
The Weather Wizards – Part One

Since the purpose of this Blog is to validate the prophecies contained in the book “The Last Days of Tolemac“, some readers have asked what relevance recent posts on such subjects as The Mystery of Consciousness and The Power of Thought have to do with the subject of prophecy. The answer is that because we have misunderstood the nature of the universe we see and sense around us, we are unaware of the part we play in the creation of the circumstances that arise in the context of our daily lives.

When we explored the latest findings of Quantum Physics we found that the conclusion to which leading scientists were led was that there was no actual universe that existed as an outward reality in space. Furthermore, even if there was such a thing as an external universe, science could say nothing about it because all the empirical data they had acquired in their laboratory experiments ultimately resolved itself into impressions in consciousness.

Modern physics has thus confirmed the teachings of the ancient Rishis and mystics, who taught that the universe is nothing more or less than a projection of consciousness. And because each one of us is a conscious sentient being, everyone who is alive on earth today is not only a witness to the world we see around us, but is actually a co-creator of this world in consciousness.

The outer world that appears to exist outside of ourselves is an illusion which the ancient Hindu mystics referred to as Maya. It is a reflection in consciousness of our inner thoughts and beliefs. We have been conditioned since birth into believing that everything we see and sense inside our minds exists as an outward reality in space. And because we believe that we are small and puny compared to the infinite size of the universe, we have been conditioned into believing that we have little control over the events that dominate our world.

In reality, each one of us is a point of consciousness operating within an overall matrix called Supreme Awareness. For as long as we choose to operate as a single point of consciousness we are limited in what we do and what we can achieve. But if we choose to align our consciousness with that of Supreme Awareness, then the very forces of the universe are ours to command.

What this means is that each one of us not only has the potential power to control the events that occur in our daily lives, but we also have the inherent power to control the forces of nature, including the weather. The lives of the great Avatars throughout history have borne testimony to this truth. It is our ignorance of our true nature and of the world that we have projected upon ourselves that makes us refute our noble heritage.

We simply cannot bring ourselves to believe this fundamental truth. When a visitor to the 20th century Rishi Nisargadatta Maharaj was confronted with this possibility of the mind he exclaimed incredulously:

Visitor:  “The world is so rich and complex – how could I create it?

Maharaj:  Do you know yourself enough to know what you can and cannot do? You do not know your own powers. You never investigated. Begin with yourself.” (I Am That)

Those who are convinced of the existence of, and necessity for, a personal God, and who find their lives comforted and guided accordingly, do not need to give up this belief. But it remains a belief, a limit which prevents them from understanding their true prowess. For as the American pioneer into the nature of consciousness John Lilly has affirmed, every form of belief, no matter how lofty or noble, serves only to limit the free expression of our lives.

In the province of the mind, what is believed to be true is true or becomes true, within limits to be found experientially or experimentally. These limits are further limits to be transcended. In the province of the mind, there are no limits.” (The Center of the Cyclone)

Unless the limits of these beliefs are transcended, we will never come to know our unlimited potential.

Those people who believe implicitly in the existence of a personal God will find evidence in their lives to verify this belief. This is not proof of the reality of God, but of the efficacy of their own belief. As the mystics have revealed, the phenomenon of belief is self-serving. We experience in life what we expect to experience, as well as what we have been conditioned to believe. The universe is merely a mirror to our inward thoughts and beliefs, and this varies from person to person.

For as Nisargadatta Maharaj has pointed out: “God is only an idea in your mind. The fact is you. The only thing you know for sure is: ‘here and now I am’. Remove the ‘here and now’ the ‘I am” remains unassailable. The world exists in memory, memory comes into consciousness; consciousness exists in awareness and awareness is the reflection of the light on the waters of existence.” (I Am That)

All that we see around us, from the stirrings of primal life beneath our feet to the pulsing beat of cosmic quasars in distant space, remains a picture painted in consciousness by our thoughts. The atom and the galaxy both describe our inherent nature. If we seem to inhabit a universe born of divine decree, its creator is that divine principle that resides within the heart of every one of us.

Allan, Weather Wizards, August 12, 2010, 11:42 am

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