
Podcast # 44: Wars and Rumours of Wars

My name is Mark Stevens.  I am talking today with Allan Colston. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events.

For those listeners who were not with us during our last Podcast, this is a continuation of our series “Signs of the Times”.  Welcome to the Podcast Allan.

Thanks Mark, it’s great to be with you once more.

Mark: If you don’t mind, before we begin, I just wanted to ask you something about the way you ended our last podcast.

Sure Mark. What did you have in mind?

Mark: Well you ended up by asking for my prayers so you would have the courage and guidance to say what needs to be said. What exactly did you mean by that?

I’m glad you asked me that because there is something that listeners need to understand before we go any further, and that is the nature and purpose of prophecy.

Most people today use the word prophecy in a very general way. What I mean by that is that they regard prophecy as anything that is predicted to happen in the future, no matter who or what the source.

However, I treat prophecy and prediction as two completely different things. In my Blog, whenever I refer to the word prophecy, I am not talking about predictions.

Mark: So what is the difference between the two?

Many people have asked me the same question Mark. They want to know if it is wise, or even possible, to know what will happen in the future?

People today tend to believe that life unfolds according to chance, based on forces that can never be understood, let alone predicted. They believe that any attempt to try to predict future events is sheer folly. These people are content to take each day as it comes.

But prophecy is not simple prediction, and those who claim to be prophets do not do so merely to inform.  They are not just telling an interesting story. All true prophecy stands as a warning.   And those who study and learn from these warnings, may not only become the guardians of wisdom. They may in time become beacons for the transformation of society.

Scott:   Why is it necessary to warn people?

The Buddha taught his disciples that those who were unaware of the meaning of their times had (and I quote) “much dust in their eyes.” These people would have to acquire understanding by living through the consequences of their actions.

They would have to travel along the path of suffering. So the purpose of all true prophecy is to inspire understanding, and to reduce suffering. And this is the crucial point we need to understand.

For if we can learn to understand prophecy, and take the necessary action beforehand, then we can save ourselves from future suffering. This is the purpose and the goal of my book “The Last Days of Tolemac“.

It is designed to remove the dust from our eyes, and allow us to see the events of our times through the eyes of understanding, rather than through the veil of ignorance.

I consider prediction to be something that is the product of human intellect, whereas true prophecy has a divine origin, either in the form of a vision or a direct quotation by a divine being, such as Jesus.

And I need to make one thing very clear Mark. Although I have studied prophecy for well over fifty years, I am not a prophet. I do not know the future, and I have never had any prophetic dreams or visions, as so many of today’s evangelists claim to have had.

Instead, I am merely an interpreter of prophecy, and my interpretations are based on my own intuition. However, I do not claim to have any special gift, and listeners should always use their own judgement before deciding whether to act on them.

So the test of my interpretations is whether or not they turn out to be correct. And this is where things get serious Mark. And that is why I asked for your prayers.

Mark: Why do you say that, Allan?

Because I believe that what is about to happen on the earth is truly terrifying. At least it is to me. And that is why I am hesitant to talk about it. Also, most people do not welcome bearers of bad news. In fact, if history is any guide, they tend to kill them.

And that is why I need the courage and guidance to say what needs to be said. And this brings me to the subject of today’s podcast, which I have called “Wars and Rumours of Wars”.

In chapter 24 of the gospel of St. Mathew, he writes that shortly before Jesus was crucified, his disciples approached him on the Mount of Olives and asked: “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”

Jesus answered them by saying:

Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”

What I find significant about this Mark, is that Jesus was not merely referring to conditions which have long existed in the world, but to a specific series of events that would lead up to his return.

After all, there has hardly ever been a time when there wasn’t war between one nation and another. No Mark, Jesus was talking about the time in which we are living now.

And the part that troubles me about this is that Jesus goes on to say: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom”.

At the moment there are two wars which are dominating world news. The first is the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, which has been going on now for more than two years.

And the second is the attack on Israel by Hamas in October 2023, and the subsequent response by Israel on the people of Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. And neither of these battles show signs of ending any time soon.

And this is where “nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” has me worried, especially if Donald Trump becomes President.

Mark: In our previous discussion you said that in spite of all the indictments against him, Donald Trump stood an excellent chance of being re-elected President in November. Do you still believe that?

Actually Mark, I do, but not in the way you think.

Mark: Why is that?

My hunch is that he won’t be elected, but he will be installed as President. Let me explain. As you know, much has changed since we last spoke. First of all, Joe Biden has dropped out of the race and been replaced by Kamala Harris.

And over the course of the last two months she has not only consolidated her support among all the various factions of the Democratic party, but has energised them in a campaign of confidence and hope.

I mean just look at what she has accomplished in the short time that she has been at the helm. She has all but wiped out the lead that Donald Trump had over Biden in all seven of the so-called “swing” states.

And I have no doubt that over the next two months that margin will grow until she is the undoubted favourite to win the election in a virtual landslide.

Mark: Well if that is the case, surely we no longer have to worry about Trump or the MAGA movement in the Republican party.

Unfortunately Mark, we do. And I’ll tell you why. After the results are published, in which it will be clear that Trump has lost badly, these results still have to be confirmed by the Electoral Committee.

And this is where the situation gets nasty, as explained in a recent article by the Californian blogger by the name of Heather Parton, better known as “Digby”. In her article, Heather notes that in recent weeks Trump appears “old and tired” and it seems that he would rather “whine than win”.

She goes on to say that the Republican strategy now appears to be to try to hang on to enough Republican states to get the 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory, and if they fail, then to cry “fraud”, as they did in the last election.

Parton writes that Republicans are already planning post-election legal challenges, claiming that the Democrats stole the election. And if they succeed in these, then the election would be referred to Congress or the Supreme Court to decide on the winner.

Now Heather Parton is not the first person to suggest such a thing. In fact the Democrats are doing their utmost to see that the upcoming election is both free and fair.

But, as a recent report by CNN showed, the majority of Republicans are convinced that if the Democrats do win the upcoming election, it will be the result of fraud. And Donald Trump will be the leader of the choir.

And if the result is undecided and referred to Congress or the Supreme Court, I have no doubt that they would rule that because Trump was undoubtedly cheated out of power in the last election, it is only just that he now be restored to power in this election.

Mark: So do you really think that is how the next election will play out?

Yes Mark, I do. And the reason I say that is because, as I explained in our last conversation, I believe that we are now living in the “end times” where we are caught up in a battle between Good and Evil.

And as the Bible and the prophets of old have predicted, during these “end times” Satan will overcome the forces of good, and the “rulers of the darkness of this world will prevail”, at least for a time.

But what I want to talk about today is what we can expect to happen in the world over the next few years if Donald Trump does get restored to power.

As I said in my last podcast, Trump has already said what he plans to do inside America if he becomes President again. He would round up all the undocumented immigrants and send them back to their countries of origin.

And then there is the so-called “Project25”, which aims to promote conservative and right-wing policies to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power – i.e. President for life.

But few people have so far paid much attention to what he plans to do outside the U.S. and the impact that this would have on other countries around the world. And this is where the words of Jesus provide a clue about the horrific world that awaits us in the near future.

Mark: So what do you think could possibly happen?

As we saw in his last term in the White House, Trump employs a transactional approach in his dealings with other countries based on his own particular whims and prejudices.

His approach to world diplomacy is based on the principle “what’s in it for me?” and “how can I use this situation to my advantage?” In addition, he admires leaders like Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un who rule by decree.

And if he is ever re-elected to the position of President, Trump has made it clear that he intends to do the same. What this means is that in issues involving those three countries, he is likely to take their side.

We already know from his first term in office that Trump is no lover of NATO, and especially those countries who do not pay what he considers to be their fair share. So if he does become President, he is likely to take Putin’s side.

What this means is that at his direction, whether by decree or by a vote in Congress, the US will stop sending arms to the Ukraine and cease all funding for the current war which will allow Putin to become even bolder.

Mark: So what do you think will happen next?

I think Putin will renew his efforts to retake the city of Kiev, this time by attacking it from the neighbouring state of Belarus. And if he succeeds in overcoming the government of President Zelensky, he will go even further.

He will then launch military campaigns against the Baltic nations of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, since they were originally part of the Soviet Union. And if he succeeds there, he may even go on to attack Poland.

As you an imagine Mark, without the active support of the Unites States, Europe will be in chaos, and NATO will find itself stretched financially and militarily, especially if it lacks support from right-wing parties in those countries.

And by simply adopting an isolationist policy and limiting the US Military to countering insurrection inside America, Donald Trump will unwittingly unleash the forces of China and North Korea in the Pacific region.

For if they are no longer restrained by the threat of US intervention, I believe that it will only be a matter of months before China attacks Taiwan, and North Korea attacks South Korea.

Over the last year, China has conducted ever increasing exercises in the Taiwan Strait, and has made no secret of its intention of restoring Taiwan to a part of Mainland China.

Although the U.S. and Taiwan signed a Defence Pact known as the Mutual Defence Treaty in which the U.S. stated that it would protect Taiwan if it was ever invaded by China, this Treaty expired in 1979.

And although the U.S. currently maintains a naval force in the area, it is uncertain if they would intervene in the event of future hostilities, especially if Donald Trump decides to adopt a neutral position, as he did in his last administration.

So looking at the way the cards are stacked at present, if Trump does become the next President, I believe that China will invade Taiwan within the following six months, and that shortly after that, emboldened by the Chinese action, North Korea will invade South Korea.

So what this means Mark, is that a mere eighteen months from now, the entire Northern Hemisphere could be embroiled in war, and the devastation and suffering caused by these invasions will dwarf anything we have experienced in our lives thus far.

And if that is not reason enough to be afraid, I have a hunch that it will be followed by something even worse.

Mark: What do you mean by that, Allan?

I fear that Donald Trump will feel the need to match the actions of Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un by mounting an invasion of his own, just to prove that anything they can do he can do better. My suspicion is that he will invade Western Canada.

Mark: Why would he do that?

Surely the reasons are obvious Mark. He will do it for the simple reason that he can. And not only that, but he can get away with it with maximum glory and minimal cost in terms of casualties and equipment.

When I say Western Canada, I am referring to the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and the Yukon. And why do I include these three provinces? Because between them they provide a perfect land bridge linking Alaska with mainland United Sates.

But that’s just the start of it, because British Columbia and Alberta are two of the richest provinces in Canada. Why? Because that is where the vast oil and natural gas resources are to be found.

And we know Donald Trump’s favourite mantra on the campaign trail. It’s “drill, baby drill”. In other words, wherever there is oil, there is money. And wherever there is money, there is power. It’s a perfect match for his lust for them both.

Furthermore, there is a strange twist to all of this, and that is that the people of Alberta are natural Republicans. They are fiercely conservative, who would undoubtedly embrace everything that Trump would offer them.

The same is not true for British Columbia, however, where there would be greater resistance to an American takeover. However, they lack both the population and the power to resist. They have no army to protect them.

There are only two Air Force bases in Western Canada. One is in Comox on Vancouver Island, and the other is in Cold Lake, Alberta, both of which could be wiped out in minutes by a missile attack.

And Ottawa and the Canadian government are thousands of miles away, and would be quickly overwhelmed even if they decided to intervene.

No Mark, an invasion of this kind could be accomplished in a matter of days, and cause Donald Trump to be hailed as a hero across America. And that is what makes me so concerned, because this would almost certainly be the end of me and my Blog.

I am sorry to end on such a depressing note, but perhaps you will now understand why I ended our previous conversation by asking to be included in your prayers.

Mark: Well Allan, all I can say is that I am truly shocked by what you have told me. And if there is anything that I will definitely pray for, it is that Donald Trump never gets to be President again.

You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac.  This has been another in our series titled “Signs of the Times”.

Allan, AUDIO, Signs of the Times, September 15, 2024, 1:23 pm

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