that Jesus goes on to say: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom”.
At the moment there are two wars which are dominating world news. The first is the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, which has been going on now for more than two years.
And the second is the attack on Israel by Hamas in October 2023, and the subsequent response by Israel on the people of Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. And neither of these battles show signs of ending any time soon.
And this is where “nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” has me worried, especially if Donald Trump becomes President.
Mark: In our previous discussion you said that in spite of all the indictments against him, Donald Trump stood an excellent chance of being re-elected President in November. Do you still believe that?
Actually Mark, I do, but not in the way you think.
Mark: Why is that?
My hunch is that he won’t be elected, but he will be installed as President. Let me explain. As you know, much has changed since we last spoke. First of all, Joe Biden has dropped out of the race and been replaced by Kamala Harris.
And over the course of the last two months she has not only consolidated her support among all the various factions of the Democratic party, but has energised them in a campaign of confidence and hope.
I mean just look at what she has accomplished in the short time that she has been at the helm. She has all but wiped out the lead that Donald Trump had over Biden in all seven of the so-called “swing” states.
And I have no doubt that over the next two months that margin will grow until she is the undoubted favourite to win the election in a virtual landslide.
Mark: Well if that is the case, surely we no longer have to worry about Trump or the MAGA movement in the Republican party.
Unfortunately Mark, we do. And I’ll tell you why. After the results are published, in which it will be clear that Trump has lost badly, these results still have to be confirmed by the Electoral Committee.
And this is where the situation gets nasty, as explained in a recent article by the Californian blogger by the name of Heather Parton, better known as “Digby”. In her article, Heather notes that in recent weeks Trump appears “old and tired” and it seems that he would rather “whine than win”.
She goes on to say that the Republican strategy now appears to be to try to hang on to enough Republican states to get the 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory, and if they fail, then to cry “fraud”, as they did in the last election.
Parton writes that Republicans are already planning post-election legal challenges, claiming that the Democrats stole the election. And if they succeed in these, then the election would be referred to Congress or the Supreme Court to decide on the winner.
Now Heather Parton is not the first person to suggest such a thing. In fact the Democrats are doing their utmost to see that the upcoming election is both free and fair.
But, as a recent report by CNN showed, the majority of Republicans are convinced that if the Democrats do win the upcoming election, it will be the result of fraud. And Donald Trump will be the leader of the choir.
And if the result is undecided and referred to Congress or the Supreme Court, I have no doubt that they would rule that because Trump was undoubtedly cheated out of power in the last election, it is only just that he now be restored to power in this election.
Mark: So do you really think that is how the next election will play out?
Yes Mark, I do. And the reason I say that is because, as I explained in our last conversation, I believe that we are now living in the “end times” where we are caught up in a battle between Good and Evil.
And as the Bible and the prophets of old have predicted, during these “end times” Satan will overcome the forces of good, and the “rulers of the darkness of this world will prevail”, at least for a time.
But what I want to talk about today is what we can expect to happen in the world over the next few years if Donald Trump does get restored to power.
As I said in my last podcast, Trump has already said what he plans to do inside America if he becomes President again. He would round up all the undocumented immigrants and send them back to their countries of origin.
And then there is the so-called “Project25”, which aims to promote conservative and right-wing policies to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power – i.e. President for life.
But few people have so far paid much attention to what he plans to do outside the U.S. and the impact that this would have on other countries around the world. And this is where the words of Jesus provide a clue about the horrific world that awaits us in the near future.
Mark: So what do you think could possibly happen?
As we saw in his last term in the White House, Trump employs a transactional approach in his dealings with other countries based on his own particular whims and prejudices.
His approach to world diplomacy is based on the principle “what’s in it for me?” and “how can I use this situation to my advantage?” In addition, he admires leaders like Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un who rule by decree.
And if he is ever re-elected to the position of President, Trump has made it clear that he intends to do the same. What this means is that in issues involving those three countries, he is likely to take their side.
We already know from his first term in office that Trump is no lover of NATO, and especially those countries who do not pay what he considers to be their fair share. So if he does become President, he is likely to take Putin’s side.
What this means is that at his direction, whether by decree or by a vote in Congress, the US will stop sending arms to the Ukraine and cease all funding for the current war which will allow Putin to become even bolder.
Mark: So what do you think will happen next?
I think Putin will renew his efforts to retake the city of Kiev, this time by attacking it from the neighbouring state of Belarus. And if he succeeds in overcoming the government of President Zelensky, he will go even further.
He will then launch military campaigns against the Baltic nations of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, since they were originally part of the Soviet Union. And if he succeeds there, he may even go on to attack Poland.
As you an imagine Mark, without the active support of the Unites States, Europe will be in chaos, and NATO will find itself stretched financially and militarily, especially if it lacks support from right-wing parties in those countries.
And by simply adopting an isolationist policy and limiting the US Military to countering insurrection inside America, Donald Trump will unwittingly unleash the forces of China and North Korea in the Pacific region.
For if they are no longer restrained by the threat of US intervention, I believe that it will only be a matter of months before China attacks Taiwan, and North Korea attacks South Korea.
Over the last year, China has conducted ever increasing exercises in the Taiwan Strait, and has made no secret of its intention of restoring Taiwan to a part of Mainland China.
Although the U.S. and Taiwan signed a Defence Pact known as the Mutual Defence Treaty in which the U.S. stated that it would protect Taiwan if it was ever invaded by China, this Treaty expired in 1979.
And although the U.S. currently maintains a naval force in the area, it is uncertain if they would intervene in the event of future hostilities, especially if Donald Trump decides to adopt a neutral position, as he did in his last administration.
So looking at the way the cards are stacked at present, if Trump does become the next President, I believe that China will invade Taiwan within the following six months, and that shortly after that, emboldened by the Chinese action, North Korea will invade South Korea.
So what this means Mark, is that a mere eighteen months from now, the entire Northern Hemisphere could be embroiled in war, and the devastation and suffering caused by these invasions will dwarf anything we have experienced in our lives thus far.
And if that is not reason enough to be afraid, I have a hunch that it will be followed by something even worse.
Mark: What do you mean by that, Allan?
I fear that Donald Trump will feel the need to match the actions of Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un by mounting an invasion of his own, just to prove that anything they can do he can do better. My suspicion is that he will invade Western Canada.
Mark: Why would he do that?
Surely the reasons are obvious Mark. He will do it for the simple reason that he can. And not only that, but he can get away with it with maximum glory and minimal cost in terms of casualties and equipment.
When I say Western Canada, I am referring to the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and the Yukon. And why do I include these three provinces? Because between them they provide a perfect land bridge linking Alaska with mainland United Sates.
But that’s just the start of it, because British Columbia and Alberta are two of the richest provinces in Canada. Why? Because that is where the vast oil and natural gas resources are to be found.
And we know Donald Trump’s favourite mantra on the campaign trail. It’s “drill, baby drill”. In other words, wherever there is oil, there is money. And wherever there is money, there is power. It’s a perfect match for his lust for them both.
Furthermore, there is a strange twist to all of this, and that is that the people of Alberta are natural Republicans. They are fiercely conservative, who would undoubtedly embrace everything that Trump would offer them.
The same is not true for British Columbia, however, where there would be greater resistance to an American takeover. However, they lack both the population and the power to resist. They have no army to protect them.
There are only two Air Force bases in Western Canada. One is in Comox on Vancouver Island, and the other is in Cold Lake, Alberta, both of which could be wiped out in minutes by a missile attack.
And Ottawa and the Canadian government are thousands of miles away, and would be quickly overwhelmed even if they decided to intervene.
No Mark, an invasion of this kind could be accomplished in a matter of days, and cause Donald Trump to be hailed as a hero across America. And that is what makes me so concerned, because this would almost certainly be the end of me and my Blog.
I am sorry to end on such a depressing note, but perhaps you will now understand why I ended our previous conversation by asking to be included in your prayers.
Mark: Well Allan, all I can say is that I am truly shocked by what you have told me. And if there is anything that I will definitely pray for, it is that Donald Trump never gets to be President again.
You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac. This has been another in our series titled “Signs of the Times”.
Allan, AUDIO, Signs of the Times, September 15, 2024, 1:23 pm
My name is Mark Stevens. It is my great pleasure to welcome back to this Podcast Allan Colston, who was for a time a regular guest on this show. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events.
Well Allan, it has been so long since we last talked that I had begun to wonder if you had died, and that someone else was managing your Blog.
No such luck I’m afraid Mark, I’m still around, although I have to admit that I feel like I’m closing in on my sell-by date at last. As far as I can recall, I think we last spoke over five years ago. That was before the saga of Covid occurred, which changed a lot of things in my life. How about you?
Mark: Now that you mention it, that was a really bad time all around. How did this affect you?
I was lucky Mark, for I was able to take advantage of the initial anti-Covid vaccinations, so that when I finally did get Covid it only lasted for a few days. However, that’s when my problems began, because I then began to suffer from a whole variety of long-Covid complications.
These complications caused me to take a break from my Blog, as I just didn’t have the energy to do the necessary research involved. After all, in a few months time I will be celebrating, if that’s the right word, my 87th birthday. And most of the people I grew up with have already passed on.
Mark: I can’t tell you how relieved I amto hear your voice again, as there are so many things I have been wanting to ask you. Ever since we first began podcasting together, you have this amazing ability to explain things in a way that I haven’t found in anyone else.
You flatter me, Mark. But I am reminded of something that happened to me in 1969 while I was living in India. Quite by chance I happened to meet a world-famous palm reader who had travelled the world reading people’s palms.
He asked me if he could read mine, and although I was hesitant at first, I agreed to let him do so. He took my left hand, and after a casual glance he started to tell me amazing things about my future life.
Mark: What sort of things?
Well, he began by saying that I would leave India in four months. And although I had been planning to stay on for another year, he proved to be correct. He then went on to say that I had a special ability in writing.
Although I had never written anything up to that point in my life, he said that I had the ability to understand and explain esoteric things. He then went on to say: “You don’t have this ability yet, but it will come”. And once again, he has proved to be correct.
Anyway, what did you want to ask me about Mark?
Mark: Well Allan, it seems to me that the entire world has gone crazy. What do you think is really going on?
You’re right Mark. Most people have no idea about what is happening in the world today because they were never taught ancient history. As I wrote in Part Six of my post “2012 and All That”, Plato wrote about this in his essay titled Timaeus.
He described how the renowned Athenian statesman Solon had visited Egypt in the sixth century BC, where he met an elderly priest who told him that there was no such thing as an old Greek.
The priest went on to say: “You Greeks are all children. You are all young in mind. You have no belief rooted in old tradition and no knowledge hoary with age. And the reason is this. There have been and will be many different calamities to destroy mankind, the greatest of them by fire and water, lesser ones by countless other means”.
Another famous Greek, this time Herodotus, who has been called the “Father of History”, also visited Egypt in the fifth century BC and had his own meeting with various priests which he described in his Second Book of History. As he wrote:
“The priests asserted that within historical ages and since Egypt became a kingdom, four times in this period the sun rose contrary to his wont; twice he rose where he now sets, and twice he set where he now rises.”
The idea that the earth has undergone a succession of catastrophic upheavals is not limited to ancient Egypt. These stories were also recorded throughout the ancient world, including India, China, Greece and Persia.
So to answer your question Mark, what is going on in the world today is that we have come to the end of another age in world history, and the world as we know it is about to be destroyed again, this time by fire and water, in a world-wide catastrophe caused by a close encounter with a comet.
Mark: You’re right about ancient history because I had no idea about any of this. So what do you think is about to happen to the earth?
Well if you think back to our conversations about five years ago, we talked about how more and more countries around the world are being dominated by tyrants, and how even well-established Western democracies were now at risk.
And what that means is that all of us will soon be afflicted as we draw ever closer to the Great Tribulation predicted by Jesus. In fact I am reminded of a quote by the American author Henry Miller way back in 1945:
“A new world is being born; a new kind of man is springing up today. The great mass of mankind, destined in our time to suffer more cruelly than ever before, ends by being paralysed with fear, becoming introspective, shaken to the very core, and does not hear, see or feel anything more than everyday physical needs.
“It is thus that worlds die. First and foremost, the flesh dies. But although few clearly recognize it, the flesh would not have died if the spirit had not been killed already.”
What Miller was writing about then can be seen all around us now, particularly here in North America where the spirit of the Anti-Christ has come to dominate almost every aspect of daily life. In fact one of the sad ironies is that those commentators who think that there is still time to avert this tragedy have missed the boat.
That battle has already been lost, and it is now time for America to die, just as so many other civilisations have died in the past. And these death throes will be hard to witness, as the scale of suffering will exceed anything that those of us who are alive today have experienced so far in our lifetimes.
You are aware that this is election season, and that America is due to elect a new President less than six months from now.
Mark: I think I know where you are going with this Allan, as already there is doubt as to whether Joe Biden and the Democrats will be able to cling on to power.
Actually Mark, the situation is far worse than you can imagine. This is not a battle between Democrats and Republicans, and the actions leading up to the election hardly matter, for we already know who the winner will be.
Mark: So do you think that Trump will be elected?
Of course, and not only that, but this will be the last Federal election and Donald Trump will be the last President of the United States, as I predicted several years ago. And why do I say that? Because of something that St. Paul wrote in his Epistle to the Ephesians:
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. (Ephesians 6:12)
This is something that I wrote about in my post “The Lament of Hermes”, where I quoted from a passage taken from a dialogue between the Egyptian God Thoth and his disciple Asclepius, talking about the time of the end, where he says:
“Only the evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and constrain them by violence – miserable creatures – to all the excesses of criminal audacity, engaging them in wars, brigandage, frauds, and in everything which is contrary to the nature of the soul”.
And that is where we find ourselves today, Mark, caught up in a battle between Good and Evil where it is predicted that Satan will overcome the forces of good, and that “the rulers of the darkness of this world” will prevail, at least for a time.
Let me give you an example of these evil angels at work today, starting with the upcoming Federal Election in the United States.
Mark: Carry on Allan, I want to know all about this.
Well Mark, at the moment Donald Trump has been charged in a series of criminal court cases. One involved hush money payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels. In another, he is accused on 91 counts relating to the January 6th attack on the Capitol buildings in Washington.
There is also the Georgia Election Interference case brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who has charged Trump and 18 of his allies and accused them of criminal wrongdoing. Finally, there is the case brought by Jack Smith, accusing Trump of taking classified documents with him when he left the White House.
Well we know now that at least in one of these cases Donald Trump has been found guilty, but we will have to wait and see how this will all play out as he has already indicated that he plans to appeal this verdict, as well as whatever penalty Judge Marchan decides to impose.
In any other era of American history, Donald Trump would very likely have been found guilty of all of these charges and forbidden to hold any elected office in America ever again. But what do we have instead?
We have Trump and his lawyers launching appeal after appeal designed to tie up all these cases in endless delays. And as if that were not enough, we even have one of his judges, Justice Aileen Cannon, announcing that she has delayed indefinitely the case that was scheduled for 20th May 2024.
But even if he were to be convicted in all four of these cases he would still be eligible to participate in the next election. And if he was then elected President, he would simply dismiss all charges against him. We would then see the prophecy of Thoth unfolding before our eyes.
The fact that he has somehow managed to escape unscathed thus far is without precedent in American politics. He seems shielded by the spirit of darkness, and somehow manages to wriggle free from every attempt to bring him to justice, and face the true consequences of his actions.
And he will not only escape justice, I believe he will be restored to power by using the very process devised by the Founding Fathers to prevent such abuses of the electoral system.
Mark: I see what you mean Allan. Donald Trump does seem to have been born under a lucky star.
Absolutely Mark. However, the stars have nothing to do with it. And the reason that I say that is because of the way that the American Constitution has been framed. You see, the U.S. is not a true democracy. If it was, then the candidate who gets the most votes would become President.
Instead, the Constitution grants every state the power to elect members to a special body called the Electoral College, and it is these members who vote for their choice of President and Vice President. So the voters don’t elect the President, the Electoral College does.
The Electoral College today consists of 538 members. So in order to become President, a candidate must get at least 270 of the electoral votes cast. In the last election Joe Biden got 306 Electoral College votes, leaving Donald Trump with 232.
And this is where the situation becomes ominous for the Democrats because most states have a winner-take-all system. Under this system the candidate who gets a simple majority of the votes cast in any particular state gets all the Electoral College members assigned to that state.
And in the present political climate this clearly favours the Republicans.
Mark: Why do you say that, Allan?
Because current polls show Donald Trump leading in six out of the seven so-called “swing” states, where the result could go either way. And if he does go on to win those six states, he will end up with well over 300 Electoral College votes, which would be a runaway victory.
But what makes a Republican victory even more likely, even at this early stage, is because President Biden is burdened by factors over which he has little control. One of these is the current war in the Middle East, which has led to student protests all over America.
The growing anti-Israeli sentiment is bound to cause many voters who might otherwise have voted for Biden to switch their votes to someone else, or perhaps decide not to vote at all. And the person they might choose as an alternative is Robert Kennedy Jr.
Most the Kennedy clan have already publicly rejected him and his campaign, believing that he has no chance of success, and instead is deliberately acting as a spoiler because of his personal grudge against Biden whom he blames for not giving him secret service protection.
However, he continues to deny this, and claims instead that he has a better chance of defeating Donald Trump than Biden does, and that because of this Biden should withdraw from the election race entirely. But Democrats fear that the presence of the Kennedy name alone will take away enough votes from Biden to ensure Trump’s victory.
All of this bears evidence of the expression attributed to the ancient Greeks which reads: “Whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad”. And this madness can be seen throughout the land, primarily among those MAGA supporters who truly believe the Trump has their interests at heart.
Mark: I gather you don’t believe that.
Certainly not, Mark. As the noted British graphologist Elaine Quigley remarked when shown a copy of Trump’s signature:
“Trump’s signature is his face to the world, so he wants to be dominant, hard, aggressive and to keep people at arm’s length, so he can do everything his way. I have always said that his signature is like barbed wire with blood on it. It is aggressive, it is bloodthirsty and there is absolutely no sense of inspiration in it”.
This should come as no surprise to anyone because he has already said what he plans to do if he becomes President again. Donald Trump says he plans to launch a campaign of violence and retribution that will dwarf anything we have seen to date in either Russia or China.
In fact, as I have mentioned in my Blog posts under the category “Reincarnation”, Donald Trump manifests the very worst qualities a democratic country would ever want in a leader. He is dominated by three things – anger, violence and revenge.
He uses these extremes of emotion to galvanise his followers and stir them into outbursts of vitriolic hatred that have no foundation in truth.
Trump explodes with rage so often that it is hard to believe that he has survived as long as he has. And considering that he is grossly overweight and survives on a diet of fast food and pop, that alone suggests that he is being protected by the “evil angels”.
In a recent interview with Eric Cortellessa, a reporter from TIME magazine at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Donald Trump said that his first task after becoming President would be to “fix” America’s migrant problem.
He said that he would round up and expel all the undocumented migrants in the country, using the Police at first and then the National Guard if needed. And if they weren’t able to complete the task, then he would use other parts of the military.
He said he would have no qualms about using the military and building detention camps to deport millions of undocumented migrants back where they came from because, in his words: “These aren’t civilians. These people aren’t legally in our country. This is an invasion of our country.”
So Mark, can you imagine what would happen if he actually went ahead and did this in every state?
Mark: My guess is that there would probably be protests everywhere, which would lead to riots and even civil war in places. It would certainly bring an end to the American dream.
Exactly Mark. Your point about civil war is well made, for in the history of the world there has never been a dictator who tried to rule a country where there were more guns than people. And a survey conducted in 2020 reported that there were 433 million guns in America among 333 million people.
But your point about bringing to an end the American dream is perhaps even more significant. While it may be hard for people these days to imagine a time when immigrants of all races and religions were welcome in the country, this is how America was founded, and how it became a great nation.
We need look no further than the Statue of Liberty in New York harbour. This was a gift to America from the people of France, and on her base is a tablet inscribed with words penned by the American poet Emma Lazarus in 1883 which reads:
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me”.
And over the years millions of people have responded to this call, drawn by the promise of the American dream. This is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their version of success in the “home of the brave, and the land of the free”.
Sadly however, in this age of Donald Trump, this is no longer possible, as he refers to all those who are poring across the Southern border to escape the gangs and drug-ridden communities of meso-America as “vermin”, that are “poisoning the blood of America”.
And yet the one thing that is poisoning America more than any other are the Fascist speeches of Donald Trump himself. And he is not only poisoning America, he is also poisoning himself.
Mark: What exactly do you mean by that Allan?
The most troubling thing about Trump are his health issues and his increasing decline into dementia. While he is quick to claim that Joe Biden’s mental abilities are failing, it is his own shortcomings in this area that are becoming increasingly apparent.
Trump, who has a family history of dementia, is increasingly incoherent and unhinged. He has confused Biden with Obama so often that he’s had to put out a statement that these slips were intentional. He has also said that he won all 50 states in 2016, and that Biden will lead America into World War Two!
Dr. Harry Segal, senior lecturer at Cornell University, and fellow psychologist Dr. John Gartner have recently begun a podcast devoted to an analysis of Donald Trump’s rapid mental deterioration, which they claim is accelerating month by month.
As Dr. Segal explains: “We are going to see an interaction between his cognitive decline and his personality disorder, both of which are severe diagnoses for anybody, and this is for somebody who should never have been in power in the first place.”
Although he said that he had not treated Trump as a patient, he said his verbal blunders are examples of Phonemic paraphasia, which is the swapping of words for others that sound similar. But he said the key sign of his cognitive decline is that Trump is not aware of his own mental failings.
Yet despite these obvious signs, which grow more and more evident with every public rally, his adoring base refuses to accept these facts, and poll after public poll of the American people indicate that the majority are convinced that Trump is healthier than Biden.
And all of this simply hastens the inevitable decline and fall of America as foretold in the Bible and by the prophets of old. And as I said earlier, this decline will bring incredible suffering to the nation, especially those who continue to strive for the virtues laid out by the founding fathers.
But what troubles me most about the coming year Mark, is the warning given by Jesus to his disciples that in the end times there will be “Wars and Rumours of Wars”. And I believe that next year will see regional wars breaking out all over the world, and that Donald Trump will be to blame.
Mark: I’m shocked to hear you say that Allan. How will he be responsible?
I plan to explain what I mean by this in a later podcast. In the meantime Mark, let me leave you with the words of St. Paul that I mentioned earlier in his Epistle to the Ephesians:
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness”.
And I in turn ask for your prayers Mark, that I may have the courage and guidance to say what needs to be said. For as St Paul wrote:
“And for me, pray that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.”
Mark: I just want to thank you Allan for sharing these thoughts with us, and especially for your insight into what is unfolding in our world. I can’t wait for our next discussion. You have given me much to think about as well.
You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac. This has been another in our series titled “Signs of the Times”.
Allan, AUDIO, Signs of the Times, September 10, 2024, 1:54 pm
My name is Mark Stevens. I am talking today with Allan Colston. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events.
For those listeners who were not with us during our last Podcast, this is a continuation of our series “Signs of the Times”. Welcome to the Podcast Allan.
Thanks Mark, it’s a pleasure to chat to you again.
Mark: So, just to recap for our listeners Allan, in Part One of our discussion, you talked about how more and more countries around the world are being dominated by tyrants, and how even well-established western democracies are now at risk.
That’s right, Mark. I then went on to focus on the United States, and how President Trump was beginning to exhibit tyrannical tendencies of his own, and how his actions have threatened the Constitution under which the country has been governed for the last two centuries.
These dangers have increased greatly in the last month as a result of two events – one of which has already happened, while the other is yet to come. The first event was the result of the mid-term elections, in which the Democratic Party regained control of the Lower House of Congress.
What this means is that, starting in January 2019, Congress will finally begin to fulfil the role that was assigned to it under the Constitution, and which was completely ignored by the Republicans for the first two years of the Trump Administration. That role is to oversee the actions of the President.
The second event, which has not yet come to fruition, is the completion of the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into the activities of the Russians during the 2016 election campaign, and whether there was any collusion between them and Donald Trump’s organisation.
Both events carry profound implications for the President, because everything that he does, or has done in the past, will now be the subject of intense scrutiny, of a kind that Donald Trump has never previously had to endure. And no one knows how he will respond to this pressure.
For if either he, or any member of his immediate family, is threatened with prosecution by the FBI or the Justice Department, we know that he is capable of doing just about anything to divert the nation’s attention. He might even plunge America into another war.
But that is a story for another time. And I have no doubt that we will be talking about this again in the not too distant future. Anyway, to return to our last conversation, I ended up by posing two questions.
My first question was: How did the American people ever come to elect a man like Donald Trump as president in the first place? And the second question was: Was this just a matter of chance, or was this part of some grand cosmic design? And that is what I want to talk about today.
As to the first part – how did the people ever come to elect a man like Donald Trump? – well, the answer to that is simple. They didn’t. As I explained in Part One of our Podcast titled “Hail to the Chief”, voters don’t elect the American president. The Electoral College does.
And by taking advantage of the way the Founding Fathers set up the Constitution, Donald Trump was able to attain a majority in the Electoral College, even though he didn’t win the most votes. So you could say that he was elected by way of a lucky break. But was that really the case?
Was it just a coincidence that Trump happened to be elected president at a time when the rest of the world seemed to be unravelling as well? Looking at it from a superficial point of view, that may seem to be so. But not if you study prophecy. And Bible prophecy in particular.
I have written about this at great length in my Blog, Mark. But for the sake of those listeners who may not be conversant with it, do you mind if I go over some of the important points here? I think it will help to answer the question as to whether this is part of some grand cosmic design.
Mark: Not at all Allan. Please carry on.
Back in February of this year we did a Podcast together in which I quoted from the words of the Oracle of Tolemac, who said:
“We want you to know that everything that is happening on your planet at this time is part of a plan. This is the great Cosmic Plan that will lead you into the coming golden age”.
What the Oracle was saying Mark, is that the events that are happening in the world today are not the result of chance, but are part of a great Cosmic Plan that has been steadily unfolding over the centuries. And those who know about this plan can tell us how our present age will end.
One of the people who knew was the legendary sage of ancient Egypt called Thoth, whom the Greeks called Hermes. He was the author of the sacred scroll, written in hieroglyphics, that was called the Book of Thoth. Part of this scroll came to be known as the “Lament”.
In this scroll, Thoth (or Hermes) predicted that there would come a time when foreigners would occupy the land of Egypt, and all that would be left of their former civilisation would be tombs and corpses, and the ruins of their ancient shrines and temples. As he wrote in this Lament:
“in that hour, weary of life, men will no longer regard the world as a worthy object of their admiration and reverence…. they will esteem it a burden; and then they will despise and no longer cherish this whole of the universe.
“For darkness will be preferred to light; it will be thought better to die than to live; none will raise his eyes towards heaven; the pious man will be thought mad, the impious, wise; the frenzied will be thought brave, the worst criminal a good man.
“Only the evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and constrain them by violence – miserable creatures – to all the excesses of criminal audacity, engaging them in wars, brigandage, frauds, and in everything which is contrary to the nature of the soul”.
Although these words were written untold thousands of years ago, it is clear that the time that Thoth was writing about has now arrived. Anyone who reads a newspaper or who watches the evening news will be aware of the torrent of horror stories that are unfolding in the world today.
And this is not just about the evil that men and women do to each other. There has been a steady decline in moral virtue underlying it all. I am reminded here of the words of the popular American author Henry Miller, who penned the following lines shortly after the end of the last world war:
“A new world is being born, a new kind of man is springing up today. The great mass of mankind, destined in our time to suffer more cruelly than ever before, ends by being paralysed with fear, becoming introspective, shaken to the very core, and does not hear, see or feel anything more than everyday physical needs.
“It is thus that worlds die. First and foremost, the flesh dies. But although few clearly recognize it, the flesh would not have died if the spirit had not been killed already”.
Thoth wasn’t the only one to know about this cosmic plan. Jesus knew about it as well, and he warned his disciples about the type of events that would unfold upon the earth prior to his return.
Mark: What did he have to say?
Listen to the words that are written in chapter 24 of the gospel of St. Matthew:
“And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
“And Jesus answered and said unto them, take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
“And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
So for those people who regard Donald Trump as an exception to the rule of government, and hope that after his term of office has ended America will once again return to the values upon which the nation was built, Jesus offers cold comfort. Things will only get worse – much, much worse.
Jesus knew that at the time of the end, most of mankind would forsake his teachings and that fraud, corruption, exploitation, greed, vice and depravity would dominate the planet. And that is especially true today. The U.S. has long since abandoned the Christian principles upon which it was founded.
Mark: By the way Allan, at the end of Part One of our Podcast entitled “Hail to the Chief”, you made the following comment:
“Some people have asked me if I think that Donald Trump will turn out to be the long-awaited Anti-Christ. I tell them no I don’t. But I do think that he will serve up a very good first course”.
What did you mean by that?
I’m glad you raised that point Mark. First of all, as I have made plain elsewhere in my Blog, although the Anti-Christ will be a real, physical person, he will not appear on the earth until after it has been devastated by a series of world-wide catastrophes.
In addition, he will come as a man of peace. He will perform similar miracles to those of the historical Christ. He will feed the hungry, heal the sick and raise the dead. It will not be until many years have passed that he will reveal his dark side and fulfill his evil destiny.
Because of this, anyone who is a prominent leader today cannot be the Anti-Christ predicted in the Bible, if only because he lacks the necessary divine attributes that this man has been predicted to possess.
But that doesn’t mean to say that there won’t be leaders who manifest the spirit of the Anti-Christ. And that was what I was referring to when I said that Donald Trump would serve up a very good first course. You might say that he is a perfect forerunner to the Anti-Christ.
Why do I say that? Let me explain by way of a very droll parallel. I don’t know if you are aware of this Mark, but Donald Trump’s father had a very unusual middle name. Believe it or not, he was christened Frederick Christ Trump. So Donald Trump can legitimately be called the son of Christ.
So if Jesus is the son of God and Donald Trump is the son of Christ, then how do you think they compare with one another?
The qualities that define a truly spiritual person are those that have been set out in the holy books of every faith.
Spiritual people are the peacemakers of this world. They are patient. They are kind. They are slow to show anger. When any harm is done to them, they are quick to forgive. They do not harbour thoughts of revenge.
They do not make a show of the good works that they do. They do not push themselves ahead of others. They do not seek to be first. They do not search for fame. They have simple needs. They are satisfied with whatever comes their way.
These people lead sober, considerate, thoughtful and dedicated lives. They care for others, especially the poor and the neglected in life. They place the needs of others before their own. In times of hardship they are courageous, resourceful and optimistic. They seek the best in all things. They are not daunted by difficulty.
They are not motivated by material gain. They do not seek to acquire great personal wealth. They are motivated by the desire to gain a deeper understanding of life. They strive to be of service to all those who turn to them for help. They are strong in faith.
They are humble. They are meek. Their apparent outward weakness hides their inner strength. They are at peace with themselves and with the world. They share whatever they have with others without thought of whether they will be repaid.
They are considerate of the needs of other creatures that share life with them. They do not oppress the weak or exploit the gullible. They do not trample on the rights of others. They allow others the freedom to live their lives as they think best.
They are not easily misled. They do not indulge in excess. They do not search after empty pleasures. They do not shirk pain or seek to escape the realities of life.
So let me ask you a question, Mark. Of all the qualities listed above, how many of them would you say that Jesus possessed?
Mark: I would say pretty much all of them.
And how many of them do you think characterise Donald Trump?
Mark: Probably not very many.
Exactly Mark, and that was the point I wanted to make. Donald Trump is not only different from Jesus, he is the complete opposite. And if he is the opposite of the Christ, then he represents the spirit of the anti-Christ. Not only that, but he is an apostle of materialism.
One of the first things that Jesus did when he began his ministry was to deliver his famous sermon on the mount. In this, he specifically warned the assembled throng against the dangers of following the path of materialism – of seeking after material things, which he called “mammon”.
As we read in chapter six of the gospel of St. Matthew:
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal.
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”.
Jesus was warning people here that it was not possible to strive after worldly things and at the same time follow him. As he warned:
“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon”.
And for those who treat this warning lightly, he had this to say:
“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it”.
Notice that Jesus was pointing out that the popular path of materialism that appealed to the masses led only to destruction, while the path that he offered “leadeth unto life”. And it was not just life that he promised, but eternal life.
This is the challenge that Christians face around the world today. Sadly, most of their leaders have already cast their lot with the devil, as we can see from the popularity of what has become known as “prosperity theology” – the idea that faith in God brings financial blessing and physical well-being.
And for those who think that the secret to a successful life is to mix a little materialism with a little faith, it is wise to heed the warning conveyed by St. John: “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth”. (Revelation 3:16) There can be no half measures.
And even if a person was able to gain all the wealth in the world, it would not help them in the end. They would only lose it when they die. And when they die, they would have to face the consequences in the afterlife. As Jesus is recorded as saying:
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul”. (Mark 8:36)
The other aspect that I want to emphasize here Mark, is what the Book of Revelation predicts will happen to those people who follow the path of “mammon” in life, and it is not good news.
Mark: What does it have to say?
As I wrote in my article “What is Mystery Babylon in the Book of Revelation?”, the disciple John recorded how an angel appeared before him while he was in exile on the island of Patmos, and showed him what would happen to the “the great whore that sitteth upon many waters”.
This “whore” was described by the angel as a woman arrayed in purple clothing and adorned with precious jewels, and upon whose forehead were written the words “Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth”.
Mainstream Christianity today believes that this mystery woman Babylon refers to the rise of a future one-world religion that will be founded, and presided over, by a future Anti-Christ who is predicted to appear on the world stage during the “last days” spoken of by St. John.
But I believe that modern Bible scholars have completely misunderstood the obvious meaning of these words, and are oblivious to the fact that a one-world religion that exactly matches that prophesied by St. John has grown up under their very gaze.
This new religion now encompasses every country on the globe. It attracts converts from every major faith, and appeals equally to every culture, creed and race. No man or woman alive on earth today is free from its spell. This new religion not only attracts Kings, Presidents and rulers, it also lures the poor, the weak and the needy.
This religion is called “Babylon”. Babylon is not just the name of a place. It is a symbol of everything for which the original city of Babylon was once famous. At the height of its glory Babylon was the envy of the world. It was a place of great luxury and wealth. Its hanging gardens were among the wonders of the ancient world.
The religion symbolized by the woman called “Babylon” is the religion of materialism. It is the desire for material wealth ahead of all other values in life. Babylon is a very old religion. It has seduced people since the earliest days of civilization. It is now the dominant religion on the earth. All nations have fallen prey to its seductive lure.
All of humanity is governed today by an economic system that is based on money. All human enterprise is based on a system that is required to generate money in order to survive.
Yet as we have discovered in the last few years, our economic system has become corrupted to the point where the lust for money on the part of the few, has placed the livelihood of hundreds of millions of people around the world in jeopardy.
Not only is this desire for material wealth now the major economic motivator around the planet, but it has assumed the character of a religion. This world-wide religion of materialism has captured the minds and hearts of humanity just as much as if it were a traditional faith.
There is little doubt that our modern economic system comprising commerce, finance, investment and trade now fits the description of the one-world religion described by St. John. For in describing the influence of this mystery woman Babylon he wrote:
“For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies”. (Revelation 18:1-3)
The references above to “the kings of the earth”, “merchants of the earth” and “waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies” should make it obvious that St. John is not writing about a religious movement led by some future Anti-Christ.
Instead he is referring here to a mercantile system that has grown to world-wide proportions and has become totally corrupted by materialistic pursuits and is devoid of spiritual qualities.
Not only has our modern economic system been subverted from within by greed and the lust for wealth, but it has also been exploited from without by powerful interests whose main purpose has been to entrench themselves in positions of power, and at the same time insulate themselves from accountability and justice.
This system has now become so convoluted and complex that no single nation or institution has the power to reform it. And as has happened in the past, when the institutions of humanity become corrupted from within, they become ripe for destruction from without.
The destruction predicted by St. John will be terrible indeed. For just as our economic system has tentacles that reach out to the farthest corners of the earth, so the destruction that will be inflicted upon ”Babylon” will also be world-wide in scope.
The devastation will be unimaginable, and it will leave merchants everywhere stupefied with terror. The angel revealed that this mystery woman called Babylon would be utterly destroyed. And she would not only be destroyed, but this would be accomplished “in a single hour”.
“Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come”. (Revelation 18:10)
Babylon would be destroyed because she had perverted humanity and become the mother of all abominations. According to the revelation of St. John, our global system of international finance and trade will be destroyed by a giant asteroid that will strike the earth and plunge into the sea.
“And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all”. (Revelation 18:21)
Anyway Mark, I’m sorry to have taken up so much time, but I felt it was important for listeners to understand why seeking after material wealth at the expense of spiritual growth is such a threat, and why people like Donald Trump may turn out to be demons in disguise.
Mark: I understand, and I appreciate that you took the trouble to explain it in all in such detail. But I have another question for you Allan.
Go ahead Mark.
Mark: In many of our discussions you have referred to the fact that the world is headed towards destruction, and that the “last days” will be accompanied by unimaginable suffering.
But if this is part of God’s plan, that everything is destroyed and we ourselves are doomed, then it seems like a pretty lousy plan to me. How do you respond to that?
You raise a very important question, and it is one that has troubled many Christians, and others, all over the world. And the answer is this. Perhaps I can say it best by quoting from a poem written by the American writer Max Ehrmann. The poem is titled “Desiderata”:
“Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy”.
According to the great Cosmic Plan that has been unfolding over the centuries, wickedness, hatred and violence will finally meet its end in an orgy of destruction. For only thus can the earth be truly cleansed and made ready for the golden age that is to come. This is how Thoth describes it:
“Then he will bring back the world to its first beauty, so that this world may again be worthy of reverence and admiration, and that God also, creator and restorer of so great a work, may be glorified by the men who shall live then in continual hymns of praise and benedictions.
“That is what the rebirth of the world will be: a renewal of all good things, a holy and most solemn restoration of Nature herself, imposed by force in the course of time…and by the will of God.”
When this renewal takes place, and a new earth emerges Phoenix-like from the ashes of the old, a saviour will emerge who will reign over the earth for a thousand years. And here is our proof.
Every major religion in the world speaks of a saviour who will come at the end of this present era, although they call him by different names. This is what the Oracle wrote in The Last Days of Tolemac.
The Son of man is the Great Redeemer spoken of in your holy books. He is the one who will come to save the faithful at the appointed end of the age. When the Son of man returns to the earth with power and great glory, he will be recognized by all peoples as “the one who is to come”.
Every religion has its own tradition of a saviour who will return to the earth at the end times. To those of the Christian faith, the Son of man will be Jesus, the living Christ.
To the Jews, he will be the long-awaited Messiah. To the Hindus, he will be Kalki, the tenth incarnation of Vishnu. To the Moslems, he will be the Mahdi, the expected one. To the Buddhists, he will be the Maitreya, the Buddha that is to come. To the Zoroastrians, the coming saviour will be the Saoshyant.
Among the ancient cultures of the world, the Son of man will be recognized as their long-awaited saviours. To the Incas of Peru, he will be welcomed as the return of Viracocha. To the Mayas of central America, he will be Kukulcan. To the Aztec people of Mexico, he will be the leader of the Gods Quetzalcoatl.
Every society will see in the coming of the Son of man the fulfillment of their holy books of prophecy. His coming will unite the world of the faithful as they inherit the long awaited thousand years of peace. He will be their King, and they will be his people.
Mark: I want to thank you Allan for a fascinating discussion, and especially for your insight into what is unfolding in our world. You have given me much to think about as well.
You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac. This has been another in our series titled “Signs of the Times”.
Allan, AUDIO, Signs of the Times, September 8, 2024, 1:38 pm
My name is Mark Stevens. I am talking today with Allan Colston. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events.
For those listeners who may be new to this topic, this is another in the series “Signs of the Times”. Welcome to the Podcast Allan. It seems like a long time since we last talked together.
It certainly does Mark. In fact, it has been far too long. But I have spent a lot of time thinking about what I should talk about today. And the thing that keeps occupying my mind is the degree to which things seem to be unravelling throughout the world.
I continue to be reminded of a conversation that I had a few years back with Scott Paton, who was my webmaster and designer of my Blog theme. At the end of that Podcast, which was entitled “The Age of Tyrants”, I offered a summary of the times in which we are now living.
Mark: I am interested to know what you had to say.
My assessment was as follows:
“And so, Scott, I guess I could sum all this up in the following words. We seem to be living in an age of tyrants, where an encroaching darkness is stealing across the planet, slowly swallowing up all the countries of the world, and enslaving good men and women everywhere as it does so”.
During that Podcast, I had focused on the events that were happening in Turkey, and the wave of repression that had spread across the country as Prime Minister (now President) Erdogan carried out his campaign of reprisals against anyone he accused of being involved in the attempted coup.
Since that time, many more countries have been swallowed up by authoritarian regimes, as their leaders have adopted tyrannical modes of government by brutally oppressing their citizens. In fact, they have gone to even greater lengths than before to silence their opponents.
So tyrannical leaders like Putin, Kim Jong-un and President Khamenei of Iran have been joined by people like Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela, President Duterte of the Philippines, Mohammad Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, and now potentially, the newly elected President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro.
These leaders have not only killed political opponents within their own countries, but to an increasing extent, they have begun tracking them down wherever they happen to be around the world, and then murdering them in ever more ghoulish ways.
You will recall how Vladimir Putin used special operatives to track down the former GRU military intelligence colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, who were living in the English town of Salisbury, and apply the deadly nerve agent Novichok to their front door. Fortunately, both survived.
Then there was the assassination of Kim Jong-nam, half-brother of the current leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un. He was killed when he was attacked by two women at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, who spread another nerve agent, this time VX, on his face in February 2017.
And as I related in my last Blog post, President Erdogan of Turkey even tried to bribe former National Security Advisor of the U.S., Michael Flynn, to forcibly kidnap Fethullah Gülen from his retreat in Pennsylvania and fly him to the Turkish prison island of Imrali – a plot which also, fortunately, failed.
And then, perhaps worst of all, we have the recent murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed in the most brutal fashion at the Saudi Arabian embassy in Istanbul, by a squad of fifteen operatives who had flown in from Riyadh a few hours earlier.
In all of these cases the message conveyed by these dictators has been perfectly clear. You can run, but you can’t hide. And we will track you down wherever you happen to live. These countries cannot protect you, for we are not intimidated by them, nor do we fear their reprisals.
In fact, as the increasing numbers of tyrants all around the world show, democracy is in trouble all over the planet. People are assailed by fear. As history has demonstrated, tyranny is born out of fear. It is sustained by fear. It is ruled by fear, and it is ultimately destroyed by forces generated by fear.
Mark: So how do we overcome those fears?
Well, here lies the rub, Mark. These fears are not easy to overcome. This is not like the time of the Great Depression when President Roosevelt famously told the American people: “You have nothing to fear but fear itself”. These fears are very real. And they exist all around the world.
The basic underlying fear that people everywhere have is the fear of loss. It is the fear of losing their most prized possession, which is their cultural identity. It is the fear of having their very way of life overturned by intruders – those people who do not belong.
And we are seeing this happen all around the planet, as people everywhere are driven to escape their countries of origin, to try to find places of safety where they can live in peace. So, as more and more countries disintegrate into chaos, so more and more people are being forced to flee.
They are fleeing from poverty, unemployment, political oppression, civil war, religious discrimination, drugs and gang-related violence. Added together, these refugees have become a flood of humanity that has been washing over the planet, leaving hardly any country unaffected.
So we see migrants fleeing from failed states all across Africa trying to cross the Mediterranean to gain access to Europe. Refugees from the civil war in Syria trying to get into southern Europe through Turkey. Migrants from central America trying to get into the United States.
And just as understandably, there has been a counter-movement within all of those countries impacted by this influx, to close their borders and stem the tide of what they regard as illegal refugees. And this is where this fear plays into the hands of authoritarian leaders.
We have seen the rise to power of right-wing governments in places like Austria and Hungary, as a predictable reaction to Moslem migrants arriving from North Africa and the Middle East. Similar right-wing movements have even begun to undermine the coalition of Angela Merkel in Germany.
And that of course brings me to Donald Trump, who has built up his entire business and political career by using fear as his “Trump” card. You may recall, Mark, just before his inauguration, we had a lengthy discussion in which I laid out what could be expected from a Trump administration.
Mark: I remember it well. In fact, I was reading it again just a few weeks ago. I must say you really nailed it with your predictions. Almost everything that you said then has turned out to be correct.
You flatter me, Mark. But I will admit that most of what we discussed at that time has turned out to be true. And although I don’t regard myself as a prophet, much of what I said could easily have been predicted, largely because Donald Trump has since done exactly what he said he would do.
Whether or not he is suited, or qualified, for the job of President of the United States, Donald Trump has at least proved that he has a genius for playing on the fears of others, and then turning this to his political advantage. And he has used his talent to gain the highest office in the land.
For example, he has tapped into the fears of rural and blue-collar Americans in a way that no other politician has been able to match. And he has done so right from the moment that he first announced his candidacy for President. Do you recall what he said as he stood on the escalator at Trump Tower?
Let me remind you. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing their problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”.
This was a message that was clearly designed to resonate with all those living close to the border with Mexico, as well as with victims of violence, or of the drugs that are proliferating throughout the country. He even returned to this theme in his pitch just before the mid-term elections.
In fact, his campaign slogan was one that his followers clearly understood and acted upon. His call to “Make America Great Again” was a thinly veiled plot to “make America white again”, by focusing on the needs of white people, rather than those of Blacks, Hispanics, Moslems and other migrants.
He also promised to restore their former status and security, as well as their ability to guide their own fate, by assuring them that he would bring back those manufacturing jobs that had been lost as a result of globalisation, and what he called “stupid trade agreements” made by past administrations.
This of course was something that he was never going to be able to do, because the jobs that had been lost were the result of decisions taken by American multi-national corporations, to build new factories abroad where the price of labour was significantly lower than in the United States.
That ship left port about thirty years ago and is not about to return. Anyway, the reason I wanted to talk about Donald Trump is not so much about what he has or hasn’t done for those who support him. It’s about the way he has reshaped America, and the impact this is having on the rest of the world.
As you will recall Mark, at noon on January 20, 2017, Trump stood on the steps of the Capitol building in Washington and took the official oath of office. Placing his hand on the Bible, he swore to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”.
But what he has actually done since taking office is the complete opposite. And his actions have not only threatened the survival of the United States as the bastion of democracy, they have also undermined the security of the entire western world.
Mark: Well I must say, speaking as a Canadian, I am glad to be living on this side of the border.
Well said, Mark. Whether or not Donald Trump has ever read the American Constitution is a moot point. What is obvious is that the principles embodied by the Founding Fathers in this document are completely foreign to his way of doing things, and that he treats them with disdain.
Because Trump never had a proper education, and was never taught American civic history, he has never grasped the idea of the separation of powers, whereby the Federal government is divided into three separate but equal branches – the executive, the legislative and the judicial.
So when he assumed the office of president, he not only resented the idea of sharing power, but he actively resisted it. His idea of presidential power was based on examples of the strongmen that he praised so widely – men like Putin, Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong-un – who ruled by decree.
Not only that, but he has always been infuriated by anyone who dared to challenge his authority, or who criticized him, either privately or in public. The very idea of freedom of speech or the freedom of the press as guaranteed under the First Amendment, is anathema to him.
So we see his invective against the press, and his continuing diatribe against media organisations like CNN, NBC, CBS and others, whom he accuses of being purveyors of “fake news”. He has even gone so far as to brand those who criticize him as “enemies of the people”.
And we are not just talking here about a smear campaign directed against his opponents. When Trump describes certain organisations or journalists as “enemies” of the people, the danger that this poses to democracy is that millions of his supporters firmly believe this to be true as well.
So instead of upholding the constitution by protecting the freedom of speech and of the press, he has split the country into two opposing camps – those who believe him, and those who believe his critics. But then that has been his mode of operation ever since he took office.
He simply picks an issue – any issue – and then turns it into a source of conflict whereby one side is pitted against another. A recent example of this was his specious issue with NFL players who “took a knee” during the playing of the national anthem at football games.
He does this partly to dominate the daily news cycle, or to divert attention away from something he would rather not talk about, or simply to stir up opposition. And, as anyone who has worked in the present White House will affirm, Trump has turned the place into a war zone.
To illustrate my point Mark, how many people do you think have left the White House staff over the course of the last two years, either as a result of being fired, or of being forced out as a result of fraud or some other illegal activity?
Mark: Well you’ve got me there, Allan. But there must be quite a few.
Quite a few is right. Since he took office, a record number of 141 people have left. And of these, more than half were high-ranking staff – including people like Michael Flynn, H.R. McMaster, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Gary Cohn, Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, Rob Porter, Sean Spicer and a host of others.
Most of them have gone on record as saying that the White House has become a toxic place to work, not only because of the stubbornness and stupidity of the president, but also because of his well publicised paroxysms of rage, some of which have been known to persist for days.
These departures have spawned a whole series of best-selling books, whose titles speak for themselves. Titles like Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff, Fear by Bob Woodward, Media Madness by Howard Kurtz, It’s Even Worse Than You Think by David Cay Johnston, and Everything Trump Touches Dies by Rick Wilson, to say nothing of Unhinged by Omarosa Manigault Newman.
It is hardly surprising therefore that this conflict within the White House has led to extreme partisanship within Congress, as well as in the country as a whole. America is more divided today than it has ever been before, and this poses a significant threat to its survival as a democratic state.
You may have heard the story associated with Ben Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of America, who, when approached by a group of citizens asking him what sort of government the Constitutional Convention of 1787 had created, reputedly replied: “A republic, if you can keep it”.
We all know the quote, often (but mistakenly) attributed to Thomas Jefferson, saying, “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance”. But whatever its origin, its truth cannot be denied. Unless we the people are always alert to the dangers posed by authoritarian rule, our democratic form of government can easily be lost.
If there should come a time when a large proportion of the American people comes to distrust the media, believing that what they read in the press or see on TV is “fake news”, then all hope of maintaining a free democratic society will be lost. And that time may not be far off.
And then of course Mark, there is America’s standing in the world. From being the unquestioned leader of the free world, and the premier defender of democracy throughout the west, Trump has reduced the nation to a laughing stock abroad, as we saw during his recent speech at the United Nations.
Mark: I was going to ask you about that. What do you think of his policy of “America first”?
I’m glad you raised the subject, Mark. Again, because Trump has never studied world history, and has never bothered to review American foreign policy since the end of the second world war, he remains blithely unaware of the crucial part played by the western alliance in preserving the peace.
As we have seen, he has no time for multi-lateral alliances with foreign governments, especially among western countries. In fact, he has systematically insulted western leaders, and undermined the work of organisations like NATO and the G-7.
Wherever possible, Trump has used the power of his office to withdraw from agreements like the Paris Climate Accord and the Joint Nuclear Agreement with Iran, believing that America was better off charting its own course of action and abandoning its former allies.
So we see China stepping in to fill the vacuum in the Far East, and Russia taking control of the Middle East. The most recent conference that was held to decide the fate of the Syrian province of Idlib involved four countries – Russia, Turkey, France and Germany. The United States played no part.
And during the recent ceremonies held to honour the fallen on the 100th anniversary of the ending of the first world war, we had the question being raised by President Macron of France, as to whether it was now time to form a European army, since they could no longer rely on the United States.
All these signs point to America’s growing isolation in the world, and the degree to which western countries have begun to go their own way is an indicator that there has been a serious breakdown between themselves and the U.S., something that was quite unheard of before Donald Trump took office.
And then there has been the bizarre “bromance” between Trump and the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. After their meeting in Singapore, Trump returned to the U.S. with a modern equivalent of Neville Chamberlain’s famous “peace in our time” declaration, shortly before the outbreak of WW2.
The latest reports coming out of North Korea do nothing to validate Trump’s conviction that the country is on the path to full denuclearisation. Instead, they suggest a hardening of their position, and that nothing further will be done until America first agrees to remove all international sanctions.
So although the threat of nuclear conflict between the U.S. and North Korea may have diminished in rhetoric, it has not gone away. And given the history of inflammatory outbursts between their two leaders, there is no guarantee that this issue will not suddenly explode once again.
As I say Mark, we are living in dangerous times, and the administration of Donald Trump seems to be more of a symptom of the breakdown of international order, than of any hope of making the world a better place – let alone restoring America to its former “greatness”.
Mark: And what do you think of Donald Trump as a leader?
As I pointed out, one of the things that Trump likes to bang on and on about is what he calls “fake news”, which turns out to be anything that he happens to disagree with. What makes this supremely ironic, is that he himself is the very epitome of everything that is fake.
There is absolutely nothing about the man that is genuine. Practically everything that he says or does is a fraud. And the remarkable thing about this is that his supporters neither seem to notice or care. Even his face is a disguise, with his dyed hair and his orange-coloured make-up.
According to the official medical report released by the White House in January of this year, President Trump stands 75 inches in height (6’ 3”) and weighs 239 pounds. This has proved to be yet another announcement that has been greeted with wild guffaws around the planet.
In the official photograph of world leaders attending the G-7 summit earlier this year in Quebec, Donald Trump is seen standing next to Justin Trudeau, who is known to be 6’2” in height. Yet Trump is clearly shorter than the Canadian Premier.
Anyone who has seen a photo of Donald Trump playing tennis can see how he billows out of his trunks. And if he is not as tall as he claims to be, then even a weight of 239 pounds would make him obese by BMI standards. But that would come as no surprise to anyone who is familiar with his diet.
In a book written by his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, his customary lunch consisted of two Big Mac hamburgers, two Filet-O-fish, French fries and a chocolate milkshake. Add to that his preference for diet cokes, sometimes as many as a dozen a day, and one can see why he is in trouble.
Any 72-year-old who consumes up to 2,500 calories a day, including more than 3,500 milligrams of sodium, cannot be headed for a good outcome health-wise. And then there is the matter of his psychological health, or as some would say, his sanity. Incidentally Mark, do you know how his father died?
Mark: No, I can’t say that I do.
His father Fred died in 1999, at the age of 93, from pneumonia. But for the last six years of his life, he had been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Because of this, many people today have begun to wonder whether Donald is already beginning to show early signs of this condition.
YouTube is full of videos where he seems to be lost, unaware of what he is supposed to be doing, rambling on incoherently, or of making glaring errors, such as the time when he visited the town of Paradise, site of the recent California wild-fires, and repeatedly referred to it as “Pleasure”.
No other President in the history of the United States has been guilty of so many mental lapses. Had they happened to anyone else, they might not seem so bad. But when they are associated with the leader of the free world with the keys to the nuclear codes, then all of us have reason to be alarmed.
What makes his claims of “fake news” so laughable, is that he continues to bolster his arguments with facts that are blatantly and demonstrably false. Again, this hardly seems to bother his supporters, who would be incensed if these same “facts” were to be advanced by someone like Hillary Clinton.
The Washington Post has kept a running record of these lies. In August of this year, they issued a report indicating that in the 558 days since he had taken office, President Trump had made 4,229 false or misleading claims, and that this tally was growing exponentially larger by the day.
Media commentators have devoted endless hours dispelling these false claims, but to little avail. What they have yet to realise is that, unlike any previous President, Donald Trump is impervious to these charges, because he has no moral compass, and therefore no basis for evaluating “truth”.
“Facts”, in his world, have no fundamental meaning, and he himself attaches no value to them. Ever since he launched his business career, he has been content to say anything that crosses his mind, as long as it advances his position or validates his argument.
As an example, just before the mid-term elections, he said things like – the Republican Party is planning a 10% tax cut for all middle-income earners – or the Republican Party will safeguard the health of everyone with a pre-existing condition, when there was absolutely no factual basis to what he said.
So the extent of the Republican tax cut, or the size of the crowd attending his inauguration, is based on what he thinks, rather than what the facts show. And when asked by a reporter during his election campaign why he said things that were plainly untrue, Trump replied: “I just don’t care”.
And this goes to the heart of the problem in dealing with Donald Trump, and why his political opponents and the media have been driven to distraction. He comes up with false statements, and when challenged, either doubles down or denies that he ever said them or changes the subject.
Clearly, there is nothing in the history of the United States that has prepared the American public for a man like Donald Trump. But if I can use a play on words here Mark, there has at least been a “precedent” for this president. Have you ever heard of a man by the name of H.L. Mencken?
Mark: No Allan, I can’t say that I have.
Henry Louis Mencken was an American journalist. He was born in 1880 and died in 1956. He was a man of many talents, not least of which was that he was a satirist, meaning that he used humour, irony and exaggeration to ridicule people, especially in matters of contemporary politics.
Anyway, back in July of 1920, Mencken wrote the following prophetic lines:
“As democracy is perfected, the office (of the Presidency) represents more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron”.
Why I consider this comment to be prophetic is that shortly before he was fired, former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was accused of referring to Donald Trump as an “expletive-deleted moron”. And although Tillerson refused to admit to having said this, he also never specifically denied it.
So if Tillerson is right Mark, and there finally is a moron in the White House, then perhaps it is time for the official acronym for the President Of The United States to be changed from POTUS to MOTUS !
But on a more serious note, we need to ask ourselves the question: how did the people ever come to elect a man like Donald Trump in the first place? Was this just chance, or was it part of some grand cosmic design? I hope to answer this in Part Two of our discussion.
Mark: You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac. We do hope you will join us next time when we continue our talk on this important subject. Allan Colston can be reached by Email at
Allan, AUDIO, Signs of the Times, September 6, 2024, 1:46 pm
My name is Mark Stevens. I am talking today with Allan Colston. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events.
For those listeners who may be new to this topic, this is another in the series “Signs of the Times”. Welcome to this Podcast Allan. It’s good to chat to you again.
Thanks Mark.
Mark: In our last conversation, you said that Donald Trump might be the last President of the United States, and that his actions could lead to the destruction of America, and the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Could you tell us a little more about this?
Certainly Mark. I said that the test would be whether he followed through with his election promise to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from its present location in Tel Aviv to the contested city of Jerusalem. And as we all know by now, he went ahead and announced his plan to do so late last year.
Not surprisingly, Trump’s decision was met with fierce opposition, not just from Muslim and Arab countries, but from many western nations as well. In fact, at the United Nations, 128 countries voted to condemn his decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
While this overwhelming condemnation was entirely predictable and should have been foreseen, the US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, told The Jerusalem Post that the Palestinian response was “overly emotional”, and that its rhetoric was “ugly, needlessly provocative and anti-Semitic”.
It is clear from the ambassador’s response that Donald Trump either overlooked, or deliberately chose to ignore, the degree to which the city of Jerusalem has become an emotional lightning rod that ignites Muslims and Arabs everywhere.
Furthermore, because he lacks a classical education, Trump had probably never even heard of Pegasus, the pure-white divine stallion of the ancient Greeks, or of its later incarnation in Islamic mythology, where it was referred to as Buraq, the heavenly steed that transported the prophets.
For according to Islamic teaching, it was Buraq that carried Muhammad on his famous night journey to Jerusalem, where he met with earlier prophets (including Jesus), as well as with God (Allah). In fact the Dome of the Rock was built on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem to commemorate this very meeting.
For Muslims everywhere therefore, Jerusalem is not just another city. It is integrally tied to one of the most significant events in the life of the prophet. So the decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem was not just an affront to the Palestinians, it was a direct challenge to all Muslims.
Just to give you an idea about how Muslims feel about this issue Mark, the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Sheik Mohammed Badie, has called for a Jihad (holy war) to liberate Jerusalem from Israeli rule. He had this to say to his followers:
“Jerusalem is Islamic and nobody is entitled to make any concessions about the fate of the city. The Jihad for the recovery of Jerusalem is a duty for all Muslims“. He went on to say: “The liberation of the Holy City will not be done through negotiations, or at the United Nations”.
Another prominent campaigner for the conquest of Jerusalem, has been the Egyptian Imam and television preacher by the name of Safwat Hegazi. Hegazi is on record saying: “Our capital shall not be in Cairo, Mecca or Medina. It shall be Jerusalem with God’s will”.
And to a crowd of his supporters in the Gaza Strip he added: “The United States of the Arabs will be restored. The capital of the Muslim Caliphate will be Jerusalem with God’s will. Our chants shall be: millions of martyrs will march towards Jerusalem”.
So the rallying cry amongst Muslims, not just in Palestine but throughout the entire Middle-East, has long been “Next year in Jerusalem!” Naturally, all of this is lost on Donald Trump. But had he been conversant with Bible prophecy, he would probably have acted with a little more caution.
Mark: What does the Bible have to say about this?
The Bible is full of hints about the things that will come to pass during the end-times Mark, if we know where to look and what to look for. And one of the clearest signs of the time of the end can be found in the writings of the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel.
If anyone doubts the significance of prophecy, they need look no further than Ezekiel. Although he lived six centuries before Jesus was born, at a time when the Jewish people were living in exile in Babylon, he described events that would occur in Israel 2,600 years later with uncanny accuracy.
For example, in Chapter 37 of his book of prophecy as recorded in the Old Testament, Ezekiel predicted that a time would come when the scattered tribes of Israel would return to the land of their forefathers, and that they would become a nation once more. As he wrote:
“And say unto them, thus saith the Lord God: behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them up on every side, and bring them into their own land: And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel”.
And as you know Mark, this actually happened on May 14, 1948, when the state of Israel came into being, following the adoption of a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly. Ezekiel then went on to predict that in the “latter days”, Israel would be attacked by a “mighty army”.
Mark: Did he say what sort of army this would be?
Yes Mark he did. In chapter 38, Ezekiel explained that this army would consist of a coalition of forces, ranging from Gog in “the north parts” (an obvious reference to Russia), as well as Gomer and Togarmah (places in modern Turkey), together with Persia (Iran), Ethiopia and Libya.
“Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, thus saith the Lord God; in that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it? And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army.
“And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes”.
According to Ezekiel, this vast army would assemble on the borders to the north, south and east of Israel. Their goal would be to eradicate the Jewish state once and for all, and claim the land as their own under a new Caliphate, with Jerusalem as its capital.
What I find significant about this Mark, is that Ezekiel makes it clear that the goal of this mighty army is not to destroy everything in its path with tanks, rockets and artillery, but rather to protect the holy Islamic shrines in Jerusalem, and spare the lives of those Arabs living in Israel at the time.
This also makes a lot of military sense, for Israel would prefer to attack enemy forces on foreign soil rather than inside the country, where there would be far more Jewish casualties. Plus, they would be hard pressed to withstand enemy forces that advanced from all sides at the same time.
But according to Ezekiel, just when all hope seems lost and the entire nation seems doomed, the Jews will be saved by a supernatural event. A comet will appear suddenly in the skies above the earth, causing great earthquakes and destruction throughout the land. For as he goes on to say:
“And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face. For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken. Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel.
“So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence. And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground”.
Mark: So what will be the fate of those armies surrounding Israel at that time?
According to Ezekiel, the armies that are gathered on the borders of Israel will be caught on the open plains. They will be will be exposed to the full fury of the “hailstones, fire and brimstone” that will descend on them from the skies. As he writes:
“And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire and brimstone”.
Anyway, as a result of the earthquakes on the land and the aerial bombardment from the skies, the armies that had gathered on the borders of Israel will be decimated. Those few who survive these disasters will either be unable, or unwilling, to pursue their assault.
Ezekiel writes that only “a sixth part” of the invading armies will survive the onslaught of the comet.
“Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, thus saith the Lord God; behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee.
“And I will smite the bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beast of the field to be devoured”.
Ezekiel goes on to write that, after the comet has passed, the countryside will be littered with the wreckage of the armaments and the bodies of the dead. So many people will die on the open plains on the eastern side of the Dead Sea that it will take the Israelis seven months to bury them all.
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude. And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land”.
Throughout chapters 37,38 and 39, Ezekiel paints a graphic picture of a failed military campaign against the state of Israel, and of the devastating losses incurred by the invading armies because of the timely intervention of the comet that is called “Wormwood” in St. John’s book of Revelation.
So Mark, what it all boils down to is this. We know what Ezekiel has predicted. What we need to ask ourselves now, based on what is going on in the region today, is whether there is any chance of such a conflict happening, and if so, whether it could happen soon?
Mark: That’s an intriguing question Allan. You have been studying the situation in the Middle-East for many years. What do you think?
Well Mark, my own hunch is that the scenario described by Ezekiel could most certainly happen. And the way the situation in the Middle-East is deteriorating in this age of Donald Trump, it seems not only possible, but probable. And sooner rather than later. Consider the following factors.
Firstly, the coalition of countries described by Ezekiel already exists. Russia is closely linked with both Iran and Turkey, especially since their major strategic interests all coalesce in Syria. And secondly, rebel forces in places like Libya, Ethiopia and Sudan would quickly join them if called upon to do so.
Because Russia’s Black Sea fleet is based in the port of Sevastopol in Crimea, it suffers from the disadvantage of having to pass through the narrow strait of the Dardanelles before it can reach the open sea. That is why Russia has long sought a naval base located in the Mediterranean.
And since becoming involved in the Syrian conflict at the request of Iran and President al-Assad in 2015, they have done exactly that. They have taken over the Syrian port of Tartous, and are using it as a base for Russian ships. They have also established two permanent air force bases in the country.
Because of its proximity to Israel, Syria has long been of crucial value to Iran. Ever since it became an Islamic Republic in 1979, Iran has committed itself to the goal of the destruction of the Jewish state, and no national occasion passes without reminding its citizens of this fundamental objective.
Up until now, it has done this primarily by funding and providing military equipment to the Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza strip, who have already been involved in a series of wars with Israel. And it is through Syria that most of these military supplies are provided.
Although not directly involved in the Syrian civil war up until now, Turkey has nevertheless played a significant part in determining its outcome. At one point it even found itself in conflict with the Russians, when it shot down one of their fighters that strayed into Turkish airspace.
But since that time President Erdogan has mended his friendship with Putin, and just recently signed an accord for Moscow to supply Ankara with the latest S-400 surface-to-air missiles. Turkey also continues to be a harsh critic of President al-Assad of Syria, and actively campaigns to replace him.
Erdogan has also strongly criticized the American decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, telling members of his AK party: “God willing, the day is close when officially, with God’s permission, we will open our embassy in East Jerusalem”.
To summarise then Mark, the three main countries quoted by Ezekiel in this future war with Israel (Russia, Turkey and Iran), are more than capable of doing so. They all have forces close to the Israeli border, and are united in their opposition to recent moves involving the city of Jerusalem.
Although the decision to move the American embassy has the potential to destabilise the entire region, this by itself would not be justification for them to go to war. There would have to be something else – something far more serious – something the Israelis are certainly capable of bringing down upon themselves.
Mark: Why do you say that Allan?
No doubt emboldened by recent American support, the Israeli government has made even more provocative decisions in recent weeks. For example, it has accelerated plans to solidify its control over the city of Jerusalem, in a way that threatens the entire two-state solution to the Palestinian crisis.
In an all-night session, the Knesset (Israeli parliament) passed an amendment to Israel’s Basic Law, stipulating that any attempt to transfer sovereign control of Jerusalem to a foreign power, would now need a supermajority of 80 members out of 120, instead of the previous 61.
And in a move sure to enrage Palestinians even more, this same amendment authorised the Knesset to change the municipal borders of Jerusalem by a simple majority of 61. And if any Palestinian neighbourhood is later removed from city limits, it will still remain under Israeli control.
Just a few days earlier, the Likud Central Committee voted unanimously to apply Israeli law to all Israeli settlements on the West Bank. Although this vote was non-binding, it was a signal that the government might annex those areas of Palestinian land where over 600,000 Israelis now live.
Commenting on this vote the Israeli Minister of Public Security Gilad Erdan gloated: “We will tell the world it does not matter what outsiders say. We will place Israeli sovereignty over towns in Judea and Samaria (the Israeli term for the West Bank), not because of our strength but because of our rights”.
And it is this continual flaunting of Israeli power in the face of Palestinian weakness, that may prove to be the final straw that will one day prompt the enemies of Israel to mount a military campaign against them. And then there is the mysterious Biblical reference to the city of Damascus.
Mark: What does the Bible have to say about that?
Again Mark, the Bible gives us a clue as to what might soon happen in the Middle-East. But this time it is not the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel who is the source, but another Hebrew prophet who lived about two hundred years before him. I am talking here about Isaiah.
Isaiah begins the 17th chapter of his book of prophecy with a simple verse. It consists of just twenty words. Yet they have prompted more debate among Biblical scholars than perhaps any other single sentence. And to this day no one really knows for sure what Isaiah meant. This is what he wrote:
“The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city and it shall be a ruinous heap”.
While some Biblical historians maintain that this prophecy was fulfilled when Damascus was conquered in 732 B.C. by the Assyrian king Tiglath-Pileser, other scholars insist that this verse must refer to the future, since this Syrian city has been continuously occupied for well over 3,000 years.
In other words, they claim that whatever might have happened in the past, Damascus has never stopped being a city. And it has certainly never been reduced to “a ruinous heap”. So if this verse does refer to the future, then what might cause it to be reduced to a pile of rubble?
This is important Mark, because Isaiah is not just referring here to heavy physical damage, such as we have seen recently in other Syrian cities like Homs and Aleppo, which have been devastated by tanks, artillery and barrel bombs. He is talking here about total annihilation.
Mark: Do you think Damascus might be destroyed by the Israelis, and that is why these countries would decide to go to war?
Well you raise an interesting point Mark. And some preachers have suggested exactly that. In fact, they have even gone so far as to suggest that Damascus will be attacked by Israel, and that the entire city will be wiped out by a nuclear bomb.
One of the most prominent supporters of this idea is the American author Tim McHyde, who now makes his home in Germany. McHyde has devoted the last twenty years of his life to what he calls his “ministry”, which is to reveal the real meaning of Bible prophecy as it relates to the “last days”.
One of the pages of his website carries the title “Isaiah 17: Will Israel Nuke Damascus?” As he explains, although Israel insists that it will never to be the first country to use nuclear weapons, it might be forced to do so if it felt that its survival as a nation was threatened. As he writes:
“Importantly, Israel also has the will to use these weapons. Because Israel’s enemies are so numerous and able to overrun the tiny nation so easily, Israel has adopted a nuclear policy called “The Samson Option”.
“The name comes from the famously strong judge of Israel who took his own life by knocking out the support pillars of the temple he was in to avenge himself on his enemies around him. According to this policy, Israel would nuke the cities of her enemies if she was overrun or about to be defeated. Hitting the leadership of Syria at Damascus would be part of this retaliatory attack”.
Now if the Israeli government ever did decide that the nation’s existence was threatened, and went ahead and destroyed the city of Damascus, I have no doubt that this would lead to war with the Arab nations, especially if they used a nuclear weapon to do so. But I don’t believe they will.
Mark: Why not?
Well Mark, I believe that interpreters of events of the “last days” like Tim McHyde have completely misunderstood the nature and sequence of events that are described in the 17th chapter of the book of Isaiah, and the 38th chapter of the book of Ezekiel.
The reason I say that is because I am convinced that both chapters refer to the same event. Both Ezekiel and Isaiah are describing an event in the future where God’s wrath is visited upon the enemies of Israel, in which their armies are overcome, and the city of Damascus is completely wiped out.
As I see it, the first verse of chapter 17 of the book of Isaiah should read as follows: “Behold the fate of Damascus. It will no longer be a city, just a heap of ruins”. In my view, the destruction of Damascus will not be the cause of this future war, it will be the result of the war – i.e. collateral damage.
And the key to understanding this lies in the meaning of the words “fire, hail and brimstone”. People like Tim McHyde interpret these words as the fall-out from nuclear weapons, whereas Ezekiel makes it perfectly plain that the armies are not destroyed by human action, but by “Divine” intervention.
The words “fire and brimstone” are mentioned fourteen times in the Bible, including six times in the book of Revelation. The most famous example was the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. “Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven”. (Genesis 19:24)
In a similar way, Damascus will be destroyed by fiery hailstones raining down upon it from the skies. This “fiery hail”, or what we would call today “incandescent meteorites”, will not only devastate the city with the power of their impact, but will set fire to the surrounding areas as well.
But that is not all. This fiery hail will be accompanied by a mighty earthquake that Ezekiel says will shake the entire land of Israel. And since Damascus is just over thirty miles from the Israeli border, there is every likelihood that it will be devastated by this earthquake as well.
Let me remind you again of the words in chapter 38 of the book of Ezekiel.
“And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face. …Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel….And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground”.
We need to remember that Damascus is not only a historic city, it is an old city. By that I mean “old” in terms of construction. So if an earthquake is strong enough to cause “mountains to be thrown down”, then buildings made of bricks and mortar will inevitably collapse into “a ruinous heap”.
Mark: Well I must admit Allan, you make a convincing case. So that raises my original question. Do we have any idea when all this will happen?
Well as I said before Mark, the Bible doesn’t give any dates. But there is another clue in prophecy which I think shows that it cannot be more than a few years away. This time the prophecy doesn’t come from the Bible, but from a 12th century Christian saint.
In my Blogpost entitled The Last Pope, I discussed how in the year 1139, a young Irish priest named father Malachy decided to undertake a pilgrimage to Rome to seek an audience with Pope Innocent II. But as soon as he got a glimpse of the Holy City, he fell to the ground in a trance.
During this trance, Malachy had a vision of the future of the Church, starting with his own time, and leading up to the return of the Christ. His vision included a sequence of all the Popes who would reign in Rome up until the time of the end. According to St. Malachy, there would be 112 of them.
According to St. Malachy, the last Pope (Number 112) would be the Pope who would witness the collapse of the Church and the rise to power on the world stage of the man who would come to be known as the Anti-Christ. This would be followed by the return of the Christ.
In describing the last Pope to hold the Office of Peter in the Church of Rome before the return of the Christ, St. Malachy ended his description with these chilling words:
“In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the end of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End”.
Now compare this Mark with the words of the “third secret of Fatima” that I spoke about earlier, that were included in the official version that was released to the public by the Vatican in the year 2000.
“And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it ‘a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark;
“Before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him,
“And in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God”.(View Source)
Mark: So how does this help us understand when these things are going to happen?
Well Mark, according to the sequence of Popes quoted by St. Malachy, the present Pope Francis is the 112th Pope. That means that he will be one who will experience “extreme persecution” and endure “many tribulations”. And he will be the one who will see the destruction of Rome, the “city of seven hills”.
And this is where the rubber meets the road, as I like to say. On December 17th of last year, Pope Francis celebrated his 81st birthday. So if he is the last Pope, who has to endure all those things that have been prophesied about him, simple common sense tells us that they would have to start soon.
So there you have it Mark. We now know what to look out for. We know where to look. We know who is going to be involved. So if we are to be guided by the words of Jesus, who told his followers to watch and pray, then this is the time to watch. And this is the time to pray.
Mark: Well Allan, once again I want to thank you for your amazing insight into what is happening in the world today, and how this ties in with Bible prophecy.
You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac. Do join us for our next Podcast, which will be another in the series titled “Signs of the Times”.
Allan, AUDIO, Signs of the Times, What Time Is It?, July 17, 2024, 4:07 pm
My name is Mark Stevens. I am talking today with Allan Colston. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events.
For those listeners who may be new to this topic, this is another in the series “Signs of the Times”. I’d like to start by welcoming you to this Podcast Allan, and by saying how much I am looking forward to our discussion today.
Thanks very much Mark. The feeling is mutual.
Mark: If you don’t mind, I wondered if we could go back to our last conversation. You will remember that when you said that the world as we know it may be coming to an end, I followed this up with a question.
As I recall, you said that if this really was the case, then why us and why now?
Mark: You have an excellent memory Allan. Anyway, you responded by saying that it was all about time. Now I have a further question to ask you, and that is: “If it is all about time, then what time is it?” Or to put this another way, how close are we to the time of the end?
That’s a great question Mark. In fact there are undoubtedly millions of people all around the planet who would love to know the answer to that question. But before I answer, let me ask you a question of my own. Why do you want to know?
Mark: Well Allan, like so many other people who are alarmed by what they see going on in the world today, I not only want to know how this is all going to end, but also how much time we have left?
Fair enough Mark. But there’s a deeper aspect to my question. Suppose I tell you that we have, say, twenty-six months left before life as we know it will come to an end. What difference will that make? Will this change the way you live your life? Or will it make any difference at all?
Mark: I guess I never really stopped to think about that.
This is a crucially important question Mark. The inescapable fact is that, whatever is about to happen on the earth, is going to happen no matter what we think about it. We cannot change that now. So the vital question then becomes, what can we do to prepare ourselves for what is about to happen?
Mark: Well that depends on what sort of things are going to happen, and where.
Well the good news is that we are not left totally in the dark about this. There are clues about what will happen at the time of the end. These clues lie hidden in the words of prophecy, if we have the wit and the wisdom to find them and follow them.
When I first began these Podcasts with Scott Paton back in 2010, one of the first topics I discussed with him was this question of prophecy, and whether it was wise, or even possible, to know what would happen in the future. This is what I had to say at that time.
Most people who are guided by science tend to believe that life unfolds according to chance, based on forces that can never be understood, let alone predicted. They believe that any attempt to try to predict future events is sheer folly. These people are content to take each day as it comes.
But throughout history, there have been men and women who have claimed to be able to predict future events. This has especially been true within the various religions of the world. These individuals have come to be regarded as divinely inspired, and their predictions have been accepted as the ordained will of God.
We need to remember that prophecy is not simple prediction. And those who claim to be prophets do not do so merely to inform. They are not just telling an interesting story. All true prophecy stands as a warning. And those who hope to benefit from it must be prepared to act on these warnings.
So the purpose of all true prophecy is to inspire understanding, and reduce suffering. And this is the crucial point we need to understand Mark. It is not enough to understand prophecy. We have to be prepared to act on this understanding. Just knowing about it won’t save us from future suffering.
To illustrate my point, do you happen to recall the story that I wrote about in my Blog about Pope John Paul II and the enigmatic third prophecy of Fatima, in which he pointed out the dangers of knowing about what is coming without doing anything about it?
Mark: I can’t say that I do. Perhaps you can refresh my memory.
Well just to recap, the prophecy itself dates back to a series of events that occurred over a century ago, at a place called Cova da Iria, near the village of Fátima in Portugal.
It was on 13th May 1917, when three young shepherd children claimed to have had a vision of a luminous angelic Being “brighter than the sun” whom they considered to be the Virgin Mary. The three children were Lúcia Santos and her two cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto.
Lúcia was just ten years old when these visionary events began. This same apparition appeared before the three children around noon on the 13th day of each of the next six months. According to Lúcia, this “lady” confided in her and her two cousins, and shared three “secrets” with them.
These secrets have come to be known as the “Three Secrets of Fatima”.
On 13th July, 1917, Lúcia said that the Blessed Mother had told her that her two cousins would die in the near future. This prophecy was fulfilled a short time later when they both succumbed to the Spanish influenza pandemic in 1918, leaving Lúcia as the sole surviving witness.
Not long after the death of her two cousins, Lúcia entered the Convent of St. Dorothy in Tuy, Spain. In March 1948 she left this Convent to join the Carmelite Order of St. Theresa at Coimbra in Portugal, where she continued to live until her death on February 13th, 2005 at the age of 97.
Being a Carmelite Sister, Lúcia Santos was required to observe the customary vow of silence. However, she did write out an account of the events that had occurred to her in 1917, together with a description of the three secrets given to her by the Angelic Being.
The first two secrets were revealed to the world by the Vatican in August 1941. The first secret was said to have been a vision of Hell. The second predicted the end of World War I, and announced that an even greater war would follow unless the people of Russia chose to repent and return to the path of God.
The third and most important secret given to Lúcia was supposed to have been revealed to the world by the Vatican in 1960, supposedly at the direction of the visionary Being herself. However, when the year 1960 arrived, the Church refused to do so.
And this brings me to the point I wanted to make. In October 1980, Pope John Paul II spoke to a select group of Catholics at a meeting in Fulda in Germany. At this meeting he was asked what the third secret contained, and why it had not yet been revealed to the world.
Mark: Do we know what the Pope had to say about this?
Yes Mark we do, because a transcript of that meeting was later published in the German magazine Stimme des Glaubens. This is what Pope John Paul II was reported to have said in answer to this question:
“Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petrine office diplomatically preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to carry out certain moves.
“On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired.
“Many wish to know simply from curiosity and a taste for the sensational, but they forget that knowledge also implies responsibility. They only seek the satisfaction of their curiosity, and that is dangerous if at the same time they are not disposed to do something, and if they are convinced that it is impossible to do anything against evil”.
At this point the Pope grasped a Rosary and said: “Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray, and ask for nothing more. Leave everything else to the Mother of God.” The Holy Father was then asked: “What is going to happen to the Church?”
He answered: “We must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long, such as will demand of us the readiness to cast away even our lives, and a total dedication to Christ and for Christ.
“With your and my prayer it is possible to mitigate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because only thus can the Church be effectively renewed.
“How many times has the renewal of the Church sprung from blood! This time, too, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong and prepared, and trust in Christ and His Mother, and be very, very assiduous in praying the Rosary.” (View Source)
It is worth repeating the Pope’s words here, when he said that “many wish to know simply from curiosity and a taste for the sensational”. But as he went on to warn, this knowledge also implies responsibility, and this is dangerous “if at the same time they are not disposed to do something”.
So even if we are successful in finding out what is about to happen Mark, this knowledge won’t help us unless it serves also to motivate us to change the way we live our lives. Fortunately, the Bible not only tells us what is going to happen, it also describes what we need to do about it as well.
Mark: What does the Bible have to say about this?
When Jesus was asked by his disciples what signs to look out for in the days leading up to his return, he replied:
“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be”. (Matthew 24:21) He also warned his disciples to be ready, because this tribulation would come suddenly, “like a thief in the night”. “Therefore be ye also ready. For in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh”. (Matthew 24:44)
As we can see from these words, Jesus warned his disciples that the end would come suddenly, at a time when no one was expecting it. Many would be unprepared. They would be caught unawares.
Unfortunately, most people in the world today are not ready. They remain completely unaware of the cataclysmic events that will shortly come to pass. They do not realise that they will be witnesses to the terror that is coming, and become the victims of the catastrophes that will follow.
And when these things do begin to happen, they will be the first ones who will cry out in anguish saying, why didn’t anyone warn us?
Jesus urged his followers to watch and pray. They needed to be constantly on guard for the time of the end, and pray always that they may be spared from the devastation of the Great Tribulation.
“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. And he spake to them a parable; behold the fig tree, and all the trees; when they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.
“So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
“For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” (Luke 21: 28-36)
Jesus makes it clear that if we are to be counted worthy of escaping these disasters, we first have to live sacred and sober lives, and avoid the excesses of the flesh. And we must never allow the cares and responsibilities of this world to blind us from the warning signs of his return.
And that is why we also have to continually be aware of the events that are unfolding around us, so that we are not taken unawares, especially as Jesus warned his disciples that the great tribulation would come suddenly, “like a thief in the night”.
Mark: So does the Bible give us any clues as to when this might happen, so we can get an idea that to look out for?
Obviously, the Bible does not give us any dates Mark, but it does give us clues about the events that will unfold at that time. And then it is up to us to try to figure out how much time we have left. But based on what I see going on in the world today, I would guess that we only have a few years left.
Mark: Why do you say that Allan?
When Jesus was asked what sort of disasters would take place on the earth at the time of the end, he painted the scene in broad brushstrokes that left little to the imagination, as we can see from verses 10 and 11 of chapter 21 of the gospel of St. Luke:
“Then said he unto them, nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven”.
I think you can agree Mark, that many of these signs are already present in the world today, as can be seen from headlines in the daily news. But if Jesus merely outlined these events in general terms, it was his disciple John who spelled out the details in far more graphic terms.
In chapter six of his Book of Revelation, John described a scroll in God’s right hand that was sealed with seven seals. When these seals were opened, four beings were summoned forth to ride upon the world. Each being was seated on a horse of a different colour.
The first rider sat on a white horse. The second on a red horse. Then came a rider on a black horse. The final horseman rode a pale horse. Collectively, these four riders have come to be known in prophecy as “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”.
According to St. John, each of these four riders symbolized a different type of plague that would afflict the earth at the time of the Great Tribulation. The first of these was “pestilence” or disease. Then came war and conquest, followed by famine and death.
But as I have mentioned before Mark, the Bible makes it clear that the seven-year period of tribulation will begin with a single event. That event is described in chapter 8, verse 8, of the Book of Revelation, when “a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea”.
Mark: So Allan, what do you think this verse refers to?
Well Mark, as I have explained in my Blog entry titled “The Day of the Lord”, I believe that this “great mountain burning with fire” refers to an asteroid. And for reasons I have described in my Blog, I am convinced that it will strike the ocean just west of the island of Puerto Rico.
The destruction caused by this asteroid will be far greater than any natural disaster in recorded history. To begin with, a succession of gigantic tsunamis will spread out across the open ocean in all directions from the impact site, at a speed of over 500mph (800kph), causing immense loss of life.
The first places to be affected will be Puerto Rico itself, along with all the other islands in the Caribbean. These tsunamis will then swamp all those countries bordering the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the entire East coast of the United States. They will also spread eastwards across the Atlantic ocean.
Countries like Belgium and the Netherlands will be completely engulfed in a matter of minutes, along with low-lying areas of Portugal, Spain, France and Germany. This will be the time when the Pope’s words will come to pass, when millions of people will perish “from one moment to the next”.
It will also bear out the prophecy of Edgar Cayce, when he said: “The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye”. (Reading 3976-15)
While the damage to shipping and property along the shores of these coastal regions will be beyond calculation, it will be nothing compared to the number of human casualties, which will rise to many hundreds of millions of people all around the world on that first day alone.
But of course it doesn’t end there. In the immediate aftermath of this catastrophic event, all those hundreds of millions of corpses of the victims will lie rotting in lakes and rivers and on what is left of the land, contaminating the water and leading to vast outbreaks of disease.
For as we have seen recently in the aftermath of hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose and Maria, citizens who were forced to drink contaminated water faced a variety of potentially lethal diseases, ranging from cholera, fever and the plague, as well as flesh-eating disease.
For those unfortunate souls who survive this initial disaster, this will seem like the end of the world. But this will not be the end. It will merely be the beginning of seven years of tribulation that will lead to the death of billions of people around the planet. And then there will be the world-wide famine.
Mark: So what do the prophets have to say about that?
Well, as I have already indicated Mark, in chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation, St. John refers to the four horsemen of the apocalypse, saying: “And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth”.
But we don’t need St. John to tell us that the world is in trouble. The signs of impending famine can be found all over the planet. I am talking here about desertification – the process whereby fertile land becomes desert, as a result of drought, deforestation and bad agricultural practices.
According to an economic analysis published recently by the United Nations Desertification Convention, severe land degradation is now affecting 168 countries around the world. According to this analysis, every year land degradation is wiping out an area three times the size of Switzerland.
And when you add to this the amount of agricultural land that is imperilled by the increase in ultra-violet radiation emanating from the sun that I wrote about in my Blog story about climate change, then you will see that we already have a potential world-wide calamity on our hands.
It also brings to mind some of the graphic quatrains penned by Nostradamus dealing with end-time events, such as:
Century One – Verse 67 The great famine which I sense approaching will often turn (in various areas) then become world-wide. It will be so vast and long lasting that (they) will grab roots from the trees and children from the breast.
Century Two – Verse 62 Mabus will soon die, then will come a terrible destruction of people and animals: Sudden vengeance will be seen, A hundred hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.
Century Two – Verse 91 A great fire will be seen at sunrise, noise and light extending towards the north: Death within the earth, one will hear cries, Death awaits them through war, fire and famine.
Century Three – Verse 19 In Lucca it will rain blood and milk, shortly before a change of leader: Great plague and war, famine and drought will be seen, far from where the prince and ruler dies.
Century Three – Verse 42 A child born with two teeth in his mouth, stones will fall like rain in Tuscany: A few years after no wheat or barley, to satisfy those who faint from hunger.
Century Six – Verse 5 A very great famine caused by pestilence, will extend its length to the arctic pole: Samarobrin one hundred leagues from the hemisphere, They will live without law, free from government.
Mark: I guess we don’t have to be linguistic scholars to understand what Nostradamus was writing about. So that brings me back to my question at the beginning of this Podcast. How close do you think we are to the time of the end?
Well I do have some thoughts about that Mark. As I have pointed out many times in previous discussions, I believe that the Middle East is the powder keg that will light the fires of tribulation. So it is to the Middle East that we need to look for a likely timetable of events.
Back in January of this year, you may recall that we had a conversation entitled “Hail to the Chief”. In that conversation I said that I thought that Donald Trump could well be the last President of the United States, and that his actions could lead to the destruction of America and the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
The test would be whether Trump followed through with his promise to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from its present location in Tel Aviv to the contested city of Jerusalem. And as we all know by now, he went ahead and announced his plan to do this earlier this month.
At the time, I said that if he did so, this would lead to a firestorm of opposition throughout the Arab and Islamic world that would be directed at Israel and America. And that could in turn lead to a unified movement determined to wipe out the nation of Israel once and for all.
We shall have to wait and see whether the predictable outcry from Moslem and Arab nations will lead to the sort of action that the Bible predicts. But what we can say with assurance is that from an end-time prophetic point of view, the countdown has begun.
How much longer we still have to wait depends on a variety of factors. There is much more that I would like to say on this subject Mark, but to do justice to it would take a lot more time, so do you mind if we leave this to our next Podcast?
Mark: Not at all Allan. I appreciate everything that you have said so far, and look forward to our next discussion. You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac. Do join us for Part Two of our Podcast, which will be another in the series titled “Signs of the Times”.
Allan, AUDIO, Signs of the Times, What Time Is It?, June 18, 2024, 9:27 pm
My name is Mark Stevens. I am talking today with Allan Colston. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events.
For those listeners who may be new to this topic, this is another in the series “Signs of the Times”. Welcome to the Podcast Allan. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to you.
No problem. Good to be with you again Mark.
Mark: You’ll remember that in our last Podcast we talked about end-time events, and whether the world as we know it may be coming to an end. I asked the question: If that really is the case, then why us, and why now?
I recall it well Mark. And I answered by saying that I had a simple answer to your question. Do you remember what I said?
Mark: You said: It’s about time.
That’s correct. So what do you think I meant by that?
Mark: Well Allan, I assumed you were making a joke along the lines of – well it’s about time that God put an end to all the evil in the world.
That’s not a bad assessment of the current world situation Mark. But I wasn’t making a corny comment in passing. I was actually referring to time itself – or more specifically – how we measure time. For example, we measure time by the movements of the earth in space.
We measure the length of a day by the time it takes for the earth to complete a single rotation of its axis, and the length of a year by the time it takes for the earth to complete a full orbit around the sun. From there we further subdivide time into months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
But ancient cultures didn’t just think of time in terms of months and years. They thought of time in cycles of tens of thousands of years, which they called “ages” and “eras”. And they attached special meanings to these cycles that are quite different from the way we think of time today.
But before I go into these differences in more detail, I need to explain the difference between “esoteric” time and “exoteric” time. Perhaps the best way to do this is to refer to chapter 3 of the gospel of St. John, where the disciple describes a meeting between Jesus and a Pharisee named Nicodemus.
Nicodemus asked Jesus how a man could enter into the kingdom of God. When Jesus replied by saying that no one could see the kingdom of God unless he was born again, Nicodemus expressed amazement, and asked how it was possible for a man to enter again into his mother’s womb.
When it became clear that Nicodemus had no idea what he was talking about, Jesus replied with equal amazement, asking him: “Art thou a master of Israel and knoweth not these things?”. He then went on to make a statement that goes to the heart of my reply to you.
“If I have told you earthly things and ye believe not, how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things”. So what Jesus was saying to Nicodemus was that, if he was unable to understand matters relating to the material world, then how could he expect to understand his answers to spiritual matters.
Because we live in materialistic age which takes no account of non-material things, we pay little heed today to the words of spiritual sages, or even to Shakespeare, who wrote in his play Hamlet: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamed of in your philosophy”.
Why I mention that excerpt from the Bible is that we are accustomed to explaining the things that we see and sense around us in purely material terms. And what Jesus was saying to Nicodemus was that there are other ways of looking at life, and that is in “heavenly” terms.
Within the occult (or hidden) tradition of the world, there is “exoteric” knowledge and there is “esoteric” knowledge. Exoteric knowledge is designed to be understood by the general public, while “esoteric” knowledge is intended only for the select few.
And what I want to discuss in this Podcast Mark, is knowledge that has largely remained hidden from the general public, and has only been divulged to genuine seekers of the truth. So my answer to your question Mark, relates to esoteric time rather than exoteric time.
So let me start by asking you a question of my own. What do you know about the phenomenon of the “precession of the equinoxes”?
Mark: Well I know that it has something to do with astronomy, but I am a little hazy on the details. Perhaps you can fill me in.
Certainly Mark. As you say, the precession of the equinoxes is a term used by astronomers. It describes a cycle of time during which the various constellations that make up the zodiac appear to rotate slowly behind the rising sun at the time of each new spring equinox.
The reason why this phenomenon occurs is because, as it rotates on its axis, the earth has a very slight wobble. It is rather like a spinning top which wobbles slightly from side to side as it spins. And as the earth wobbles, it appears as if the position of the sun is changing in our skies.
What this means is that at the time of the spring equinox, the sun appears to move very slightly westward against the background stars. This movement is very slow, and only completes a full revolution roughly every 26,000 years. The Greeks referred to this cycle of time as a “Platonic” year.
What is truly remarkable about this precession of the equinoxes, is that while modern astronomers have only known about this phenomenon for a few hundred years, ancient cultures have known about it for literally tens of thousands of years.
And although we have no written record describing this precessionary cycle before the Greeks, we know from the writings of Aristotle that ancient cultures not only knew about this phenomenon, but they incorporated this knowledge in the designs of their sacred structures.
According to the mystery schools of Egypt and Babylon, this knowledge was held to be sacred, and was only transmitted by word of mouth, and then only to those who had been initiated into the sacred mysteries which these schools were designed to protect.
These ancient cultures were the first to divide the sky into twelve equal parts, and to christen the constellations that were prominent in each part. These constellations have come down to us today as the twelve signs of the zodiac. And each sign of the zodiac held a secret and sacred meaning.
So according to the time-clock of the precession of the equinoxes, it would take roughly 2,160 years for the earth to move from one sign of the zodiac to another. Each of these segments was called an “age”, and the time it took to complete the entire cycle was referred to as an “era”.
Mark: So how does this relate to what is going on in the world today?
Well Mark, the mystery schools of ancient cultures dating back to the time of Sumeria, taught that the history of the earth could not only be measured in terms of these precessionary cycles or “ages”, but that each age was influenced by those constellations that characterised each zodiacal sign.
Based on this knowledge, and guided by the constellations visible behind the sun at the time of the spring equinox, we know that the “age of Pisces” has recently come to an end, and that we have now entered the “age of Aquarius”. And we can project these cycles of time backwards as well.
The age of Pisces was preceded by the age of Aries (the Ram), and before that came the age of Taurus the Bull, Gemini the Twins, Cancer the Crab and Leo the Lion. And the mystery schools of Egypt taught that the great Sphinx at Giza was constructed in the age of Leo, roughly 12,500 years ago.
According to this esoteric history of time, the last 2,000 years or so have been dominated by the astrological sign of Pisces, represented by the sign of the fishes. Why this is significant, is because it relates to the date on which Jesus was born.
Christians everywhere celebrate the birth of Jesus on the 25th of December each year. This was the date selected by Pope Julius 1, shortly after the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great announced that Christianity would become the official religion of Rome in the 4th century AD.
But there are numerous indicators to suggest that Jesus was not born during the winter, but in the early spring, under the astrological sign of Pisces, which runs from February 19 to March 20. One of these is that early Christians used the sign of the fishes to identify their followers.
Another indicator is that Joseph and Mary travelled to Bethlehem to register for the census ordered by Caesar Augustus, and he would have been unlikely to have issued this decree in the middle of winter, when temperatures often dropped below freezing and the roads were in poor condition.
Also, St. Luke writes in his gospel that when Jesus was born, there were shepherds in the fields watching over their flocks by night. Again, since it is cold and rainy in Judea during the month of December, it is unlikely that shepherds would have been in the fields at that time of year.
But the main reason why Pope Julius chose December 25th as the birth-date of the Christ, was because the time of the mid-winter solstice had long been associated with a popular Pagan festival. So by choosing this date, the Pope was able to replace the old Pagan festival with a new Christian tradition.
As you know Mark, most parts of the world have been using what is known as the Gregorian calendar, which went into effect in October 1582. And according to this calendar, I believe that Jesus was actually born on 25th February.
The reason I say that Mark, is because on that day there was a special alignment of planets in the sky. And it was this alignment of planets which was the focal point of the three wise men from the East mentioned in the Bible.
And what is significant about this date is that a similarly unusual alignment of planets occurred in February 1962. And this was the date when esoteric astrologers had predicted that the age of Pisces would come to an end, and the new age of Aquarius would begin.
Mark: What sort of alignment of planets are you referring to?
Monday, February 5, 1962, was one of the most significant days in the history of the earth. For starters, there was a total eclipse of the sun on that day. And as we have recently seen, the moon blocks out the light of the sun in certain parts of the earth. But that was just the beginning.
There was something else that would not happen again for another 26,000 years. For on that day the sun and moon, together with the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were all grouped together within 16 degrees of one another in the same sign of the zodiac.
The sign they were grouped in was Aquarius. And according to the esoteric tradition, this was not just a transition from one age to another. It represented the end of an era and the beginning of a completely new cycle of life, not just on earth, but in the entire solar system.
So the year 1962 did not just represent the transition from one 2,100 year cycle to another. It represented the end of a 26,000 year “era”, and the beginning of an entirely new era. And this new era would not just be a continuation of the past, but the start of something completely new.
So when you asked me why the earth as we know it might be coming to an end, I answered by saying that it was about time. So do you understand now what I was referring to Mark, and how this relates to climate change?
Mark: I guess I am beginning to get the drift of it. But perhaps you could explain to me again how this relates to climate change.
Certainly Mark. In Part Four of my Blog entry entitled “An Inconvenient Truth”, I mentioned that American investigative journalist Marjorie Tietjen had written an article concerning chemtrails in which she posed the question: “Who is doing this – and why? And how long will they keep doing it?”
She went on to write that on the very day that her article appeared online, she received a long letter from an anonymous source that began with the words “I know what chemtrails are and their purpose”. And in this reply, the anonymous source included the following information.
“As long ago as the early 1940s, some physicists and astronomers began to notice a pattern of change coming over the sun. It did not become more pronounced until the new millennium arrived.
“Scientists, some working for the military or the federal government, began to think the unthinkable: the sun and all the planets were beginning a massive transformation.
“This transformation is unstoppable, potentially catastrophic to life and will most certainly cause the Earth’s environment to experience abrupt changes on a massive scale.
“Because the sun and all the planets together are reacting to this outside phenomenon, it is beginning to be suspected that some trans-dimensional energy in this region of space is interacting with the normal activity of the sun and the planets.
“Hyper-dimensionalism or trans-dimensional energy transference, call it what you will, this phenomenon seems to be at the root of the system-wide disaster unfolding right before our eyes. It is only the beginning, perhaps the beginning of the end”.
So it is clear from this reply that by the latter part of the 20th century, scientists had become aware that the entire solar system was reacting to “some trans-dimensional energy” that was coming from outside the solar system, and that this was “potentially catastrophic to life”.
Now if you don’t mind, Mark, I’d like to compare this with the words of the Oracle of Tolemac that I quoted in my book.
Mark: Sure Allan, carry on.
“The ancient priests of Tolemac knew that space was not empty, but was filled with dynamic fields of energy. They knew that as the solar system moved through space it would constantly come in contact with these different fields of energy.
“They knew that the energy fields through which the solar system would pass during the age of Aquarius would be totally different from those it had encountered in the previous age of Pisces. As a result, the entire earth would be transformed by these new energies.
“The most obvious signs of these new energies would be seen in the weather, as well as in the overall climatic conditions on the earth. Some of these changes would be for the better, while others would be destructive. The very forces of nature would appear to be out of control for a time”.
So Mark, do you see the correlation between these two sources of information, one “exoteric” and the other “esoteric”? And do you see the link between this new “trans-dimensional energy” coming from outer space, and the climatic changes now taking place upon the earth?
Mark: I do now. But why would these changes be destructive?
Perhaps it would be clearer if I referred once again to the words of the Oracle:
“If the past history of the earth had been one of peaceful coexistence and harmony with all forms of life, this passage of earth from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius would have been one of great beauty and joy.
“But because the age of Pisces has been dominated by constant cycles of aggression, oppression and war, there must be a “karmic cleansing” before the golden age on earth can begin”.
Mark: So what do you think he means by the words “karmic cleansing”?
Again Mark, let me answer you in the words of the Oracle as they were relayed in my book:
“The entire universe operates under the law of cause and effect. All life is bound by this law. Every action that a person takes in life has a specific result or consequence. This result or consequence is referred to in the East by the name of “Karma”. Positive actions generate positive results and negative actions produce negative results.
“Throughout their lives people are constantly confronted by the results of their actions. If these actions help others, they will be helped in return. If they harm others, they will be harmed in return.
“Every action returns to its source. The path to happiness in life lies in creating happiness in others. Those who are responsible for creating violence, oppression or injustice will reap the consequences of their actions. This is the universal law.
“These karmic consequences may not happen immediately. They may take many years to appear. In some cases they may even be carried over into other lifetimes.
“But whether it is in this lifetime or the next all accounts have to be squared before the universal balance is restored. The pathway to Everlasting Light is an evolutionary process. The purpose of life is to teach people, lifetime by lifetime, the consequences of their actions.
“In the history of a planet, the circumstances that occur at any particular stage are the result of the combined actions of all those people living on the planet at that time. Nature usually has long periods of time in which to balance these karmic accounts.
“But there are occasions when these actions need to be balanced in a very short span of time. Because the earth has reached the end of a Great Cycle in the cosmic plan, there needs to be an overall balance of karma before the new age can begin to manifest its divine potential.
“This is what we mean by “karmic cleansing”. We can see the beauty of this plan, for if this cleansing did not take place, the new age would still be bound by the conditions of the past and a new golden age on earth would not be possible”.
How does this cleansing take place?
“This cleansing takes place when a planet releases the negative energies that have been stored in its karmic atmosphere over time. Natural forces such as earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes are nature’s way of releasing the negativity that has been built up in the past.
“The “fault lines” that exist in various places on the earth act as receivers for much of this negativity, and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are the earth’s natural way of releasing this negativity. That is why humanity is responsible for the harmful weather conditions that occur on the earth.
“The new energies that are radiating throughout the solar system are responsible for bringing about this cleansing, so that the earth can begin the new age in balance once more.
“There is so much negative energy that is still locked up in the earth. This negativity has been building up for thousands of years. It must be released before the earth can be healed.
“The people of earth need to understand what is happening to their planet, and why it is happening, because this cleansing will take the form of severe earthquakes, hurricanes and other cataclysmic effects”.
Why is it necessary to undergo all these disasters?
“It is not necessary to undergo all these disasters. If your societies had followed the teachings of the wise men and women of the past, your world would not be in the state it is today and the earth would not have to undergo these catastrophic changes.
“If that had happened then the changes would have been harmonious and beautiful. There would have been no need for these disasters. It is man’s own thinking that is the cause of the consequences that must now unfold upon the earth.
“It is his selfishness, his greed and his callous disregard for the welfare of those who share the world with him that are the causes of these catastrophes. For century after century humanity has suffered because of man’s inhumanity to man. But this will come to an end at last.
“The chaos and disaster that will soon engulf the earth is tragic. But it would be even worse if this suffering was allowed to continue.
“The catastrophes that are to come are not some sort of divine revenge for the evil and injustice that have taken place on earth. They are merely the natural consequences of your own thoughts and actions, and the way you have chosen to live your lives.
“Catastrophe comes so that man may experience the consequences of his actions. If these consequences seem harsh it is because the actions that are the causes of these catastrophes have been equally harsh. But out of this harshness will come great beauty and good.
“For out of these catastrophes will come a new humanity. One that has been chastened and purified. They will inherit the new heaven and the new earth that has been prepared for them. They will be cleansed from the evils of the past, and be free at last to fulfil their divine potential”.
Mark: All that sounds fine Allan, but the process of getting from where we are now to what is coming in the future seems pretty scary to me.
It might seem so Mark, but we should always bear in mind the following words of the Oracle:
“We want you to know that everything that is happening on your planet at this time is part of a plan. This is the great Cosmic Plan that will lead you into the coming golden age.
“The moment is at hand when the earth will take the greatest evolutionary step that humanity will ever witness. Never before in the history of earth will there be changes as profound as those which now await you.
“For you have reached that point in your history when many will face the same conditions that occurred on that far-off day in Tolemac, when the earth shook, the waters rose, the land fell, and the people cried out in terror, for fear that they would be destroyed.
“We want you to go forward to meet these changes with joy and understanding, rather than in fear and denial.
“For if you surround yourselves with love, and consciously project this love to others, these changes will not harm you. But if you surround yourself with fear, you will attract the very thing that you fear, and that can destroy you”.
Mark: Well Allan, I must say that whenever we get together you fill me with alarm. But at the same time you give me so much to think about as well.
You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac. Do join us for our next Podcast, which will be another in the series titled “Signs of the Times”.
Allan, AUDIO, Signs of the Times, What Time Is It?, June 16, 2024, 10:42 am
About seven years ago I wrote a series of posts on the subject of climate change under the heading of “An Inconvenient Truth“. It seems to me that this is a good time to provide an update and review some of the topics that currently dominate the news. In Part Seven I wrote the following:
“The “inconvenient” truth about climate change is that the earth is dying. It is losing its ability to support life. Insects are dying. Trees and plants are dying. Birds and animals are dying. How long before our agriculture and crop yields are seriously affected? How much time do we ourselves have left?
“This truth is inescapable. It is no longer something that we can merely shrug off as inconsequential. Not only is it a truth that none of us can avoid, but it is one that every one of us must come to terms with as we make the day-to-day decisions about the future conduct of our lives.
“Unfortunately, the reality is that very few people today are equipped to handle the devastating truth that the world as we know it is coming to an end. They simply cannot bring themselves to believe that the entire human species could be threatened with extinction.
“Yet the evidence is there for all to see. And it is growing more and more evident with every passing year. We are reminded of the movie “A Few Good Men”, in which the actor Jack Nicholson uttered that memorable line, “You can’t handle the truth!”.
“The ultimate question is: Can you? ”
At the time I wrote this piece, not only were most people unaware of the seriousness of the problem, but they tended to dismiss this as just another example of “fake news”, or at best an exaggeration of something that was of little concern to the general public.
So even I was surprised to read an Opinion piece by the noted climate scientist and best selling author Bill McGuire that appeared on CNN on March 7, 2024, that began with the words: “I’m a climate scientist. If you knew what I know, you’d be terrified too”. He then went on to say:
“Are you frightened by climate change? Do you worry about what sort of world we are bequeathing to our children and grandchildren? In the words of science writer and author of “The Uninhabitable Earth” David Wallace-Wells, “No matter how well informed you are, you are surely not alarmed enough.”
“I would put it even more strongly.
“If the fracturing of our once stable climate doesn’t terrify you, then you don’t fully understand it. The reality is that, as far as we know, and in the natural course of events, our world has never — in its entire history — heated up as rapidly as it is doing now. Nor have greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere ever seen such a precipitous hike.
“Think about that for a moment. We’re experiencing, in our lifetimes, a heating episode that is probably unique in the last 4.6 billion years.
“While those of us working in the climate science field know the true picture, and understand the implications for our world, most others do not. And this is a problem — a big one. After all, we can’t act effectively to tackle a crisis if we don’t know its full depth and extent.
“What’s happening to our world scares the hell out of me, but if I shout the brutal, unvarnished truth from the rooftops, will this really galvanize you and others into fighting for the planet and your children’s futures? Or will it leave you frozen like a rabbit in headlights, convinced that all is lost? It is an absolutely critical question.
“Climate change is no different. Everyone has the right to know the facts — scary or not — so as to provide the opportunity to act based upon the reality of what we are doing to our planet, and not on some sanitized version”.
In his essay “The UninhabitableEarth”, Wallace-Wells outlined a variety of conditions which threaten the continued survival of humanity on this planet. He divided these threats into nine categories:
1. “Doomsday”
It is, I promise, worse than you think. If your anxiety about global warming is dominated by fears of sea-level rise, you are barely scratching the surface of what terrors are possible, even within the lifetime of a teenager today.
And yet the swelling seas — and the cities they will drown — have so dominated the picture of global warming, and so overwhelmed our capacity for climate panic, that they have occluded our perception of other threats, many much closer at hand. Rising oceans are bad, in fact very bad; but fleeing the coastline will not be enough.
Indeed, absent a significant adjustment to how billions of humans conduct their lives, parts of the Earth will likely become close to uninhabitable, and other parts horrifically inhospitable, as soon as the end of this century.
2. Heat Death
Humans, like all mammals, are heat engines; surviving means having to continually cool off, like panting dogs. For that, the temperature needs to be low enough for the air to act as a kind of refrigerant, drawing heat off the skin so the engine can keep pumping.
At seven degrees of warming, that would become impossible for large portions of the planet’s equatorial band, and especially the tropics, where humidity adds to the problem; in the jungles of Costa Rica, for instance, where humidity routinely tops 90 percent, simply moving around outside when it’s over 105 degrees Fahrenheit would be lethal.
At 11 or 12 degrees of warming, more than half the world’s population, as distributed today, would die of direct heat. And the effect would be fast: Within a few hours, a human body would be cooked to death from both inside and out.
3. The End of Food
Climates differ and plants vary, but the basic rule for staple cereal crops grown at optimal temperature is that for every degree of warming, yields decline by 10 percent. Some estimates run as high as 15 or even 17 percent.
Which means that if the planet is five degrees warmer at the end of the century, we may have as many as 50 percent more people to feed and 50 percent less grain to give them. And proteins are worse: It takes 16 calories of grain to produce just a single calorie of hamburger meat, butchered from a cow that spent its life polluting the climate with methane farts.
Drought might be an even bigger problem than heat, with some of the world’s most arable land turning quickly to desert. By 2080, without dramatic reductions in emissions, southern Europe will be in permanent extreme drought, much worse than the American dust bowl ever was.
The same will be true in Iraq and Syria and much of the rest of the Middle East; some of the most densely populated parts of Australia, Africa, and South America; and the breadbasket regions of China. None of these places, which today supply much of the world’s food, will be reliable sources of any.
4. Climate Plagues
Rock, in the right spot, is a record of planetary history, eras as long as millions of years flattened by the forces of geological time into strata with amplitudes of just inches, or just an inch, or even less.
Ice works that way, too, as a climate ledger, but it is also frozen history, some of which can be reanimated when unfrozen. There are now, trapped in Arctic ice, diseases that have not circulated in the air for millions of years — in some cases, since before humans were around to encounter them.
Which means our immune systems would have no idea how to fight back when those prehistoric plagues emerge from the ice. The Arctic also stores terrifying bugs from more recent times.
In Alaska, already, researchers have discovered remnants of the 1918 flu that infected as many as 500 million and killed as many as 100 million — about 5 percent of the world’s population and almost six times as many as had died in the world war for which the pandemic served as a kind of gruesome capstone.
5. Unbreathable Air
Our lungs need oxygen, but that is only a fraction of what we breathe. The fraction of carbon dioxide is growing: It just crossed 400 parts per million, and high-end estimates extrapolating from current trends suggest it will hit 1,000 ppm by 2100. At that concentration, compared to the air we breathe now, human cognitive ability declines by 21 percent.
Other stuff in the hotter air is even scarier, with small increases in pollution capable of shortening life spans by ten years. The warmer the planet gets, the more ozone forms, and by mid-century, Americans will likely suffer a 70 percent increase in unhealthy ozone smog, the National Center for Atmospheric Research has projected.
By 2090, as many as 2 billion people globally will be breathing air above the WHO “safe” level; one paper last month showed that, among other effects, a pregnant mother’s exposure to ozone raises the child’s risk of autism (as much as tenfold, combined with other environmental factors). Which does make you think again about the autism epidemic in West Hollywood.
Already, more than 10,000 people die each day from the small particles emitted from fossil-fuel burning; each year, 339,000 people die from wildfire smoke, in part because climate change has extended forest-fire season (in the U.S., it’s increased by 78 days since 1970).
By 2050, according to the U.S. Forest Service, wildfires will be twice as destructive as they are today; in some places, the area burned could grow fivefold.
6. Perpetual War
This is one reason that, as nearly every climate scientist I spoke to pointed out, the U.S. military is obsessed with climate change: The drowning of all American Naval bases by sea-level rise is trouble enough, but being the world’s policeman is quite a bit harder when the crime rate doubles.
Some speculate that the elevated level of strife across the Middle East over the past generation reflects the pressures of global warming — a hypothesis all the more cruel considering that warming began accelerating when the industrialized world extracted and then burned the region’s oil.
What accounts for the relationship between climate and conflict? Some of it comes down to agriculture and economics; a lot has to do with forced migration, already at a record high, with at least 65 million displaced people wandering the planet right now.
But there is also the simple fact of individual irritability. Heat increases municipal crime rates, and swearing on social media, and the likelihood that a major-league pitcher, coming to the mound after his teammate has been hit by a pitch, will hit an opposing batter in retaliation.
And the arrival of air-conditioning in the developed world, in the middle of the past century, did little to solve the problem of the summer crime wave.
7. Permanent Economic Collapse
The murmuring mantra of global neoliberalism, which prevailed between the end of the Cold War and the onset of the Great Recession, is that economic growth would save us from anything and everything.
But in the aftermath of the 2008 crash, a growing number of historians studying what they call “fossil capitalism” have begun to suggest that the entire history of swift economic growth, which began somewhat suddenly in the 18th century, is not the result of innovation or trade or the dynamics of global capitalism but simply our discovery of fossil fuels and all their raw power — a onetime injection of new “value” into a system that had previously been characterized by global subsistence living.
Before fossil fuels, nobody lived better than their parents or grandparents or ancestors from 500 years before, except in the immediate aftermath of a great plague like the Black Death, which allowed the lucky survivors to gobble up the resources liberated by mass graves.
After we’ve burned all the fossil fuels, these scholars suggest, perhaps we will return to a “steady state” global economy. Of course, that onetime injection has a devastating long-term cost: climate change.
The scale of that economic devastation is hard to comprehend, but you can start by imagining what the world would look like today with an economy half as big, which would produce only half as much value, generating only half as much to offer the workers of the world.
8. Poisoned Oceans
That the sea will become a killer is a given. Barring a radical reduction of emissions, we will see at least four feet of sea-level rise and possibly ten by the end of the century.
A third of the world’s major cities are on the coast, not to mention its power plants, ports, navy bases, farmlands, fisheries, river deltas, marshlands, and rice-paddy empires, and even those above ten feet will flood much more easily, and much more regularly, if the water gets that high.
At least 600 million people live within ten meters of sea level today.
But the drowning of those homelands is just the start. You have probably heard of “coral bleaching” — that is, coral dying — which is very bad news, because reefs support as much as a quarter of all marine life and supply food for half a billion people.
Ocean acidification will fry fish populations directly, too, though scientists aren’t yet sure how to predict the effects on the stuff we haul out of the ocean to eat; they do know that in acid waters, oysters and mussels will struggle to grow their shells, and that when the pH of human blood drops as much as the oceans’ pH has over the past generation, it induces seizures, comas, and sudden death.
That isn’t all that ocean acidification can do. Carbon absorption can initiate a feedback loop in which under oxygenated waters breed different kinds of microbes that turn the water still more “anoxic,” first in deep ocean “dead zones,” then gradually up toward the surface. There, the small fish die out, unable to breathe, which means oxygen-eating bacteria thrive, and the feedback loop doubles back.
This process, in which dead zones grow like cancers, choking off marine life and wiping out fisheries, is already quite advanced in parts of the Gulf of Mexico and just off Namibia, where hydrogen sulfide is bubbling out of the sea along a thousand-mile stretch of land known as the “Skeleton Coast.”
Hydrogen sulfide is also the thing that finally did us in that time 97 percent of all life on Earth died, once all the feedback loops had been triggered and the circulating jet streams of a warmed ocean ground to a halt — it’s the planet’s preferred gas for a natural holocaust.
Gradually, the ocean’s dead zones spread, killing off marine species that had dominated the oceans for hundreds of millions of years, and the gas the inert waters gave off into the atmosphere poisoned everything on land. Plants, too. It was millions of years before the oceans recovered.
9. The Great Filter
It is not easy to know how much to be reassured by that bleak certainty, and how much to wonder whether it is another form of delusion; for global warming to work as parable, of course, someone needs to survive to tell the story.
The scientists know that to even meet the Paris goals, by 2050, carbon emissions from energy and industry, which are still rising, will have to fall by half each decade; emissions from land use (deforestation, cow farts, etc.) will have to zero out; and we will need to have invented technologies to extract, annually, twice as much carbon from the atmosphere as the entire planet’s plants now do.
Nevertheless, by and large, the scientists have an enormous confidence in the ingenuity of humans — a confidence perhaps bolstered by their appreciation for climate change, which is, after all, a human invention, too.
They point to the Apollo project, the hole in the ozone we patched in the 1980s, the passing of the fear of mutually assured destruction. Now we’ve found a way to engineer our own doomsday, and surely we will find a way to engineer our way out of it, one way or another.
The planet is not used to being provoked like this, and climate systems designed to give feedback over centuries or millennia prevent us — even those who may be watching closely — from fully imagining the damage done already to the planet. But when we do truly see the world we’ve made, they say, we will also find a way to make it livable. For them, the alternative is simply unimaginable.
While David Wallace-Wells is undoubtedly correct in his assessment of the long term effects of climate-change upon the planet, he is completely mistaken in his understanding of the true causes of global warming, which he attributes to carbon emissions from energy and industry.
For starters, climate change is NOT human-caused.
If it was, we would have seen a marked reduction in greenhouse gases in 2020 during the Covid pandemic due to the fact that most people were required to work from home, while others, as in the case of China, were simply prevented from travelling at all. However, no such dip was evident.
That means that we cannot reverse global-warming, no matter how much we reduce the greenhouse gases we release into the air. Even if we reduced this to zero, the earth would still continue to get hotter.
As I pointed out in Part Seven the simple truth is that the earth is getting hotter because the sun is getting hotter, and the earth is being bathed in ever-increasing amounts of deadly Ultra-Violet radiation.
And why is the sun getting hotter? The answer, sadly, is that we really do not know. As the anonymous source that responded to the New York investigative journalist Marjorie Tietjen that I quoted in Part Four responded:
“We don’t know exactly the cause of the phenomenon we are fighting. We don’t know how long it will last or the peak of its intensity. We only know that the Earth, as well as all the other planets and our sun, has become enveloped in an unknown energy field that threatens all stability across the solar system and our very lives”.
Allan, An Inconvenient Truth, Signs of the Times, March 13, 2024, 2:09 pm
The driving force of life is the motivation of desire. Life is nothing more or less than the desire for experience, and the search for ever-new ways in which to experience. Desire stirs the waters of experience.
But as every living person learns to discover, it is one thing to desire something, but quite another to experience what it is that one desires. In fact the challenge of life is to learn how to manifest what one desires.
Once again, the Sages of the East explain what is needed to attract the objects of our desires, and why it is that so many of us fail. The power of desire is both mysterious and miraculous, as Nisargadatta Maharaj explains:
“Your mind projects a structure and you identify yourself with it. It is in the nature of desire to prompt the mind to create a world for its fulfilment. Even a small desire can start a long line of action; what about a strong desire? A desire can produce a universe; its powers are miraculous.”
We have the assurance of Maharaj that we can attain whatever our hearts desire.
“When you work for something whole-heartedly and steadily, it happens, for it is the function of the mind to make things happen.”
If what Maharaj says is true, that it is possible for all desires to be attained, then why is it that our desires are not fulfilled? The following questioner speaks for our troubled state.
QUESTION: “I am full of desires and want them fulfilled. How am I to get what I want?
MAHARAJ: Do you deserve what you desire? In some way or other you have to work for the fulfillment of your desires. Put in energy and wait for the results.
QUESTION: Where do I get the energy?
MAHARAJ: The desire itself is energy.
QUESTION: Then why does not every desire get fulfilled?
MAHARAJ: Maybe it was not strong enough and lasting.”
As the Tripura Rahasya points out:
“The desire must be strong and abiding, in order that it may bear fruit. The effects are in proportion to the intensity and duration of the desire.”
As Maharaj explains:
“When your desire is not clear nor strong, it cannot take shape. Besides, if your desires are personal, for your own enjoyment, the energy you give them is necessarily limited; it cannot be more than what you have.”
Ramana Maharshi explains:
MAHARSHI: “The wavering of the mind is a weakness arising from the dissipation of its energy in the shape of thoughts. When one makes the mind stick to one thought the energy is conserved, and the mind becomes stronger.
QUESTION: What is the meaning of the strength of the mind?
MAHARSHI: Its ability to concentrate on one thought without being distracted.
QUESTION: How is that achieved?
MAHARSHI: By practice.”
The Need for Positive Thinking
So contradictory thoughts or doubts, which are negative thoughts, negate the power of the original thought. As Dattatreya explained to his pupil Parasurama:
“The will conceives effectively or ineffectively according as it is uniform or broken up by indecision. One should forget the old associations in order to make one’s new conception effective and this endures only so long as it is not obstructed by the old one.
“A conception is forceful unless obstructed by an antecedent one and thus destroyed. It is effective only when forceful; in that way even great things may be achieved.”
Destiny has its firmest grip on those who are convinced of its immutable power. Maharaj scoffs at these shallow fears:
“Steady faith is stronger than destiny. Destiny is the result of causes mostly accidental and is therefore loosely woven. Confidence and good hope will overcome it easily.”
And to those who claim that the world is simply beyond their power to control, he answers:
“On the contrary, a world of which you are the only source and ground is fully within your power to change. What is created can always be un-created, and re-created. All will happen as you want it, provided you really want it.”
Ramana Maharshi responds in similar fashion to those who believe that their lives are bound by inherited limitations:
QUESTION: “Distractions result from inherited tendencies. Can they be cast off too?
MAHARSHI: Yes. Many have done so. Believe it! They did so because they believed they could.”
For as Maharaj has pointed out:
“What is imagined and willed becomes actuality – here lies the danger as well as the way out.”
Referring to faith, the apostle Paul wrote in the first verse of the eleventh chapter of his Epistle to the Hebrews:
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Speaking of faith, Saint Augustine asked, “What is faith unless it is to believe what you do not see?” Sri Aurobindo, the sage of Pondicherry, wrote of faith:
“Faith is the soul’s witness to something not yet manifested, achieved or realized, but yet the knower within us, even in the absence of all indications, feels to be true or supremely worth following.”
The fact that we are able to alter the circumstances of our lives, finds support in the Book of Job: “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee; and the light shall shine upon thy ways.” (Job 22: 28)
Maharaj also gives us the assurance that “whatever deep conviction you hold onto in the core of you will happen.”
Since beliefs are the shaping forces of our experiences in life, if we wish to alter the circumstances of our lives, we need only alter the nature of our beliefs.
The energy with which we invest our desires determines the speed with which they come about, and the potency of our desires hinges on our faith that they will be fulfilled. The greater the number of people who come to share a common desire, the greater becomes the energy that is available for its fulfilment.
Those who wish to change society, therefore, can do this by utilizing the forces of energy unleashed by large numbers of people, if they can be persuaded to adopt a common pattern of belief.
All effective leaders of society learn to focus the energies of their followers into particular channels of belief. The greater the emotional energy which can be allied to these beliefs, the more dramatic will be the results, and the quicker these beliefs will manifest in the world of experience.
Adolf Hitler
Societies are always vulnerable to leaders who are able to direct the energy of the group into certain selected patterns of belief.
Examples abound throughout history of men and women who have successfully utilised these methods to mould society to their wishes. One of the most effective men to do so in recent times was Adolf Hitler.
Hitler was a man possessed with a lust for power. Now there was nothing particularly unusual about that. Thousands of people before him had entertained similar desires.
But Hitler did not simply wish to rule a clan, a city, or a sovereign state. His ambition was to rule the world, and to set up a reign of power so glorious and so complete that it would last for a thousand years.
Yet Hitler was a man of insignificant origin. He did not come from a family noted for its conspicuous wealth and influence. He was not trained in a great military tradition.
He did not have powerful friends. He was not the confidant of Kings. All he had was that single, overriding desire to rule the world. There was little that occurred in his early life that seemed to offer any hope for the fulfilment of this dream.
As a young man in Vienna, Hitler was a dropout from society. He was described at that time as “lazy, moody and so contemptuous of any form of work that he would pawn his books and a few personal belongings rather than go out to work to earn a few miserable hellers“.
When the first world war began, Hitler joined the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry regiment and served as Meldeganger, an orderly-cum-runner who carried messages between headquarters and the front lines.
Although he distinguished himself through his personal bravery and was subsequently awarded the Iron Cross, Hitler remained a common Corporal in the German Army for the duration of the war.
It was hardly the sort of auspicious beginning that would have been expected to single him out for future military leadership.
Yet within the space of twenty years, Hitler had successfully gained control of the defeated German nation, and had transformed it to such a level of power that it took the combined forces of the better part of the rest of the world to prevent him from attaining his goal of global domination.
How could such a thing have happened? How was it possible for Hitler to resurrect the German nation as swiftly as he did? Where did Hitler get the power to fulfill his autocratic desire?
Hitler began with a simple idea – the idea of world domination.
But what singled him out as a man to be reckoned with was his indomitable will. Hitler believed in himself totally, and was utterly convinced that he would achieve his goal.
Imbued with such intense faith in his own inherent power, and bolstered by his will, Hitler soon began to attract favourable opportunities which were the direct result of his initial desire. He was quick to seize upon these favourable circumstances, and to use them to carry him closer to his goal.
Hitler nevertheless realised that in order to revolutionise Germany so soon after it had suffered a shattering military defeat, he would need to arouse the emotional resources of his people.
Being a naturally gifted orator, Hitler used his demagogic ability to galvanise the German people. He did this by means of nationwide broadcasts, but also by means of carefully staged ceremonies.
Vast numbers of people were assembled together to attend Hitler’s torch-lit rallies. These ceremonies were attended by blaring martial music which served to stimulate the public mood.
At these vast assemblies, concealed loudspeakers would broadcast pulsed vibrations at a predetermined rate of fourteen cycles per second, which had the effect of generating a high degree of emotional tension.
When Hitler finally appeared on the podium high above the gathered throng, the spotlights that were focused on him were reflected by means of strategically placed mirrors back into the crowd, forming a mesmerising sight.
As Hitler began to speak, so his hypnotic cadences of speech quickly stirred the crowd. As his fervour rose, so the pitch of his voice escalated, until his words poured forth in a frenzied torrent.
The emotional excitement of the crowd was systematically raised to ever higher levels, until it culminated in a crashing fusillade of Sig Heils, professing total allegiance to the Fuhrer.
Broadcast to the nation, these torchlight Nazi rallies had a profound effect upon the national psyche. Germans came to believe that they were capable of achieving anything.
It was Hitler’s special genius that he was able to manipulate this national reservoir of energy towards the fulfilment of his personal dream of conquest.
All effective leaders use the power of human emotion, or charged thought, to manipulate their followers, whether they do so knowingly or not. Although the objects of their desires may differ widely, their techniques invariably remain the same.
The charismatic evangelists who today win souls for Christ, adopt the same techniques that were used to such devastating effect by Hitler. There is the same use of public rallies, the stirring music, the angelic choirs, the use of lights, and rhythmic oratory that bring the congregation to a fever pitch of emotion.
Emotion is thewellspring of raw power.
Drawing upon this supply of energy, leaders can focus it upon any goal they wish. Their power can become truly awesome, and is capable of astonishing feats. It is the power that can yield the fruition of any desire in our waking world of consciousness.
The power of focused emotion is the voltage which powers the circuit of desire. When sustained by national will, it is capable of bringing the world to the very brink of total domination, as Hitler so ably proved.
We may be inclined to scoff at claims that the force of emotion is capable of transforming the world around us. Yet linked to an impassioned desire its powers are truly miraculous. It does not matter what that desire may be.
The power is neutral, it can be used for good or ill. As Nisargadatta Maharaj has warned:
“Just like a small matchstick can set a huge forest on fire, so does a desire light the fires of manifestation. The very purpose of creation is the fulfilment of desire. The desire may be noble or ignoble; space is neutral – one can fill it with what one likes.”
Donald Trump
What Hitler and Mussolini did before him, Donald Trump aims to do today. Throughout his career, he has steadfastly pursued his goal of gaining control over the American people and imposing his Fascist ideas on the nation.
And in so doing, he hopes to match the achievements of men he claims to admire the most – people like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un. As he explained to reporter Andrea Amilcare in January 2016, some ten months before he was elected President:
“I read Benito Mussolini Memoires every day. The Il Duce was a great man, and he was a strong man. I am inspired by his life and how he changed Italy for the better. This is what I want for America.
“Let’s face it, there will be a period, like Mussolini’s when he was prime minister of Italy, where he ruled constitutionally until 1925, but soon after he thought, screw this, let’s have a full dictatorship.
“I’m not saying we’re going to have an immediate dictatorship in America when I’m president, but I’ll give it a little time, maybe a year or two. Business is business, I gotta do what I gotta do, and I’m going to clean house, whatever it takes. Fascism is great because you don’t have to answer to anyone, you just do it.”(Source)
What separates Trump from other U.S. politicians is his total belief in what he believes to be true. He insists that he never lost the last election, and that he still remains the legitimate president and that the idea that he lost is “the big lie”.
Furthermore, he has never been bothered by facts that run counter to his beliefs. He simply dismisses them as “fake news”. He continues to repeat his false ideas at every opportunity. And when he was once asked why he did this, he replied “I just don’t care”.
Two things define Donald Trump. One is anger. He not only explodes in anger at every perceived threat or criticism, but he constantly exhorts his followers to react with violence against those who challenge his ideas, and promises to avenge all those who are afflicted.
The other is revenge. And if anyone offends him, he never forgets. And he is willing to spend the rest of his life if necessary, to gain his revenge. And the thing he values most in life is loyalty. He demands total loyalty from all those who work for him, yet offers nothing in return.
As the handwriting specialist who analysed his signature that I referred to here commented: “Look at the angles, look how sharp it is. Anyone who gets near Trump will get hurt”.
Like Hitler, Trump has learned the value of emotion in galvanising his followers. But unlike Hitler who used his powers of oratory to stir the crowd, Trump achieves the same effect by arousing anger against whatever target he happens to pick on at the time.
His main targets are, as they have always been, immigrants who he refers to as “vermin” that he claims are “poisoning the blood of the nation”. And the reason why the multitudes continue to follow him blindly is because he projects the image of a strongman who can save them from all the problems that confront the nation. And not only that, but that “he alone can fix it”.
And so the nation stumbles on towards the next election. And when the final results are tallied, let no one doubt Trump’s ability to achieve his dream of total domination. Why?
Because he did it in his last life.
Allan, Reincarnation, Signs of the Times, February 20, 2024, 12:38 pm
There is a popular news item currently circulating on social media showing a picture of the Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini together with a remark which he is said to have made moments before his death on April 28, 1945.
“If you kill me now, I will come back at the head of a far more powerful nation in need of a leader, and you will feel the arm!”
Unfortunately, according to those historians who have investigated the circumstances of his death, there is no record of Mussolini having said any such thing. In fact this seems like just another example of “fake news”.
On 25 April 1945, as Allied forces were advancing into northern Italy, Mussolini agreed to meet with a delegation of partisans at his palace in Milan. At this meeting, he was furious to discover that the Nazis had already begun negotiations behind his back for an unconditional surrender.
Fearing for his life, he left the palace and fled Milan with his 33-year-old mistress Clara Petaccci in his Alfa Romeo sports car. Together they set out for Switzerland, intending to board a plane and escape to Spain.
The following day the pair joined a convoy of fellow Fascists and German soldiers that were heading north towards Lake Como. However, their convoy was later stopped by communist partisans at the lakeside town of Dongo.
Although Mussolini was wearing a German helmet and overcoat, he was easily recognised by his distinctive shaved head and granite jaw. The partisans seized him and his mistress and hid them in a remote farmhouse for the night.
The following day they were taken from the house and driven to the small village of Giulino di Mezzegra on the shores of Lake Como. There they were ordered to stand in front of a stone wall where they were both shot by a firing squad.
According to subsequent reports, when the soldiers were about to shoot, Mussolini cried out “No! No!” Those were his last words. He did not wear a blindfold. He died on Sunday April 29, 1945, at 4:10p.m.
And up to the moment of his death, there is no record of him saying anything like the words ascribed to him above, nor was there anyone among the soldiers who captured him who mentioned it either.
But just 413 days after he died, a child was born on the other side of the ocean who would not only renew his fascist dream, but achieve it on a scale that dwarfed anything he could have imagined in Italy. He would be Mussolini reborn.
The New Mussolini
The name of this child was Donald John Trump. As most people are now aware, Donald Trump grew up to be an American politician, media personality, and businessman who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.
As the young child grew up, he not only began to look like the late dictator, as can be seen in the photo above, but he also adopted many of his mannerisms, such as the famous jutting jaw. Even their signatures are similar.
One of the people who have delved into the similarities between the two men is Michael R. Burch, an American poet, columnist and essayist. These are some of the things he has pointed out.
(1) Trump’s Mussolini-like preoccupation with his own image and his development of “a cult of one-man leadership that focused media attention and national debate” on his person via exploitation of all forms of mass media including new technologies.
(2) Trump’s Mussolini-like love of theatricality and spectacles such as parades, rallies, and flyovers.
(3) Trump playing simultaneously both Superman and victim, as did Mussolini and Hitler.
(4) Trump’s racist belief in his “superior” genes and his fear and loathing of other races.
(8) Trump’s celebration of violence against journalists and dissenters.
(9) Trump’s often-stated desire to “lock up” his political opponents on bogus charges.
(10) Trump’s desire to “dominate the streets,” which Mussolini did with his “blackshirts” and Hitler with his “brownshirts”.
(11) Trump’s purges of all but fawning sycophants.
(12) Trump’s favouring of the rich over the middle class and poor.
(13) Trump’s refusal to accept a democratic transfer of power.
(14) Trump’s appeal to armed militias loyal to his person rather than the country.
Burch goes on to point out:
Like Mussolini, Trump demands loyalty to his person, rather than to the nation.
Like Mussolini, Trump threatens and humiliates anyone who opposes him.
Like Mussolini, Trump attempts to discredit and cow the legitimate press.
Like Mussolini, Trump becomes enraged when criticized.
Like Mussolini, Trump exhibits “thin-skinned ignorance combined with arrogant contempt”.
Like Mussolini, Trump is a “man of the banner headline” who is quickly bored by details, discussions and strategy.
Like Mussolini, Trump takes all the credit when things go right, but none of the blame when things go wrong.
Like Mussolini, Trump is what Umberto Eco called “a beehive of contradictions”.
Like Mussolini, Trump lacks any philosophy: he has only rhetoric.
Like Mussolini, Trump gives the impression of talking directly to the people, while presuming to speak for them.
Like Mussolini, Trump pretends to be an expert on every subject while in reality being incredibly incompetent and uninformed.
Like Mussolini, Trump is closer to a Mafia don or gang lord than a democratic leader.
Like Mussolini, Trump has had multiple wives, several mistresses and scores of adulterous affairs.
Like Mussolini, Trump is working to strengthen laws against abortions, forcing girls and women to bear children they don’t want or can’t afford.
Other Parallels
They both were “problem children” and bullies who were sent to boarding schools as young men.
They both were megalomaniacs, obsessed with themselves.
They both had books published.
They both denounced military interventions, only to later advocate and order military interventions.
They both had children before they were married.
They both had affairs while married.
They both organized disparate right-wing groups into a cohesive political force.
They both blamed their nations” economic problems on other nations that acted unfairly.
They both painted a picture of a society in crisis that needed a strong leader to save it (i.e. them).
They both stoked racial animosities and grievances of the majority against minorities.
They both favoured the “stick” over the “carrot” in dealing with unwanted “inferior” people.
They both favoured deportation of “inferior” people.
They both saw darker-skinned people as “inferior” to white people.
They both enlisted working-class voters against the left.
They both mocked people they perceived as weak.
They both glorified strength, power and “winning at all costs”.
They both claimed that only they could restore order and “save” their nations.
They both became cults of one.
They both denounced legitimate presses while employing propaganda lavishly themselves.
They both demanded public displays of loyalty like saluting the flag during the national anthem.
They both called for large sums of money to be spent on public works.
They both supported their nation’s dominant religion and were supported in turn by religious leaders and their flocks.
They both used the term “love” while sowing discord, hatred and intolerance.
They were both wildly inconsistent; they said whatever suited “the mood of the moment”.
They both had no time or use for scruples.
They both were patently unfit to hold any office, yet held the highest office nonetheless.
In short, Donald Trump seems to be the reincarnation of the Italian dictator, and the fulfillment of the prophecy quoted at the beginning of this post. And because of this, he poses a special threat as explained by the noted American professor Robert Reich in the video below.
We live in a world of unpredictability and change.
But amid all this uncertainty one thing is becoming increasingly clear, and that is that Benito Mussolini will soon “come back as the head of a far more powerful nation in need of a leader”. And when he does so, he will unleash suffering across the world on a terrifying scale.
And in answer to those who wonder why the U.S.A. does not appear in “end time” Bible prophecy, it is because the reborn Mussolini will preside over the destruction of the country and the end of the American dream.
Allan, Reincarnation, Signs of the Times, February 10, 2024, 10:44 am
Despite the fact that over 1,500 years have passed since Christianity officially rejected the doctrine of reincarnation, a surprising number of modern Christians believe that we continue to be reborn again and again.
In a survey conducted among adults in the United States in September 2023, roughly one quarter of those who call themselves Christians embrace the idea. This includes 10% of all “born again” Christians.
In addition, Catholics say that they are more likely than Protestants to believe in reincarnation, and nearly half of all Hispanic Catholics claim to be believers compared with a third of White Catholics.
And the reason why they do so is undoubtedly because children continue to be born in every generation who possess vivid memories of past lives, and who astonish their parents with tales of where they lived and what they did.
While relatively few children are born with memories of past lives, enough of them are to suggest that we do indeed live multiple lives, and that our memories carry over from one lifetime to another. Here are some examples.
Example No. 1
Born in Seattle in 1991, Sonam Wangdu was only two years old when he realized he was actually the fourth reincarnation of the original Tibetan lama (“lama” is the Tibetan word for “guru”), Dezhung Rinpoche I.
This realization was the culmination of a number of signs that had been accumulating since before the boy was even born. These included the visions of his mother and her own lama, as well as the words of the third reincarnation of Dezhung, himself (Dezhung Rinpoche III), who informed his acolytes in 1987 (the year of his death), “I will be reborn in Seattle.”
In 1996, the boy, who by then only answered to the name, Trulku-la (meaning “reincarnation”), left his family to be raised by monks while studying Tibetan Buddhism in Kathmandu, Nepal and eventually becoming the head of a monastery there.
Arriving in Nepal, “dressed in gold and maroon robes and riding on a luggage cart pushed by his mother, the little lama smiled widely,” reported SeattleMet in a 2016 follow-up story tracing the boy’s journey over the past 20 years.
“When asked how long he would stay in Nepal, though, the little boy was serene, almost stoic. “Lots of time,” he said. “I’m just going to stay here a long time.”
And that has proven to be true. The boy is now in his 23rd year of life as the fourth reincarnation of Dezhung Rinpoche I. (Source)
Example No. 2
In 2004, ABC News aired a story about a six-year-old boy named James Leininger who, at age two, began to have what many believe were spontaneous past life recalls. It all began innocently enough when he was only 18 months old and the family visited a war museum.
Gradually, the child’s fascination with airplanes increased and developed into recurring traumatic nightmares of a burning plane crash. He would wake up screaming, “Airplane crash! Plane on fire! Little man can’t get out!”
He drew detailed pictures of the fight that claimed his past life. He signed the drawings as James 3, stating he was the third James. As he began to develop speech, James started telling his parents about his former life as a fighter pilot in the World War II Pacific Campaign.
James not only named the kind of plane he flew but also the name of the carrier, Natoma. He named a pilot, Jack Larsen, who had witnessed his death. All of these statements were verified as true facts.
His parents later identified James M. Huston, Jr., as the name of the only pilot from the USS Natoma Bay who died in the battle James described. Since the pilot was a Jr., it was surmised James Leininger considered himself to be James III.
His parents managed to track down Jack Larsen and confirmed he’d seen James Houston’s plane hit and crash. They also contacted James’s sister from his former life.
The sister confirmed the statements James made about their family and their father’s alcoholism. She was convinced that James was her brother reincarnated. His parents later published a book about James’s story. (Source)
Example No. 3
A three-year-old boy, touted as a golfing prodigy, claims he is 13-time winner Bobby Jones. The little boy called Hunter (not his real name) received a kid’s set of plastic golf clubs when he was two years old and was immediately hooked.
While watching a video clip from the 1930s that aired on the Golf Channel, Hunter pointed to Bobby Jones and announced that was him when he was big. After that, he insisted his parents call him Bobby since it was his real name.
In an attempt to verify what Hunter was saying, his father showed Hunter six photos of 1930s golfers. Hunter pointed to the photo of Bobby Jones and said, “That’s me!”
Curious, Hunter’s father showed the boy several houses that included one of Bobby Jones’s childhood home. Hunter looked at all the pictures and when he got to Bobby’s childhood home. He said it was home.
Hunter’s golfing talent grew quickly, and he was accepted into the 5-year-old class. Hunter is living up to his reincarnated claims, having won 41 out of 51 junior tournaments. Twenty-one of those were in a row.
Strangely, people who don’t know about the little boy’s claim comment to his father that the child swings like Bobby Jones. The little boy proclaimed to his parents that the Augusta course is his favorite.
It so happens that Bobby Jones founded the Augusta National Golf Club and helped to design it. Jones had tremendous influence on the game and was co-founder of the Masters Tournament. No one is saying he’s destined to be the next Bobby Jones. Instead, they are predicting he’ll be the next Tiger Woods! (Source)
Example No. 4
One reincarnation story left an impression on Dr. Frederick Lenz, who wrote in his book, “Lifetimes, True Accounts of Reincarnation”, about the verified claim by a boy named Charlie, who at age four, recalled his death at Pearl Harbor.
It all began when Mary took her daughter and son to a cliff diving performance and on the way back to their car, Charlie blurted out, “I died once!” Mary thought he said dived and asked him when he had dived. Young Charlie quickly corrected her. “No. I died once, and it hurts!”
Mary asked how he died, and he replied that his leg was badly hurt. Over time, Charlie’s story was pieced together through these conversations. In his past life, he was born an only child named James Kellow from San Francisco.
When he was in his 20s, Kellow was a naval officer and served onboard a warship. The ship was bombed and exploded. James and three other men made it into a lifeboat and when they got to shore, James dragged the only surviving crew member onto the beach. James fell onto the beach and died.
Mary decided to take Charlie to visit the decommissioned USS Alabama, having misheard the name of the ship. She didn’t find James Kellow on the ship’s roster and the guide told her that the Alabama was never hit, but the USS Arizona was.
While there, Charlie scooted about the ship as though he were a seasoned sailor. Later, his mother began researching the USS Arizona, lost during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Eventually, she was able to check the Arizona roster and found an officer, James Kellow from San Francisco.
Dr. Lienz verified these and other aspects of Charlie’s story, including the recovery of Officer Kellow’s body and those of the men in the lifeboat after the Arizona was struck with a Japanese torpedo bomb.
The bomb hit the ship’s magazine and exploded on December 7, 1941, during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The ship is still lying at the bottom of Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial just out onto the water, just above the ship’s hull. (Source)
Example No. 5
Also known as “The Boy Who Lived Before”, Cameron Macauley of Glasgow, Scotland, started telling his mother at the age of 2 that he wasn’t from Glasgow at all, but rather from a small island called Barra off the west coast of Scotland in the Outer Hebrides.
Cameron described intimate details of his life there, including his black-and-white dog, the beach he used to walk on, his mother, the house they lived in and his seven siblings. He even named his former parents, claiming that his father’s name was Shane Robertson and that he had died in a car crash.
Determined to get to the bottom of all this, Cameron’s parents took him to Barra. Although no one there remembered anyone by the name of Shane, the Macauley’s found the house Cameron had described — a house owned by the Robertsons. The black-and-white dog was in one of the family photos, and the car that Cameron remembered was there, too. (Source)
In addition to the stories mentioned above, here are a few videos of children who recall experiences in past lives.
As explained in Part One of the post “Beyond the Grave“, the world we see and sense around us does not exist as an objective reality as scientists would have us believe. Instead, it is a projection of our minds.
And we who sojourn in this illusory world and space and time, act according to the prompting of our desires. These actions bring results which are the harvest of those desires that we ourselves have sown.
As it is on earth while we are alive, so it continues after death. As recorded in the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, dating back to the sixth century BC:
“A man acts according to his desires to which he clings. After death he goes to the next world bearing in his mind the subtle impressions of his deeds; and after reaping there the harvest of his deeds, he returns again to the world of action. Thus he who has desire continues subject to rebirth.”
What this Vedic quotation reveals is that death does not bring an end to our cycle of life.
Instead, it is this thread of unfulfilled desire that chains the individual to the wheel of life, and draws them unerringly back to another form in which to continue to pursue the fruits of their desires.
It is only when all of these bonds of desire are finally broken, that the “I am” merges with its source of Supreme Reality and the cycle of rebirth is finally at an end.
One of the mysteries that has long puzzled the human mind is this concept of “Reincarnation”. The word itself is derived from a Latin term meaning “to take flesh again”.
The first recorded writings on this subject date back to the philosophical traditions of India and Greece about the 6th century BC. Since that time, different religions have formulated different answers to this puzzle.
Three of these religions began in India, while three others began in the Middle East. The teachings of these religions can briefly be summarised as follows.
The Hindu interpretation of reincarnation is based on the teachings of the original Indian Rishis (Sages) as recorded in the Vedas, a Sanskrit word meaning “knowledge”.
According to these Sages, the world that we ordinarily think of as “real” is actually an illusion – just like a dream. Together with other illusory states like hypnosis and drug-induced visions, these states are not permanent.
They always come to an end. However, according to these Sages, life does not end there. It continues in an after-death state, which is followed in due course by a new cycle of birth and death which the Hindus call Samsara.
We continue to be trapped in this illusory cycle until such time as we awaken from our ignorance of the true nature of our existence. This awakening is referred to by such Sanskrit terms as Mukti or Moksha.
The individual soul (Jiva) continues to be bound by action (Karma), and every action that we take has a reaction according to the dictates of our own desires. And it is these actions that determine our next incarnation.
We are reborn through desire. We choose to be reborn so that we can continue to enjoy the delights which bodily existence provides. And this continues for as long as we hanker for the pleasures of the flesh.
It is only after numerous births and deaths that we eventually become dissatisfied with our human lives, which can never bring deep, lasting happiness and begin to yearn for higher forms of happiness (Ananda).
When, after long spiritual practice (Sadhana), a person comes to realise that their immortal soul is their true “Self” rather than a physical body, their interest in the desires of the physical body begin to fade.
When all desires are extinguished, the soul that previously sought physical existence will never be born again. Their cycle of rebirth comes to an end, and that person is said to have attained liberation (Moksha).
Jainism is a nontheistic religion founded in India in the 6th century BC, that teaches that perfection is gained through multiple incarnations, and that progress is based on one’s actions in each life.
Karma forms a fundamental part of the Jain faith, and the path to becoming a supreme soul is to practise non-violence and truthfulness.
Our actions in life have consequences. Some of these consequences are experienced in this life, while others are delayed to future incarnations. So whatever suffering or pleasure is experienced in this life is the result of choices made in the past. The Jain texts describe four states of existence. They are:
Deva – this is the state where the heavens are located.
Manussya – this is the state occupied by human beings.
Tiryanca – this is the state occupied by animals, plants and micro-organisms.
Naraki – hellish beings occupy the lower-levels, where the seven hells are situated.
Depending on its Karma, the soul incarnates according to its level of progress within these four states of existence.
In Jainism, God does not play a role in an individual’s destiny. One’s personal destiny is not seen as a consequence of any system of reward or punishment, but rather as a result of its own personal Karma.
Violent deeds, killing of creatures having five sense organs, eating fish and so on, lead to a rebirth in Hell. Deception, fraud and falsehood leads to rebirth in the animal and vegetable world.
Kindness, compassion, and humble character result in a human birth, while austerities and the making and keeping of vows lead to a rebirth in heaven. Each soul is thus responsible for its own predicament, as well as its own salvation.
Although the Buddha attained enlightenment in the town of Bodh Gaya in the Indian state of Bihar, his teachings on the nature and meaning of life differ from those of the Hindu Sages.
For example, the Buddhist concept of reincarnation differs from Hinduism in that there is no individual soul which the Hindus refer to as Jiva. Instead, there is only a “stream of consciousness” that links life with life.
The actual process of change from one life to the next is called Punarbhava (Sanskrit) or Punabbhava (Pali), which means “becoming again, or more briefly bhava “becoming”.
Although early Buddhist texts discussed techniques for recalling previous births by means of intense meditation, the Buddha himself cautioned against such practices.
He taught a distinct concept of rebirth in which there is no primal Atman or universal self. There is thus no basic principle from which the individual soul is derived and which links these lives together.
In contrast to the three Indian religions summarised above, the three major Middle Eastern religions below are all monotheistic religions, based on the belief that we all have single, finite lifetimes, after which we are all judged and rewarded accordingly.
The word “Islam” means “submission to the will of God”. Followers of Islam are called Muslims, and they worship one all-knowing God, who in Arabic is known as Allah.
The concept of reincarnation is rejected by all the monotheistic religions of the world because they conflict with their teachings that we all have single, finite lifetimes, after which we are all judged and rewarded accordingly.
They base this on the argument that if we all have multiple lifetimes, then which of these will form the basis on which we are judged – the first, the last, or other lifetimes in between.
Although the Quran preaches the existence of the soul, it rejects the concept of reincarnation. The principal belief in Islam is that we only have one birth on this earth. After death, each on of us will be judged, following which we will either be united with God or consigned to Hell.
However, the idea of reincarnation is still accepted by a few Muslim sects, particularly those who belong to the Shia sects who live mostly in Iran and Iraq, as well as some members of the Sufi (Mystical) tradition of Islam.
Although reincarnation remains an esoteric belief that is still held by some Jews, it is not part of the traditional teaching of Judaism. It is not mentioned in classical sources such as the Hebrew Bible, or in Rabbinical works like the Mishnah and Talmud.
However, there is a concept called Gilgul described in great detail in the Kabbalah, a mystical interpretation of the Bible that is a central feature of Hasidism, a spiritual revivalist movement that emerged in Eastern Europe in the 18th century.
Similar to the Sanskrit concept of Samsara, the Hindu cycle of life and death, the word Gilgul comes from the Hebrew root meaning “to spin”. In the Kabbalistic view, the soul spins through multiple bodies as it strives for perfection.
Like the other two monotheistic religions, Judaism and Islam, modern Christianity rejects the idea of reincarnation. Instead, they believe that souls are only born on earth once, and that following death they will be judged according to their deeds.
Those who are found worthy will ascend into heaven to be with Jesus for eternity, while those who are unworthy will be condemned to hell.
However, it was not always that way. The early Christian church accepted and taught the doctrine of reincarnation, which was expounded by Plato, the Gnostics, and by numerous other church fathers.
These included such luminaries as St. Jerome who lived in the 4th century AD, who was best known for his translation of the Bible into Latin, as well as Origen and Clement of Alexandria, who were among the most influential of the early Christian theologians.
It was only some five hundred years after the death of Christ that the doctrine of reincarnation was declared a heresy, by the Second Council of Constantinople presided over by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian.
The reason this was done was because the idea that we live multiple lives afforded human beings too much time to seek salvation, so they replaced it with the idea that we only live one life, and are judged at the end of it.
Yet despite the teachings of the major monotheistic religions, evidence continues to mount showing that individual souls are indeed born again, and that they often return with vivid memories of past lives, as will be shown in the following instalment.
About ten years ago at this time, the world was abuzz with rumours of impending doom. The worst of these was the prediction (elevated by some to absolute conviction), that the entire world would be destroyed on the date of the mid-winter solstice on December 21, 2012.
Of course we all know that the world didn’t end on that day. In fact nothing of any consequence happened that would cause this date to be remembered, other than the fact that the so-called “end-date” of the Mayan Long-Count Calendar proved to be false.
As I indicated in my article 2012 and the Mayan Calendar, there was no reason to doubt that the last day of the Thirteenth B’ak’tun would not be followed by the first day of the Fourteenth B’ak’tun without any particular fuss or fanfare, exactly as the Mayans themselves expected.
In fact, as I explained in the article, this entire scenario had been inflicted upon the Mayan people by a motley cast of Western writers and researchers, none of whom had bothered to investigate the true facts behind the Long-Count Calendar before rushing off to print their apocalyptic stories.
Although many of these writers had died prior to 2012, those who were still alive, like Graham Hancock, John Major Jenkins and the celebrated American anthropologist Michael D. Coe, were forced to concede that their predictions of global destruction linked to December 21st, 2012, were wrong.
The world-wide circus associated with this supposed end-date proved to be a considerable embarrassment to the Maya themselves. As the President of the National Mayan Council of Elders, Don Alejandro Cirilo Oxlaj (also known by the name of “Wandering Wolf”), remarked at the time:
“2012 is not the end of the world, nor did we ever predict that it would end: not now, not at the end of our Long Count calendar, not on December 21, 2012. Do not trust self-proclaimed elders, gurus and pseudo scientists who, for their own personal gain, create fear in the name of the Maya.”
“Far from being a date on a calendar when something will automatically happen, the elders say that it is up to us how we traverse these challenging times. The new Sun will come, but if we don’t change our destructive and disharmonious ways, many may not see it. We are not powerless over something happening to us; we are happening to the Earth and to each other.” (View Source)
“Wandering Wolf” explained that it is our thoughts and actions that have been responsible for creating a world that is out of balance, and that is these same thoughts and actions that must be rebalanced in order for us to avoid yet more suffering, not only for ourselves, but for all created life.
He said that according to the Mayan Long-Count Calendar, we are approaching the Year Zero, which is the end of another period of the Sun. This is a period lasting 5,200 years and ending with 60-70 hours of darkness, bringing to an end the fifth age of the Sun by their calendar. “Wandering Wolf” went on to add this chilling warning:
“There will be huge problems. Catastrophes and cataclysms will befall us.”
Like the Maya, the Hopi Indians of Arizona have a similar prophetic tradition. They too believe that there have been previous world ages, each of which ended in a global catastrophe. But whereas the Maya believe that we are now living in the 5th world age, the Hopi consider the 5th age to be the one that is about to unfold on the planet.
The Hopi predict that the new world that is about to dawn upon the Earth will be heralded by the arrival of two Kachinas, one coloured blue and the other red. According to Hopi tradition, Kachinas are considered to be spirit teachers of nature that act as messengers of Maasaw, their Creator of the Earth.
As we find recorded in Last Cry, Native American Prophecies, Tales of the End Times written by Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf:
In the final day we will look up in the heavens and we will witness the return of the two brothers who helped to create this world in the birthing time.
This end time prophecy makes it clear that the above verse refers to a celestial event, for the “two brothers” will be seen “in the heavens”. It also mentions that these two brothers will be the same as those that assisted in the “birthing” of the current world age, which was also a time of great turmoil across the face of the earth.
The exact nature of these two brothers becomes clearer from subsequent quotations.
When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance
in the heavens the 5th world will emerge.
This will be the day of purification.
The return of the Blue Kachina will be the forewarning
that tells us there will soon be a new day,
a new way of life and a new world coming.
Not far behind will come the Purifier,
the Red Kachina who will bring the day of purification.
When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small red star
which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching us.
Watching to see how well we have remembered
the sacred teachings.
Then one morning we will awaken to a Red Dawn.
The sky will be the colour of blood and many things will begin
to happen that right now we are not sure of their exact nature,
for much of reality will not be as it is now.
From the above descriptions, it seems obvious that the Hopi prophecies revolve around the appearance in the skies above earth of two large comets. One will come as a warning to humanity to change their ways, while the second will come as the “Purifier”, to cleanse the earth and make it new.
The reference to one morning when we will awaken to a Red Dawn, where the sky will be the colour of blood, bears an uncanny resemblance to the words of Immanuel Velikovsky. As quoted previously from the time of the Biblical Exodus, when the world was confronted by a large comet:
“The comet was on its way from its perihelion and touched earth first with its gaseous tail…One of the first signs of this encounter was the reddening of the earth’s surface by a fine dust of rusty pigment. In sea, lake and river this pigment gave a bloody coloring to the water.” (Worlds in Collision)
It is also strikingly reminiscent of various quatrains of Nostradamus that were quoted in the previous instalment, where he writes about “false dust”, “red hail” and “water coloured by blood” as set out below:
Century Two – Verse 46
After great misery for humanity, a greater one comes when the great cycle of the centuries is renewed. It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and plague, Fire will be seen in the sky, dragging a trail of sparks.
Century Five – Verse 90
In the Cyclades, Perinthus and Larissa, in Sparta and the entire Pelopennesus: A very great famine, plague through false dust, lasting nine months throughout the whole peninsula.
Century Six – Verse 38
The enemies of peace, the profligate ones, after having conquered Italy: The bloodthirsty king, red will be revealed, Fire, bloodshed, water coloured with blood.
Century Eight – Verse 77
The antichrist swiftly annihilates the three, Twenty-seven years his war will last. The heretics will be dead, captive, exiled; Blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.
Century Ten – Verse 60
I weep for Nice, Monaco, Pisa, Genoa, Savona, Siena, Capua, Modena and Malta: Blood from on high and the sword for a gift, Fire, earthquake, water, an ill-timed alliance.
The idea that a comet might be the source of poisonous “red dust” that could contaminate the waters of the earth, and be responsible for plagues and other skin diseases, probably never occurred to the American astronomer Fred Whipple, when he first formulated his theory that comets were little more than “dirty snowballs”.
Artist’s conception of Stardust spacecraft collecting dust from the tail of comet Wild 2. (NASA images)
However, all of that changed in 1999 when NASA initiated an ambitious space mission known as project Stardust. They launched a robotic space probe that was designed to fly close to Comet Wild 2, collect dust samples from its Coma, and then return these samples to the earth.
This mission proved to be spectacularly successful, for the entire sample collection was ejected from the space probe, and survived a perilous descent through the atmosphere of earth before landing safely on the sands of Utah in January, 2006.
When these samples were later analysed in the laboratory, scientists were surprised to find that the dust particles were not of uniform size. In addition to particles of extremely fine dust, they also found other particles that were much larger than had been expected.
These particles were found to consist of iron and copper sulphide minerals. Scientists had therefore found hidden in the Coma of Comet Wild 2, the very water soluble dust particles that Velikovsky had predicted were responsible for the initial plagues that afflicted the earth at the time of Moses.
As explained in the extract from Worlds in Collision quoted above, the presence of iron particles would have accounted for the “red dust” that showered the entire planet and turned the waters into “blood”, while the presence of copper sulphide would have made these bloody waters toxic.
So the key question to be asked from the data obtained from Project Stardust is this. If iron and sulphur minerals have been found to be present in the dust particles in the tail of Comet Wild 2, then how likely are they to be present in the tails of other comets as well?
The answer is very likely indeed, since astronomers are in general agreement that comets that come from similar regions of deep space are more than likely to be composed of similar constituent materials.
And if that is the case, then the Hopi prediction of awakening one day to a red dawn where the sky will be the colour of blood, begins to become a scientifically viable possibility.
As we have seen, according to Hopi prophetic tradition the present world age will end with the appearance of “two brothers”, the two Kachinas who will preside over the destruction of the old world, and the formation of the new.
And as has been pointed out, these “two brothers” are described in language which makes it evident that the Hopis are talking here about the arrival in the skies of earth of two large comets.
For those people who are interested in the future of our planet, and who have studied the prophetic works of various societies, it is no coincidence that the appearance of every new comet has been greeted with doom-laden associations.
People all over the planet are becoming increasingly aware of the predictions of the Bible, Nostradamus, the Maya, the Hopi and others, which all implicate comets as the agents of destruction.
It seems clear from the events that are unfolding around us at this time, that we are now approaching the apocalyptic climax that has long been predicted by the prophets of old, and that we are the generation that will live to experience these cataclysmic events.
But as “Wandering Wolf” has emphasized in his remarks quoted above, the events that are shortly to unfold on the earth are not the result of the inanimate forces of nature acting blindly upon us.
Instead, they are the direct result of what we ourselves have been doing to the earth and to each other. And if we wish to protect ourselves from what is coming, we need to address our inner thoughts and actions, rather than stock up on food or look for underground shelters or places of safety.
This advice has been repeated by the late Robert Ghost Wolf, an accomplished artist and author who possessed many gifts that earned him recognition with many indigenous tribes in both North and South America, as a Spiritual Healer and Ceremonial Leader. He died on December 21, 2005.
During an interview with famous late-night radio talk-show host Art Bell, during which he talked about the prophecies of the Hopi Elders, Robert Ghost Wolf was asked whether he had anything to say in closing. He replied:
”I think the most important thing that we can do now, is to realize that we are going to experience things that we have not experienced before. We’re going to see things that we never even conceived that we could see. We’re going to go through changes.
“We’re going to go through trials. The most important thing that we can do is to turn inward because, if we turn inward and we open up the inward, then that which happens outside will be a result of what we have opened up inside. If we keep looking outward and forget the inside, then we’ll be lost in the illusion.”
Allan, The Return of the Comet, April 18, 2020, 11:43 am
On the morning of 27 December 1831, the naturalist Charles Darwin set sail from Plymouth harbour in England at the tender age of 22, on a journey that was to last five years and take him all around the world.
It was the result of his botanical and biological research conducted in the course of that voyage that was to result, many years later, in his epochal work On the Origin of Species, which was to become the foundation of the modern theory of evolution.
In this book Darwin laid out his theory that all the different species that have ever lived upon the earth were descended from a common ancestor, and that each species subsequently changed into another through a process he called “natural selection”.
According to Darwin, this process of natural selection took place over vast ages of geological time. In this he was guided by the work of two men. One was the 18th century Scottish naturalist James Hutton, and the other was the geologist Charles Lyell.
Both Hutton, who has come to be regarded as the father of modern geology, and Lyell were major advocates for an idea that was rapidly gaining acceptance at the time, and that was the principle of “Uniformitarianism”.
Uniformitarianism was the belief that the geological forces we see at the present time are the same as those that operated in the past, and that all the changes that have taken place on the earth are the result of imperceptibly slow changes over vast spans of time. There was no room in this theory for sudden catastrophes.
For Darwin, this was the idea his theory needed in order in order to justify the same imperceptibly slow rate at which one species changed into another. And Uniformitarianism remains to this day the theory that is taught in our schools and universities.
Unfortunately, this neatly ordered theory of evolution, in which catastrophism plays no part, has not been validated by the facts. It is now known that almost all the species that have ever lived on the earth have not continued to evolve over time into ever higher orders of form, as Darwin so eloquently argued.
Instead, they became extinct.
What the fossil record has shown very clearly is that different species have emerged suddenly, and then, after long periods of time, have vanished equally suddenly, in a process that has come to be known as “Punctuated Stasis”.
Each of these different species has existed for long periods of time, with very little or no morphological change, until they unexpectedly disappeared completely from the fossil record. The best example of this is the dinosaurs.
It has now become accepted throughout the scientific community that the entire spectrum of dinosaurs, from the small to the very large, suddenly perished at a time when the earth underwent a catastrophic event.
This change is now believed to have occurred some 65 million years ago, when a large asteroid collided with the earth in an area around the northern tip of the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, to form the famous Chicxulub crater.
This event shows up so clearly in the geological record, that it is now considered to be the boundary between the end of the age of the dinosaurs (Cretacious period) and the beginning of the age of mammals (Tertiary period).
This same pattern of long periods of “stasis” or stability, interspersed with sudden extinction level events that we find in the fossil record, seems to be matched by a similar cycle of events in the course of human civilization on the earth.
When we examine the records of ancient history, we find the same tales of long periods of stability broken up by sudden cataclysmic events, that have been responsible for the destruction of entire civilisations all over the earth.
As has been explained in an earlier post (2012 and the Mayan Calendar), stories of previous cataclysmic disasters that have devastated entire cultures have survived in sacred books from China, India, Persia, Greece and Rome, as well as from the Incas, the Aztecs and the Maya.
There seems to be a common link between the sudden extinction of species around the planet and the collapse of these human cultures, and that is the threat of catastrophic change, most often brought about by “fire from the sky”.
It was the Russian-born American scholar Immanuel Velikovsky who devoted ten years of his life researching these ancient stories of disaster. In particular, he focused on a series of events that occurred around 3,500 years ago, and which devastated the entire planet.
As we find recorded in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament of the Bible, Moses was sent on a mission by God to liberate the Hebrew slaves in Egypt, only to find on his arrival that he was rebuffed by the Pharaoh.
According to the Biblical story, Pharaoh hardened his heart against Moses, and refused to release the Israelites. In response, God brought a series of plagues against the people of Egypt.
The first plague caused the waters and rivers to turn into blood, killing the fish and polluting the drinking water. This was followed by an outbreak of frogs, lice and flies. Then came the “murrain”, an infectious disease that killed the livestock.
The next plague was a strange dust that caused boils and blisters to break out on the skin of people and animals. Then came thunder and hail, and fire that ran along the ground, destroying the crops in the field.
This was followed by a vast swarm of locusts that destroyed the remainder of the crops that had survived the hail. Then there came a strange darkness that fell over the whole land of Egypt. This was a darkness that not only blackened the sky, but could be felt as well.
Most Bible scholars have interpreted the story of the plagues of Egypt as a series of miracles performed by Moses, and authorised by God, as part of his plan to deliver the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt.
These scholars probably never considered for a moment the possibility that the plagues that descended on Egypt might not have been supernatural miracles after all, but rather the predictable consequences of a close encounter between the earth and a large comet.
That is, until Velikovsky came along.
What Velikovsky did was to research the legends of other cultures that existed elsewhere on the earth at that time, to see if they had records of events that correlated with those described in the Bible.
And find them he did. In fact the more he looked, the more he found. In his book Worlds in Collision, he quoted from sources derived from ancient manuscripts in Egypt, as well as from Greece, Babylon, Finland, Siberia, as well as the Maya.
But Velikovsky was not content with drawing historical parallels between stories drawn from ancient cultures located in different parts of the world. He used his education and training to interpret these stories in the light of modern science.
And the story he told was utterly compelling. As he wrote in the second chapter of his book, the cause of these world-wide catastrophes was a close encounter between the earth and a large comet.
“The comet was on its way from its perihelion and touched earth first with its gaseous tail…One of the first signs of this encounter was the reddening of the earth’s surface by a fine dust of rusty pigment. In sea, lake and river this pigment gave a bloody coloring to the water. Because of these particles of ferruginous or other soluble pigment, the world turned red.” (Worlds in Collision)
He then went on to describe the inevitable results that would follow as the earth was drawn deeper and deeper into the tail of the comet.
The dust particles that caused the water to look like blood would also pollute the water, making it unfit to drink. This contaminated water would then cause the fish to die, and their dead carcases would soon begin to decompose, causing the rivers to give off a foul odour.
In order to escape, the frogs would abandon the rivers and make their way into the houses of the Egyptians. As the earth continued to pass through the tail of the comet, the red dust now coating the land would cause an infestation of lice, followed by immense swarms of flies.
This dust would also be likely to cause a variety of skin infections, boils and blisters, that would afflict men and animals alike. The lice and flies would also lead to outbreaks of disease among the livestock of the Egyptians.
As the earth plunged deeper into the tail of the comet, the particles of reddish dust would give way to gravel particles. These superheated particles would then fall to earth in the form of fiery hailstones that would run along the ground.
These flaming meteorites would not only strike people and animals caught in the open, but would set fire to the crops in the field as well. And any crops left standing would likely be destroyed by the vast swarms of locusts that would follow.
As the earth moved closer to the nucleus of the comet, there would come an inky blackness so intense that light could not penetrate it. This would be a darkness that could be felt, for the very air would seem to stick in people’s throats.
There is an eerie parallel between what happened in the distant past of our planet at the time of Moses, and the mysterious events that are described in the final book of the Bible, the Revelation of St. John the Divine.
While the disciple John was living in exile on the Greek island of Patmos, he had a series of revelatory visions about a future time when a Saviour would return in triumph to the earth. In his book of Revelation, John describes the dramatic events that would unfold at that time.
This book has since become one of the most enigmatic books of the Bible, and religious scholars still cannot agree on exactly what it was that John was describing.
We also have to remember, that if John really did foresee events that would happen on the earth several thousands of years in the future, he would hardly have been able to describe them in words that would be intelligible to us today.
He would also have been forced to use symbols for things that even he didn’t understand or recognize. For example, he writes about seven angels who were given seven trumpets. As each angel sounded their trumpet, so the earth would be assailed by a specific disaster.
“The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of the trees was burnt up, and all the green grass was burnt up.
“And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
“And the name of the star is called Wormwood; and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
“And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.” (Revelation 8: 7-12)
For most readers of the Bible, these descriptions will probably seem mystifying enough. But just to complicate matters, John went on to describe seven more angels who had each been given Vials of the Wrath of God to pour upon the earth.
“And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
“And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness: and they gnawed their tongues for pain“. (Revelation 16: 2-10)
These verses would probably have held little meaning for the people who were living at the time John wrote these words.
But because of the explanation given to us by Velikovsky, in explaining the various plagues that happened at the time of Moses, we may have a better insight into the apocalyptic events that John was trying to describe.
If he were still alive today, this is what I believe Velikovsky might say. Suppose a large comet was to pass in orbit around the sun. As it sped away from the sun back into the dark void of space, its luminous tail of dust particles would travel ahead of it, blown by the force of solar radiation.
If the earth should happen to lie in the path of this comet after its perihelion (or closest approach to the sun), then our world would first come into contact with the tail of the comet, which would extend ahead of it in space for many millions of miles.
If the dust particles in the tail of the comet were ferruginous (containing iron), then the earth would first be showered by particles of fine, red dust. As this cosmic dust began to fall from the sky, it would settle on the skin of people and animals causing irritation and infection.
The presence in the atmosphere of these tiny particles of dust would also spawn torrential downpours of rain, which would be characterised by a blood-red colour.
As the earth continued to be showered by poisonous dust this bloody rain would soon contaminate the rivers and the seas, causing them to become blood-red in appearance. Those who drank from these toxic waters would die.
When the nucleus of the comet drew closer to the earth, larger particles in the comet’s tail would fall as blazing meteorites.
This torment of fiery hail would then set fire to large portions of the land. Entire forests and countrysides would be engulfed in blazing infernos that would destroy crops, which would later lead to widespread famine.
Should a part of the comet, or even the nucleus itself plunge into the sea, this flaming asteroid would create unparalleled havoc, not just to those creatures in the sea, but also to those craft which happened to be travelling upon it.
Coastal cities would be ravaged by tumultuous tidal waves. Hundreds of millions of people would die in a matter of minutes. The resulting collision would devastate the land and decimate all forms of life on the planet.
A cloud of dust and debris would soon encircle the earth, blotting out in places the light of the sun, the moon and the stars. Such a close encounter with a large comet would severely jolt the earth, perhaps even causing it to tilt on its axis, and even change the alignment of its poles.
Just as at the time of the Exodus, when the earth was assailed by “fire from the sky”, so according to the book of Revelation, there will come a time when the world will once again suffer the cataclysmic consequences of a close encounter with a comet.
But just as before, when the global devastation caused by that previous encounter enabled Moses to lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt to a place “flowing with milk and honey”, so the earth will once again be blessed.
It will be “made new” by these disasters, and will be transformed into a “new earth” where there will be no more suffering, and no more pain.
The political conflicts, the economic crises, the wars and outbreaks of terrorism, and the convulsions of climate that have come to characterise our current age, will give way to a time of harmony and peace, where “the calf and the young lion will lie down together”.
Allan, The Return of the Comet, April 16, 2020, 12:06 pm
In my post Signs in the Sky, I began by pointing out that we are now living through the convulsions of a dying age, and that the transition from the present world age to the new one that is coming will be accompanied by world-wide calamities brought about by a close encounter with a comet.
I ended the post by remarking that scientists today display little concern about the potential threat posed by comets, because they have been lulled into a state of complacency by a model of the universe that has not only become outdated, but has now been invalidated by the latest information relayed by space probes.
For the last sixty years, orthodox astronomers and astrophysicists have clung to an obsolete theory proposed by the American astronomer Fred Whipple in 1950.
Whipple maintained that comets weren’t rocky objects like asteroids or meteors, but instead consisted mainly of ice together with some dust and frozen gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia.
Whipple’s hypothesis, which came to be known as the “dirty snowball” model, soon gained widespread acceptance among the scientific community, and it remains to this day the model that is taught in all the leading colleges and universities of the world.
What distinguishes comets from other space objects like asteroids, is that as they draw closer to the Sun, they begin to glow and develop various luminous tails, which point away from the sun and stretch for many millions of miles.
According to the “dirty snowball” model, when a comet approaches the Sun, a “Coma” or glowing envelope forms around the nucleus or head of the comet, as the solid matter of the core is converted directly into a gas through a process known as “sublimation”.
As conventional theory explains, these pockets of ionized gas inside the nucleus of the comet, formed by the radiant heat of the sun and the Solar Wind, then explode to form the jets of material commonly seen emerging from the heads of comets.
Then as the comet approaches its perihelion, or closest approach to the Sun, the ice that makes up the bulk of the nucleus of the comet steadily boils away, causing it to shrink in size with every successive orbit until nothing remains.
However, when scientists began sending probes into space with sophisticated instruments that enabled them to examine the nature of comets more closely, they were startled to find that their results were very different from what the “dirty snowball” model predicted.
Comet Tempel 1 as seen by Deep Impact – Courtesy NASA
For example, when NASA launched its Deep Impact probe in 2005 to study the surface of Comet Tempel 1, images sent back by the probe portrayed an object that looked surprisingly like an asteroid, as can be seen from the photograph on the right.
The absence of any surface ice, together with evidence of numerous impact craters on the comet’s surface, seems remarkably similar to the asteroid 21 Lutetia, photographed in 2011 by the European Space Agency’s Rosetta probe, as shown below.
A Rosetta mission image of the asteroid 21 Lutetia. IMAGE: ESA October 28, 2011
Space probes have now been sent to five different comets. They are the comets Halley, Borrelly, Wild 2, Tempel 1 and Hartley 2. Yet none of these comets have shown any evidence of surface ice, as the “dirty snowball” theory requires.
In order to gain a better understanding of the constituents of comets, NASA launched its Stardust Mission to Comet Wild 2 in 1999, in order to evaluate its dust and formative material, and to return samples of these to the earth.
Whereas scientists had expected to find evidence of surface ice, when these samples were later recovered and examined in the laboratory, they revealed a complete absence of water. And when NASA extended its Deep Space mission (DS1) to include an encounter with Comet Borrelly in 2001, it was also found to be hot and dry, with not a hint of water.
But the absence of surface ice was just one of many challenges to the long-established “dirty snowball” theory. There were also problems caused by comets whose Comas continued to flare, even when they were vast distances away from the heat of the Sun.
In 1991, five years after it had made its closest approach to the Sun, the much-heralded Comet Halley was travelling beyond the planet Uranus some 1.3 billion miles from the Sun, in temperatures of around minus 330 degrees Fahrenheit.
Its nucleus had been reduced to a faint speck in the darkness of space, visible only through telescopes, and its tail had long since disappeared. Then without warning, something happened to Comet Halley that totally defied conventional theory.
As Associated Press reported at the time, it unexpectedly erupted with an immense dust cloud about 180,000 miles across, causing it to become a thousand times brighter than it had been a few days before.
Then in 1997, when Comet Hale-Bopp was also farther out in space than the orbit of Uranus, it continued to flare just as it had done earlier when it dominated the skies of earth. It still displayed a Coma, a dust tail, and an ion tail more than a million kilometres long.
As if the above examples were not enough to severely dent the “dirty snowball” theory, then the behaviour of Comet Holmes should have been sufficient to demolish it entirely.
In October 2007, Holmes suddenly and unexpectedly brightened by a factor of a million. In less than 24 hours it grew to a magnitude so large that it was easily visible to the naked eye, as can be seen from this photograph.
Comet Holmes as captured by astrophotographer Alan Dyer in Alberta, Canada, on Nov. 1, 2007. NASA/ESA/A. Dyer
Its Coma continued to grow in size until by mid-November it had become the largest object in the solar system, even larger than the Sun. The Coma had grown from 28 thousand kilometres in diameter to seven million kilometres.
The challenge this posed to conventional theory was that, at the time of its extraordinary display, Comet Holmes was moving away from the Sun in the extreme cold of deep space. Furthermore, its brilliant illumination continued to shine for months afterward.
One might have thought that this remarkable display by Comet Holmes, which flew in the face of all accepted theory, would have caused a sensation in the world of astronomy. But as Scott Wall wrote in his 2008 article entitled “Comet Holmes – a Media Non-event”:
“You might think that this remarkable behaviour would be big news, particularly among astronomers. A prominent Astronomy magazine recently published their top ten news stories of 2007. Surprisingly, this spectacular comet was not named as the top story. It didn’t even finish in the top ten. In fact, the entire magazine completely ignored the comet. There was not even an editorial comment. Additionally, there was little if any newspaper or TV coverage….” (View Source)
The silence among the astronomical community was deafening, and for good reason, for the behaviour of Comet Holmes defied all conventional understanding.
The anomalies quoted above have continued to multiply, with yet more examples of the unusual behaviour of comets, particularly their uncanny ability to explode violently in defiance of conventional theory.
In December 2010, a long-period comet was discovered by a Russian amateur astronomer Leonid Elenin, and in accordance with common astronomical practice, this comet was named after him.
Comet Elenin soon became an Internet sensation when doomsayers predicted that it would bring disaster to the earth, by fulfilling the looming threat of the prophecies associated with the end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012.
These “gloomsayers” claimed that the comet would trigger catastrophic earthquakes around the world, as a result of its gravitational interaction with the earth. Ironically, it turned out that it was the comet itself that was destroyed, rather than the earth.
On August 19, 2011, when Elenin was roughly 45 million miles away from the Sun (about half the distance between the earth and the Sun), the comet suddenly exploded into a cloud of debris, leaving astronomers everywhere confounded.
Now Elenin was not the first comet to have exploded unexpectedly while in orbit around the Sun, nor has it been the last. Some have even exploded much farther away from the Sun than Elenin was at the time of its demise.
When comet West was first discovered by the Danish astronomer Richard West in August 1975, it immediately showed promise of becoming one of the most spectacular comets ever seen in our skies.
This early promise was vindicated when, following its perihelion on February 26, 1976, it could even be seen in bright daylight. Yet despite the fact that it was speeding away from the Sun, it suddenly exploded and disintegrated into fragments.
Another long-period comet discovered in 1999 was comet Linear. Although it wasn’t due to orbit around the Sun until July, 2000, it began to break up while it was still about 70 million miles away, and disintegrated completely some two weeks later.
Finally there was the case of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. As reported in my post Signs in the Sky this comet was observed to break apart and split into a series of fragments that rained down upon the planet Jupiter.
Astronomers trained to interpret all comet behaviour within the confines of the “dirty snowball” model, have been at a complete loss to explain the anomalies outlined above.
In fact many of them have confessed, like Donald Brownlee, principle investigator of NASA’s Stardust Mission: “It’s a mystery to me how comets work at all“.
Their confusion is hardly to be wondered at, since they have been trying for years to explain the phenomena of comets in the context of a Cosmological theory that is palpably wrong.
As has been described in previous instalments, a new breed of scientists have come forward to explain the mysteries of comets within a revolutionary new theory of the universe, which they call the “Electric Universe”.
What they have done has been to build on the Cosmology of the past by including an ingredient which had been overlooked by such scientific giants as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. That ingredient is electromagnetism.
And it is only when the electromagnetic force is restored to its rightful place as a fundamental building block of the universe, that the mysteries of comets can not only be explained, but predicted in advance.
The theory of the “Electric Universe” is predicated on the thesis that the entire universe is basically electrical in nature. So in terms of this theory, we are electric beings living on an electric earth, which orbits around an electric Sun as it travels through electric space.
And comets are actually electrically charged objects travelling through an electrically charged field of space. As plasma physicist Wallace Thornhill, one of the leading proponents of this electrical theory, puts it:
“Comets spend most of their time far from the Sun where the charge density is low. Since comets move slowly, their electric charges reach equilibrium with the weak, radial solar electric field. When a comet falls in to the inner Solar System closer to the Sun, however, its nucleus accelerates into regions of increasing charge density and voltage.
“Charge polarization in the nucleus respond to the increasing electrical stress, forming a vast coma (plasma sheath) around the comet. Discharge jets flare up and move across the surface, similar to the plumes on Jupiter’s moon, Io. If the internal electrical stress becomes too great, the nucleus may explode like an overcharged capacitor, breaking into fragments or vanishing forever. Similar effects are most likely responsible for meteoric explosions in Earth’s atmosphere, such as the one that occurred over Tunguska in Siberia.” (View Source)
And in answer to the extraordinary display produced by comet Holmes described earlier, Thornhill had this to say:
“Outbursts from comets at great distances from the Sun seem to be correlated with a sudden change in the solar ‘wind’ plasma environment due to a solar storm. The point about sudden comet outbursts is that we are dealing with a sudden, discontinuous process of plasma discharge – a switch from dark current mode to normal glow mode. It is a complex surface phenomenon that cannot be predicted. The best we can do is to say that the passage of a sudden change in the solar wind is the most likely time to see a flareup“. (View Source)
In the case of comet Holmes, it is worth noting that there was a large spike in the density of the Solar Wind just two days before the flare-up occurred. This could well have been the electrical stimulus needed to switch the plasma sheath surrounding the nucleus of the comet into “normal glow mode”, as explained in the previous instalment.
Sceptical scientists wedded to the “dirty-snowball” theory of comets may well shrug their shoulders at this new emphasis on the electromagnetic nature of comets, and insist that there still is no reason for people to become alarmed when comets appear in the skies above the earth.
After all they might argue, comets that explode in space, for whatever reason, cease to be a threat to earth simply because they destroy themselves in the process. However, these scientists would do well to examine more closely recent events that could have a profound effect on the future of the world.
Suppose for example, a large comet was to enter our Solar System and instead of orbiting around the Sun, ended up crashing into it. Would this be a threat to the earth? It so happens that we now have scientific evidence to answer this question.
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) that was launched in 1995 to study the Sun, recently captured the final moments of a comet that collided with the Sun. What was significant was that the Sun released an enormous CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) at the very moment that the body of the comet collided with the Sun.
And if a powerful Solar Flare was released in the direction of the earth, this sudden blast of radiation could well become the famous “Kill Shot” that so many doomsayers have been predicting in recent years.
Astronomers ought also be aware of meteoric explosions that can cause extensive surface damage on the earth, such as the one that occurred near the Tunguska river in Siberia in 1908.
It is also worth recalling the incident that happened earlier this year, when a meteor about 18 yards wide travelling at 40,000 miles an hour exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk in central Russia, with a force 25 times greater than the nuclear bomb that exploded over Hiroshima in Japan, as shown below.
What is significant about this incident is that the same electromagnetic forces that cause comets to explode, cause asteroids and meteors to explode as well. In this particular case the explosion was the result of internal electrical stresses building up inside the meteor, as a result of the charge differential between itself and the earth.
This NASA video ends with the chilling warning. “There are millions more just like it. And that is something to think about.”
How long will it be before we witness the next one?
Over the span of the last century, a hidden revolution has been taking place in the science of Cosmology, the study of the origins and nature of the universe. It remains hidden because there is still, as yet, no outward sign that any significant change has taken place.
Within the halls of renowned academic institutions, the faculties of astrophysics and astronomy continue to teach the same courses to new ranks of students, who have little idea that the very foundation of what they are being taught is being systematically demolished by the latest findings of space probes.
The hallowed ideas of men like Newton, Doppler, Einstein and Hubble are being replaced by those who belong to the vanguard of a new band of pioneers, with such unfamiliar names as Geissler, Birkeland, Alfvén and Juergens.
And in the 21st century, their torch has been passed to scientists like Wallace Thornhill, Donald Scott and Anthony Peratt. However it is safe to say that it is likely that many decades will pass before their names will be enshrined among the great visionaries of science.
The classical view of the universe was that it was a vast expanse of empty space populated by island galaxies that were isolated from one another by almost unimaginable distances. And each of these separate galaxies contained billions of fiery stars, many of which hosted variously sized planets and moons.
The force that held all these rotating stars in their places was gravity, which operated with clockwork precision and affected all that came within its reach. It was Albert Einstein who claimed that space was actually a continuum called “space/time”, and that “space” and “time” were inextricably linked together.
Furthermore, he said that the force of gravity was able to “bend” space/time, and that it was this unusual feature that accounted for the force we call gravity. So Einstein’s major contribution to the science of Cosmology was to show that what Newton regarded as the force of gravity, was actually a consequence of the geometry of space/time.
By confining his theory of the universe to the primal force of gravity, Einstein, like Newton before him, paid no heed to the role of electromagnetism, either in the formation of the universe, or in the properties displayed by stars and planets, and even space itself.
This is where this silent revolution in Cosmology has been taking place. For as we have seen in preceding instalments, it is becoming ever clearer to those at the cutting edge of science, that the dynamic force of electromagnetism lies not only at the heart of the creation and functioning of the universe, but is also the fundamental source of all created life.
What they are coming to realise is that we are all electric beings, living on an electric planet, warmed by an electric sun, and part of an electric universe. And plants and trees and fishes and animals and birds, and all of created life, share our electric nature.
And scientists are also beginning to learn that the universe did not unfold some fourteen billion years ago as a result of a “Big Bang”. Instead, it will soon become clear that the real big bang that will be heard around the world, will be the sound of the destruction of the entire classical way of thinking.
As we have seen, the whole idea of an expanding universe rested on a slender thread. It was Edwin Hubble who interpreted the red-shift of light from distant galaxies as a Doppler effect. In other words, he considered that light waves in space operated just like sound waves on earth.
And when his former assistant at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California, Halton Arp, demonstrated that this was not so, the entire foundation of the expanding universe collapsed, as did its supposed cause of origin, the “Big Bang”.
And as was explained in the previous instalment, as a result of the discoveries of the latest space probes, the classical idea of the sun as a thermonuclear furnace, converting hydrogen into helium through the process of fusion, has become a theoretical shell shot through with more holes than the sunspots themselves.
As members of the team of the Thunderbolts project based in Portland, Oregon, have explained, the traditional fusion model of the sun has been found to be wanting in so many ways, that the time has come to look upon the evidence of our telescopes and space probes with new eyes.
They have proposed that the fusion model of the sun be replaced by an electric model, that better serves to explain the existing anomalies and problems. In fact, they have gone further, by suggesting that the traditional teaching of Cosmology be replaced by a revolutionary concept of the cosmos, which they call the “Electric Universe”.
And the reason why they believe that scientists trained in the classical tradition need to consider these new ideas, is because the information that is being relayed back to them from space is revealing things that had never previously been anticipated, let alone explained by traditional theory.
As they point out, images being returned by high-powered telescopes as well as recent space probes, are challenging long-standing assumptions about galaxies and their constituent stars, and of the origin of the universe itself.
Vast magnetic fields are now being discovered everywhere, even in the so-called “empty” regions of intergalactic space. And as every pupil is taught in grade school physics, magnetic fields do not exist without the presence of electric currents. In fact that is how they are formed. They are twin aspects of the same indivisible force.
And when comparing the role of electricity with that of gravity in the formation of the universe, it is worth remembering that the electric force is 39 orders of magnitude greater than that of gravity.
This does not mean that the force of electricity is just 39 times stronger than that of gravity. It means that it is one thousand billion, billion, billion, billion times stronger than gravity! And the universe now appears to be filled with electrically-charged particles.
Another classical concept to fall victim to the electric model, is the idea of space itself. Classical scientists had long believed that space was empty – a vacuum. Despite all the evidence that has been collected in recent years to disprove this theory, traditional astronomers and astrophysicists continue to wrestle with the conundrum that it poses.
For if space really is empty, then what is it that makes up the bulk of the universe? For according to accepted cosmological theory, all the visible energy and matter that has so far been discovered in the universe makes up only four percent of the total theoretical mass.
In order to solve this mystery, astrophysicists have hypothesized that there must also exist in space two additional components. One has been christened “dark energy”, and the other “dark matter”. As of this time no one has been able to explain exactly what either of these components are, or how they came about.
But as supporters of the “Electrical Universe” model have pointed out, there is no mystery to this at all. Space is not empty. On the contrary, it is full. For according to their electrical model, the 96% of missing matter in the universe exists in the form of plasma.
Scientists have long been familiar with the three states of matter, namely solids, liquids and gases. But to these must now be added a fourth state of matter which is plasma, not only because its properties are different from the other three, but also because there is more plasma in the universe than all the other states combined.
Plasma has been defined by Anthony Peratt of Los Alamos Laboratories as “a collection of charged particles that responds collectively to electromagnetic forces“. On earth, plasma can be found in such things as flames from a fire, in neon lights, and in the lightning that heralds a summer storm.
Plasma is often thought of as an “ionized gas”. However this is misleading, as plasma seldom behaves like a gas at all. It does not dissipate in outer space as a gas would do. Instead, it organizes itself into complex forms that do not generally respond to gravity. So plasma is not simply a form of gas. It is actual matter in a plasma state.
What makes plasma so unusual, and differentiates itself from other forms of matter, is that it is able to manifest in any one of three different ways, depending on the strength of electric current. When the flow of charged particles within the plasma is low, plasma is in its “dark mode”. It does not glow, and cannot be seen in visible light.
This is the state in which most of the plasma exists in outer space, which is why astronomers never detected it through their telescopes. They never even knew it was there until they were able to measure its electrical activity with sensitive instruments. The magnetospheres of planets are also examples of plasma operating in the dark mode.
The better known aspect of plasma is its “normal glow mode”. When the strength of the electrical current is significant, the entire plasma glows. The brightness of the glow varies with the intensity of the current. Common examples on earth are auroras and neon signs, while in the solar system the best example is the corona of the sun.
Finally, when the strength of the electrical current in the plasma is very high, it operates in what is called its “arc mode”, where it radiates brilliantly over a wide spectrum. Examples on earth are things like arc welding machines as well as lightning, while in the solar system the best example is the photosphere (surface) of the sun.
Because plasma fills the regions that were once thought of as “empty space”, it was inevitable that this would in due course bring new light to bear on the nature and behaviour of comets in the solar system. In fact Wallace Thornhill considers that “of all the bodies in the heavens, perhaps none will prove more definitive in confirming the electric field of the sun than the comet“.
As explained in the post “Signs in the Sky“, most astronomers and astrophysicists continue to cling to the speculative ideas of Fred Whipple, the American astronomer who originally came up with the hypothesis that comets were little more than “dirty snowballs”, consisting primarily of ice and dirt.
In fact the generally accepted view of establishment science is that all comets, whether classified as short or long-period comets, are composed of rock, dust, ice and frozen gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia.
But what separates comets from other intruders like asteroids, is that as they draw closer to the sun, comets begin to glow and to develop various tails. Streams of ionized (luminous) gas and dust form their own distinctive tails, which generally point in differing directions, and can stretch for millions of miles.
According to conventional theory, the “Coma”, or glowing envelope that forms around the nucleus of the comet, develops as part of the core begins to “sublimate”. This is a process whereby the solid matter of the core is converted directly into gas, without passing through the liquid phase.
However, according to the electric model of the universe, comets are not simply lumps of ice and dirt travelling through empty space. They are in fact charged objects moving through the electric field of the sun.
The major differences between the “dirty snowball” theory of comets and the electrical model can be summarized as follows:
Dirty Snowball Model:
Comets are composed of debris (dust and ice) left over from the formation of the solar system billions of years ago.
Radiant heat from the sun sublimates the ice. The vapour expands around the nucleus to form the coma and is swept back by the solar wind to form the tail.
Over repeated passages around the sun, solar heat vapourizes surface ice and leaves a “rind” of dust.
Pockets of gas occur wherever heat penetrates the surface of a comet, causing energetic jets to form.
Electric Comet Model:
Comets are composed of debris caused by violent interactions between planets and moons in an earlier period of solar system history. Comets are simply asteroids with eccentric orbits.
As comets approach the sun, a charge imbalance develops between the nucleus of the comet and the higher voltage and charge density near the sun.
These growing electrical stresses cause discharges, as well the formation of a glowing plasma sheath, which appear as the coma of the comet and its tail.
The tails of comets show well-defined filaments that extend tens of millions of miles without dissipating.
It is the electric force that holds the spherical cometary coma in place as the comet races around the sun.
The observed jets of comets are electric arc discharges, and these discharges erode the surface of the comet and turn it black.
These jets explode from cometary nuclei at supersonic speeds, and retain their coherent structure for hundreds of thousands of miles.
Wallace Thornhill had this to say on the subject of comets, meteors and asteroids at the Electric Universe conference in 2012:
As Thornhill has explained, there is a growing list of cometary phenomena that have been observed in our solar system in recent years that continues to defy conventional explanation. And while establishment scientists have been quick to announce that they have been startled by these new discoveries, they have shown little inclination in reconsidering their original hypotheses. And the reason for this is clear.
When everything that they have been taught rests upon the bedrock of gravity alone, without a nod towards the role played by electromagnetism, then the admission that electromagnetism might play a part in explaining any one of these new discoveries, must inevitably breach the entire dam of existing theory.
And all of their carefully contrived theories would then be swept aside in the ensuing flood. This would not only demolish their traditional view of comets, but also their fusion model of the sun, and the entire theory of an expanding universe and the “Big Bang”.
But it would not end there. The subsequent realization of the fundamental role played by electromagnetism in the creation and sustenance of life, would revolutionize the social sciences as well. The history of our planet would have to be rewritten, bringing it into line with ancient records of past cataclysms.
Geology, Biology and Archeology would also be transformed. This tidal wave of change would ultimately invalidate even Darwin’s theory of evolution, predicated as it is upon the principle of “uniformitarianism”, or gradual morphological change over vast spans of geological time, in which catastrophism plays no part.
At the risk of mixing metaphors, when even a tiny spark could lead to a conflagration that would destroy the better part of everything that has been taught over the last four hundred years, then those sentinels who guard the gates of conventional science will do whatever it takes to block the path of progress. And comets could well provide the tinder for that spark.
The gulf that exists between the traditional view of science and that of the electric universe has been brilliantly explained by Chuck Missler in the video below. Although Missler is now an author and Christian evangelist, his former education and experience in astronomy, science and technology make him an ideal interpreter.
The Bible speaks of a time when there was war in the heavens. In the book of Revelation we read: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels“. (Revelation 12: 7)
Well war continues to be waged in the heavens to this day, only this time the combatants are not Michael and his angels against the dragon, but with astronomer pitted against astronomer, and astrophysicist against astrophysicist.
And the reason for this cosmic battle can best be summed up by a quotation from a poem written by the English poet, Alfred Tennyson, called “Idylls of the King”. The poem deals with the passing of the legendary King Arthur of Camelot, and includes these memorable lines as Arthur is placed upon the funeral barge.
“And slowly answer’d Arthur from the barge: The old order changeth, yielding place to the new.”
Once again we are living through times of climactic change where the old order is giving way to the new. And nowhere has this change been more evident, or more heated, than in the field of the queen of the sciences, Cosmology, or the study of the origin and nature of the universe.
We have seen in earlier instalments how the long accepted theory of the origin of the universe is now under siege. It began when the revolutionary theories of Immanuel Velikovsky exploded on the world stage, challenging the idea of the fundamental stability of our solar system.
No sooner had establishment science fought off the assaults of this Jewish-American psychiatrist, when a new combatant appeared on the scene. He was the American astronomer Halton Arp, whose findings questioned the very basis of the entire “Big Bang” theory.
And in the course of the last fifty years, entire platoons of new assailants have emerged, who have attacked the battlements of the monolith that had been the theoretical model of the heavens for centuries, as we have seen in the case of the Thunderbolts project, described in the previous instalment.
The traditional view of science had been dominated by towering geniuses like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, who not only identified the formative force of the universe as gravity, but underpinned their entire theory by a foundation of extremely complex mathematical analysis that continues to defy lesser minds.
And that is where the core of the battle for an understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe has been joined. It is about the theoretical physicists and astrophysicists on the one hand, and the observational scientists on the other. And one of the foremost fields of battle concerns the nature of our sun.
According to conventional theory our sun is a circular star at the centre of our solar system. It is roughly 865,000 miles (1,393,000 kilometres) in diameter, and has a mass of about 330,000 times the mass of the earth.
As a result of spectrographic analysis, three-quarters of this mass has been found to consist of hydrogen, while the rest is mostly helium. Small amounts of heavier elements such as oxygen, carbon, neon and iron have also been found.
Our sun is thought to have been formed about four and a half billion years ago, and is considered to have been the result of the gravitational collapse of a large molecular cloud that would eventually become the sun with its orbiting planets.
Being at the centre of this gravitational collapse, the sun became increasingly hot and dense until it reached a point when a process of thermonuclear fusion spontaneously occurred. It was this process of nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen nuclei into helium, that was considered to be the source of its heat and light.
According to existing theory, it is believed that most of the stars in our galaxy were formed by a similar process. And as a result of this nuclear reaction at its core, the sun has a corona that emits a stream of charged particles called the solar wind.
The structure of the sun consists of an inmost core, surrounded by inner zones called the radiative and convective zones, as well as a series of outward layers such as the photosphere, the chromosphere and the corona, as illustrated in the diagram shown.
The sun also manifests a variety of features known as sunspots, whose numbers have been observed to vary according to an eleven year cycle, as well as discharges of solar material known as solar flares, or coronal mass ejections (CME’s).
That in a nutshell, and in an oversimplified summary, outlines the conventional understanding of the nature and constitution of our sun, and is the theory that still remains the foundation of the modern sciences of astronomy, physics and astrophysics as taught at all the leading colleges and universities to this day.
And all remained well in this neatly organized world of accepted theory until a Scottish astrophysicist by the name of Charles Bruce arrived on the scene. In 1944, Bruce, who was an electrical researcher, astronomer, and expert on the effects of lightning, made an unusual discovery.
He noted that the sun’s photosphere, which is the visible surface of the sun, had the appearance and temperature, as well as the spectrum of an electric arc. He then went on to make a bold proposition. The sun looked like an electric arc, he said, and had the same characteristics as an electrical arc, because it was an electric arc.
Furthermore, it was the discharge characteristic of a large number of arcs in parallel that accounted for the “granulations” that are observed on the surface of the sun. As one can imagine, Bruce’s idea that the sun manifested electrical properties was an idea that was soundly rejected by all the scientific authorities of the time.
But worse was to follow. For around the same time as the American astronomer Halton Arp was observing quasars that challenged the foundation of the long-established theory of the “Big Bang”, an American civil engineer by the name of Ralph Juergens issued a frontal challenge to the accepted theory of the sun.
In fact, Juergens didn’t so much as attack the bastions of conventional theory, he stormed the castle, swam the moat, and battered down the doors! In the book Velikovsky Reconsidered, (first published in 1966), in words that were anything but civil, Juergens wrote:
“I can find no way to state this diplomatically, so let me be blunt. The modern astrophysical concept that ascribes the Sun’s energy to thermonuclear reactions deep in the solar interior is contradicted by nearly every observable aspect of the Sun.”
What incensed Juergens at the time was not only that the accepted theory of the sun as a thermonuclear reactor was unable to explain the observed features of the sun, but that the scientists who held so firmly to this theory, blithely ignored these features.
The problem that confronted Juergens was this. If the sun truly was a nuclear reactor, converting hydrogen atoms into helium through a process of thermonuclear fusion, then there should be a simple temperature correlation between the inner and outer heat of the sun.
In other words, temperatures should be hotter the closer you got to the surface of the sun. But the actual temperature readings on which all astrophysicists agreed showed the exact opposite. It was actually cooler.
For example, the temperature at about 500 kilometres (310 miles) above the surface of the sun is roughly 4,400 degrees K. But at the top of the Chromosphere about four times further away, the temperature rises steadily to about 20,000 degrees. From there the temperature jumps abruptly until it reaches 2 million degrees in the Corona.
This conundrum, referred to as the reverse temperature gradient, was something that clearly defied all logic. In fact, according to Juergens, based on these readings even a schoolboy could tell that the conventional theories about the sun were wrong.
Then there was the enigma of the sunspots themselves. These are temporary phenomena that appear from time to time on the surface of the sun. But when they were photographed close-up, they exhibited dark patches which seemed to be “openings” into the interior of the sun.
But if the core of the sun was supposed to be a raging nuclear furnace, then how was it possible that these “openings” appeared dark, and that they had temperatures significantly lower than that of the surrounding material?
It is also worth pointing out that the nuclear fusion process, converting hydrogen into helium, has never been successfully demonstrated in a laboratory on earth, and its existence inside the centre of the sun remains an untested hypothesis, as does the supposed role of radiation and convection of heat within the sun.
However, Juergens was not content with merely pointing out the shortcomings of existing theory. In its place he proposed an entirely different theory of the source of the sun’s heat and light. It was one that was based on electricity, in which the sun was explained as a type of sophisticated though complex, electric light bulb.
According to Juergens, the source of the energy that powers the sun comes from space beyond the sun, and this energy is electrical in nature. The sun is therefore the focus of a “coronal glow discharge” that is fed by electric currents coursing throughout the galaxy.
As he wrote in 1972, some years before his death in 1979, in an article entitled “Reconciling Celestial Mechanics and Velikovskian Catastrophism”:
“The known characteristics of the interplanetary medium suggest not only that the sun and the planets are electrically charged, but that the sun itself is the focus of a cosmic electric discharge – the probable source of all its radiant energy“.
Today, Juergens’ ideas have been amplified and refined by the electrical theorists Wallace Thornhill and Donald Scott of the Thunderbolts group, introduced in the previous instalment. What they and their colleagues have done has been to invite others to conduct a critical comparison between the fusion model of the sun and the electrical model.
Obviously, in a Blog post of this nature it is not possible to do justice to either model in a few pages. However, readers can gain an insight into the differences between the two by listening to the following podcast.
So as things now stand, the contest between the two rival models of the sun, the fusion model and the electrical model, is still being hotly debated. Although the fusion model holds sway for the time being because of its entrenchment in academia, space probes continue to report new findings that are death blows to the old ideas.
It is also important to mention here the role played by Nikola Tesla, the Serbian-born American physicist and engineer who contributed to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electrical supply system. Tesla’s life-long focus was on the practical application of theory, rather than on theory itself.
Although he was a man renowned for his seemingly miraculous inventions and his showman-like manner, Tesla insisted that the true test of any physical theory must lie in its practical application. As he noted at the time:
“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”
And one of the greatest challenges facing reformers in the field of Cosmology today, is that establishment scientists have concocted elaborate mathematical theories which, as Tesla has argued above, bear “no relation to reality”.
And so we have such abstruse concepts as “black holes”, “white holes”, “dark energy” and “dark matter”, whose sole purpose is to cover up the shortcomings of the existing fusion model. These concepts simply don’t tally with what is actually being observed in space, and even more significantly, are not needed in the electrical model.
So according to Tesla, there are two tests needed to determine whether any scientific theory is a valid one. They are:
1) Does it explain what is already known?
2) Can it predict what is not yet known?
And this is what members of the Thunderbolts group are attempting to do. They have assembled a team whose purpose is to devise an experiment in the laboratory that can actually test some of the underlying assumptions of the electrical model, and validate some of the predicted consequences of this model.
This has been called the Safire project, and it is being conducted under the auspices of the Thunderbolts group. The objective of this project is to devise a real world test of the electric sun theory. The nature of this project is outlined in the video below:
Based on the discoveries of the last six years (up to 2020), the SAFIRE project has now reached the stage of developing a nuclear-plasma reactor that will have the capacity both to generate electrical power, and to remediate radioactive waste, as can be seen from the following video.