
Podcast # 43 – The End of the American Dream

My name is Mark Stevens. It is my great pleasure to welcome back to this Podcast Allan Colston, who was for a time a regular guest on this show. He is the author of The Last Days of Tolemac, which is a book dealing with prophecy and other end-time events. 

Well Allan, it has been so long since we last talked that I had begun to wonder if you had died, and that someone else was managing your Blog.

No such luck I’m afraid Mark, I’m still around, although I have to admit that I feel like I’m closing in on my sell-by date at last. As far as I can recall, I think we last spoke over five years ago. That was before the saga of Covid occurred, which changed a lot of things in my life. How about you?

Mark: Now that you mention it, that was a really bad time all around. How did this affect you?

I was lucky Mark, for I was able to take advantage of the initial anti-Covid vaccinations, so that when I finally did get Covid it only lasted for a few days. However, that’s when my problems began, because I then began to suffer from a whole variety of long-Covid complications.

These complications caused me to take a break from my Blog, as I just didn’t have the energy to do the necessary research involved. After all, in a few months time I will be celebrating, if that’s the right word, my 87th birthday. And most of the people I grew up with have already passed on.

Mark: I can’t tell you how relieved I am to hear your voice again, as there are so many things I have been wanting to ask you. Ever since we first began podcasting together, you have this amazing ability to explain things in a way that I haven’t found in anyone else.

You flatter me, Mark. But I am reminded of something that happened to me in 1969 while I was living in India. Quite by chance I happened to meet a world-famous palm reader who had travelled the world reading people’s palms.

He asked me if he could read mine, and although I was hesitant at first, I agreed to let him do so. He took my left hand, and after a casual glance he started to tell me amazing things about my future life.

Mark: What sort of things?

Well, he began by saying that I would leave India in four months. And although I had been planning to stay on for another year, he proved to be correct. He then went on to say that I had a special ability in writing.

Although I had never written anything up to that point in my life, he said that I had the ability to understand and explain esoteric things. He then went on to say: “You don’t have this ability yet, but it will come”. And once again, he has proved to be correct.

Anyway, what did you want to ask me about Mark?

Mark: Well Allan, it seems to me that the entire world has gone crazy. What do you think is really going on?

You’re right Mark. Most people have no idea about what is happening in the world today because they were never taught ancient history. As I wrote in Part Six of my post “2012 and All That”, Plato wrote about this in his essay titled Timaeus.

He described how the renowned Athenian statesman Solon had visited Egypt in the sixth century BC, where he met an elderly priest who told him that there was no such thing as an old Greek.

The priest went on to say: “You Greeks are all children. You are all young in mind. You have no belief rooted in old tradition and no knowledge hoary with age. And the reason is this. There have been and will be many different calamities to destroy mankind, the greatest of them by fire and water, lesser ones by countless other means”.

Another famous Greek, this time Herodotus, who has been called the “Father of History”, also visited Egypt in the fifth century BC and had his own meeting with various priests which he described in his Second Book of History. As he wrote:

“The priests asserted that within historical ages and since Egypt became a kingdom, four times in this period the sun rose contrary to his wont; twice he rose where he now sets, and twice he set where he now rises.”

The idea that the earth has undergone a succession of catastrophic upheavals is not limited to ancient Egypt. These stories were also recorded throughout the ancient world, including India, China, Greece and Persia.

So to answer your question Mark, what is going on in the world today is that we have come to the end of another age in world history, and the world as we know it is about to be destroyed again, this time by fire and water, in a world-wide catastrophe caused by a close encounter with a comet.

Mark: You’re right about ancient history because I had no idea about any of this. So what do you think is about to happen to the earth?

Well if you think back to our conversations about five years ago, we talked about how more and more countries around the world are being dominated by tyrants, and how even well-established Western democracies were now at risk.

And what that means is that all of us will soon be afflicted as we draw ever closer to the Great Tribulation predicted by Jesus. In fact I am reminded of a quote by the American author Henry Miller way back in 1945:

“A new world is being born; a new kind of man is springing up today. The great mass of mankind, destined in our time to suffer more cruelly than ever before, ends by being paralysed with fear, becoming introspective, shaken to the very core, and does not hear, see or feel anything more than everyday physical needs.

“It is thus that worlds die. First and foremost, the flesh dies. But although few clearly recognize it, the flesh would not have died if the spirit had not been killed already.”

What Miller was writing about then can be seen all around us now, particularly here in North America where the spirit of the Anti-Christ has come to dominate almost every aspect of daily life. In fact one of the sad ironies is that those commentators who think that there is still time to avert this tragedy have missed the boat.

That battle has already been lost, and it is now time for America to die, just as so many other civilisations have died in the past. And these death throes will be hard to witness, as the scale of suffering will exceed anything that those of us who are alive today have experienced so far in our lifetimes.

You are aware that this is election season, and that America is due to elect a new President less than six months from now.

Mark: I think I know where you are going with this Allan, as already there is doubt as to whether Joe Biden and the Democrats will be able to cling on to power.

Actually Mark, the situation is far worse than you can imagine. This is not a battle between Democrats and Republicans, and the actions leading up to the election hardly matter, for we already know who the winner will be.

Mark: So do you think that Trump will be elected?

Of course, and not only that, but this will be the last Federal election and Donald Trump will be the last President of the United States, as I predicted several years ago. And why do I say that? Because of something that St. Paul wrote in his Epistle to the Ephesians:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. (Ephesians 6:12)

This is something that I wrote about in my post “The Lament of Hermes”, where I quoted from a passage taken from a dialogue between the Egyptian God Thoth and his disciple Asclepius, talking about the time of the end, where he says:

“Only the evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and constrain them by violence – miserable creatures – to all the excesses of criminal audacity, engaging them in wars, brigandage, frauds, and in everything which is contrary to the nature of the soul”.

And that is where we find ourselves today, Mark, caught up in a battle between Good and Evil where it is predicted that Satan will overcome the forces of good, and that “the rulers of the darkness of this world” will prevail, at least for a time.

Let me give you an example of these evil angels at work today, starting with the upcoming Federal Election in the United States.

Mark: Carry on Allan, I want to know all about this.

Well Mark, at the moment Donald Trump has been charged in a series of criminal court cases. One involved hush money payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels. In another, he is accused on 91 counts relating to the January 6th attack on the Capitol buildings in Washington.

There is also the Georgia Election Interference case brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who has charged Trump and 18 of his allies and accused them of criminal wrongdoing. Finally, there is the case brought by Jack Smith, accusing Trump of taking classified documents with him when he left the White House.

Well we know now that at least in one of these cases Donald Trump has been found guilty, but we will have to wait and see how this will all play out as he has already indicated that he plans to appeal this verdict, as well as whatever penalty Judge Marchan decides to impose.

In any other era of American history, Donald Trump would very likely have been found guilty of all of these charges and forbidden to hold any elected office in America ever again. But what do we have instead?

We have Trump and his lawyers launching appeal after appeal designed to tie up all these cases in endless delays. And as if that were not enough, we even have one of his judges, Justice Aileen Cannon, announcing that she has delayed indefinitely the case that was scheduled for 20th May 2024.

But even if he were to be convicted in all four of these cases he would still be eligible to participate in the next election. And if he was then elected President, he would simply dismiss all charges against him. We would then see the prophecy of Thoth unfolding before our eyes.

The fact that he has somehow managed to escape unscathed thus far is without precedent in American politics. He seems shielded by the spirit of darkness, and somehow manages to wriggle free from every attempt to bring him to justice, and face the true consequences of his actions.

And he will not only escape justice, I believe he will be restored to power by using the very process devised by the Founding Fathers to prevent such abuses of the electoral system.

Mark: I see what you mean Allan. Donald Trump does seem to have been born under a lucky star.

Absolutely Mark. However, the stars have nothing to do with it. And the reason that I say that is because of the way that the American Constitution has been framed. You see, the U.S. is not a true democracy. If it was, then the candidate who gets the most votes would become President.

Instead, the Constitution grants every state the power to elect members to a special body called the Electoral College, and it is these members who vote for their choice of President and Vice President. So the voters don’t elect the President, the Electoral College does.

The Electoral College today consists of 538 members. So in order to become President, a candidate must get at least 270 of the electoral votes cast. In the last election Joe Biden got 306 Electoral College votes, leaving Donald Trump with 232.

And this is where the situation becomes ominous for the Democrats because most states have a winner-take-all system. Under this system the candidate who gets a simple majority of the votes cast in any particular state gets all the Electoral College members assigned to that state.

And in the present political climate this clearly favours the Republicans.

Mark: Why do you say that, Allan?

Because current polls show Donald Trump leading in six out of the seven so-called “swing” states, where the result could go either way. And if he does go on to win those six states, he will end up with well over 300 Electoral College votes, which would be a runaway victory.

But what makes a Republican victory even more likely, even at this early stage, is because President Biden is burdened by factors over which he has little control. One of these is the current war in the Middle East, which has led to student protests all over America.

The growing anti-Israeli sentiment is bound to cause many voters who might otherwise have voted for Biden to switch their votes to someone else, or perhaps decide not to vote at all. And the person they might choose as an alternative is Robert Kennedy Jr.

Most the Kennedy clan have already publicly rejected him and his campaign, believing that he has no chance of success, and instead is deliberately acting as a spoiler because of his personal grudge against Biden whom he blames for not giving him secret service protection.

However, he continues to deny this, and claims instead that he has a better chance of defeating Donald Trump than Biden does, and that because of this Biden should withdraw from the election race entirely. But Democrats fear that the presence of the Kennedy name alone will take away enough votes from Biden to ensure Trump’s victory.

All of this bears evidence of the expression attributed to the ancient Greeks which reads: “Whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad”. And this madness can be seen throughout the land, primarily among those MAGA supporters who truly believe the Trump has their interests at heart.

Mark: I gather you don’t believe that.

Certainly not, Mark. As the noted British graphologist Elaine Quigley remarked when shown a copy of Trump’s signature:

Trump’s signature is his face to the world, so he wants to be dominant, hard, aggressive and to keep people at arm’s length, so he can do everything his wayI have always said that his signature is like barbed wire with blood on it. It is aggressive, it is bloodthirsty and there is absolutely no sense of inspiration in it”.

This should come as no surprise to anyone because he has already said what he plans to do if he becomes President again. Donald Trump says he plans to launch a campaign of violence and retribution that will dwarf anything we have seen to date in either Russia or China.

In fact, as I have mentioned in my Blog posts under the category “Reincarnation”, Donald Trump manifests the very worst qualities a democratic country would ever want in a leader. He is dominated by three things – anger, violence and revenge.

He uses these extremes of emotion to galvanise his followers and stir them into outbursts of vitriolic hatred that have no foundation in truth.

Trump explodes with rage so often that it is hard to believe that he has survived as long as he has. And considering that he is grossly overweight and survives on a diet of fast food and pop, that alone suggests that he is being protected by the “evil angels”.

In a recent interview with Eric Cortellessa, a reporter from TIME magazine at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Donald Trump said that his first task after becoming President would be to “fix” America’s migrant problem.

He said that he would round up and expel all the undocumented migrants in the country, using the Police at first and then the National Guard if needed. And if they weren’t able to complete the task, then he would use other parts of the military.

He said he would have no qualms about using the military and building detention camps to deport millions of undocumented migrants back where they came from because, in his words: “These aren’t civilians. These people aren’t legally in our country. This is an invasion of our country.”

So Mark, can you imagine what would happen if he actually went ahead and did this in every state?

Mark: My guess is that there would probably be protests everywhere, which would lead to riots and even civil war in places. It would certainly bring an end to the American dream.

Exactly Mark. Your point about civil war is well made, for in the history of the world there has never been a dictator who tried to rule a country where there were more guns than people. And a survey conducted in 2020 reported that there were 433 million guns in America among 333 million people.

But your point about bringing to an end the American dream is perhaps even more significant. While it may be hard for people these days to imagine a time when immigrants of all races and religions were welcome in the country, this is how America was founded, and how it became a great nation.

We need look no further than the Statue of Liberty in New York harbour. This was a gift to America from the people of France, and on her base is a tablet inscribed with words penned by the American poet Emma Lazarus in 1883 which reads:

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me”.

And over the years millions of people have responded to this call, drawn by the promise of the American dream. This is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their version of success in the “home of the brave, and the land of the free”.

Sadly however, in this age of Donald Trump, this is no longer possible, as he refers to all those who are poring across the Southern border to escape the gangs and drug-ridden communities of meso-America as “vermin”, that are “poisoning the blood of America”.

And yet the one thing that is poisoning America more than any other are the Fascist speeches of Donald Trump himself. And he is not only poisoning America, he is also poisoning himself.

Mark: What exactly do you mean by that Allan?

The most troubling thing about Trump are his health issues and his increasing decline into dementia. While he is quick to claim that Joe Biden’s mental abilities are failing, it is his own shortcomings in this area that are becoming increasingly apparent.

Trump, who has a family history of dementia, is increasingly incoherent and unhinged. He has confused Biden with Obama so often that he’s had to put out a statement that these slips were intentional.  He has also said that he won all 50 states in 2016, and that Biden will lead America into World War Two!

Dr. Harry Segal, senior lecturer at Cornell University, and fellow psychologist Dr. John Gartner have recently begun a podcast devoted to an analysis of Donald Trump’s rapid mental deterioration, which they claim is accelerating month by month.

As Dr. Segal explains: “We are going to see an interaction between his cognitive decline and his personality disorder, both of which are severe diagnoses for anybody, and this is for somebody who should never have been in power in the first place.”

Although he said that he had not treated Trump as a patient, he said his verbal blunders are examples of Phonemic paraphasia, which is the swapping of words for others that sound similar. But he said the key sign of his cognitive decline is that Trump is not aware of his own mental failings.

Yet despite these obvious signs, which grow more and more evident with every public rally, his adoring base refuses to accept these facts, and poll after public poll of the American people indicate that the majority are convinced that Trump is healthier than Biden.

And all of this simply hastens the inevitable decline and fall of America as foretold in the Bible and by the prophets of old. And as I said earlier, this decline will bring incredible suffering to the nation, especially those who continue to strive for the virtues laid out by the founding fathers.

But what troubles me most about the coming year Mark, is the warning given by Jesus to his disciples that in the end times there will be “Wars and Rumours of Wars”. And I believe that next year will see regional wars breaking out all over the world, and that Donald Trump will be to blame.

Mark:  I’m shocked to hear you say that Allan. How will he be responsible?

I plan to explain what I mean by this in a later podcast. In the meantime Mark, let me leave you with the words of St. Paul that I mentioned earlier in his Epistle to the Ephesians:

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness”. 

And I in turn ask for your prayers Mark, that I may have the courage and guidance to say what needs to be said. For as St Paul wrote:

“And for me, pray that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.”

Mark: I just want to thank you Allan for sharing these thoughts with us, and especially for your insight into what is unfolding in our world. I can’t wait for our next discussion. You have given me much to think about as well.

You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book The Last Days of Tolemac.  This has been another in our series titled “Signs of the Times”.

Allan, AUDIO, Signs of the Times, September 10, 2024, 1:54 pm

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