
Archive for September, 2015

The Sceptre of Hermes – Part Three

We can never hope to understand the true nature and origin of disease, until we come to understand the true nature of ourselves.  We need to know who we really are. Just as the symptoms of disease have to be traced to their origins within the body, so the body itself has to be pursued […]

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The Sceptre of Hermes – Part Two

In the same way that Sathya Sai Baba, the 20th century mystic from South India, was able to materialise sweets, trinkets and vibhuti (sacred ash) to startle materialistically minded people into an awareness of other levels of consciousness, so psychic healers create objective phenomena to overcome doubt, and foster belief in their ability to heal. […]

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The Sceptre of Hermes – Part One

Harold Wright was a dentist by profession, practising in the American city of Philadelphia. His lifelong interest and hobby, however, was the study of anthropology. It was this pursuit which frequently took him to distant lands to study the culture and behaviour of aboriginal societies, and it was his curiosity about traditional jungle medicine which […]

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