
Archive for the 'Babylon' Category

The Great Harlot – Part Eight

If the interpretation of the Book of Revelation contained in previous instalments is correct, then at some point in our future, the earth will have a close encounter with a comet, and an asteroid will plunge into the ocean. Such a scenario would lead to destruction on a scale that would devastate the entire earth. For many […]

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The Great Harlot – Part Seven

According to the Book of Revelation written by the evangelist John, our global economc system will be destroyed in a single day. As we have seen from earlier instalments, our economic system was likened by the angel who appeared before John in a vision, to a mysterious woman dressed in fine clothing and adorned with precious jewels, who […]

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The Great Harlot – Part Six

All of humanity is governed today by an economic system that is based on money. All human enterprise is based on a system that is required to generate money in order to survive. Yet as we have discovered in the last few years, our economic system has become corrupted to the point where the lust […]

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The Great Harlot – Part Five

In the 18th chapter of his Book of Revelation, St. John described how an angel came to him in a vision and revealed a series of events that would unfold upon the earth at a time that would coincide with the physical return of Jesus – the once and future Christ. Among the events that the […]

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The Great Harlot – Part Four

In the Biblical Book of Revelation, an angel appeared before St. John in a vision and showed him the judgment that would be visited upon “the great whore that sitteth upon many waters”. This “whore”  was described by the angel as a woman arrayed in purple clothing and adorned with precious jewels, and upon whose […]

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The Great Harlot – Part Three

According to the vision experienced by St John the evangelist while he was in exile on the island of Patmos, an angel came to him and revealed that a time of great tribulation would afflict the world prior to the return of the Christ. As one of the signs that this tribulation was near, the angel indicated […]

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The Great Harlot – Part Two

As we have seen in the previous instalment, in his vision of revelation, St. John the evangelist predicted that in the end times most of the population of the world would worship a single religion. This religion would be universal in scope and would attract rich and poor alike. In the book “The Last Days of Tolemac” the […]

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The Great Harlot – Part One

When the evangelist John was exiled to the Greek island of Patmos, he experienced a series of visions about events that would happen at some distant time in the future. These events would be a prelude to the return of the Christ and the dawn of a new golden age on the earth. The last book […]

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