
The Miracles of Jesus – Part Five

The mission of Jesus during the three years of his ministry in Israel was no different from that of countless numbers of Rishis who had preceded him. It was to demonstrate the intrinsic divinity that exists within every living person, and to show the way by which this divine state could be attained.

Jesus taught that each one of us is capable of transforming our world in ways that seem miraculous. This ability to perform miracles is not restricted to those few who have achieved his God-like state of being. They can be performed by anyone who has the necessary qualifications.

The first qualification is the necessity of “belief”. This was what Jesus was referring to when he talked about “faith”. In order to do anything miraculous in life, it is vital to have complete faith that what we want to achieve is possible – and that it can be achieved. This does not mean holding a positive attitude and hoping that things will somehow work out for the best.

The requirement of belief that Jesus taught demands complete and utter conviction that whatever it is that we desire, can and will be achieved. This is what Jesus constantly emphasised when he asked those who came to him to be healed: “Do you believe?”

The second requirement is “personal power”. The power that Jesus was referring to is the power that resides in every one of us. It is in fact immanent in every living creature. It is the very life-force itself, which ancient Rishis called “Prana”, “Chi” or “Ki”, and the science fiction epic “Star Wars” simply referred to as “the Force”.

Most people who live on earth today are completely unaware of the presence of this special force within them. It remains dormant and unused throughout their lives. We seldom test the powers that lie within us. Yet they are there to be used by anyone who has the knowledge and the desire.

At its basic level, this force can be associated with the health of the individual. Those who enjoy robust health have a significant reservoir of power to draw upon. They already have sufficient power to do remarkable things. Others who are in poor health have been deprived of their initial birthright, and find their powers of expression severely limited.

Just as there are things that we can do to boost our store of personal power, so there are things we do that can deplete it. Things that rob us of our personal power in life are negative influences such as addictions to smoking, alcohol, drugs and other chemical dependencies such as allopathic (Western) medicine.

By contrast, those things that boost our level of personal power are activities that raise our level of awareness and vitality. These can range from meditation, prayer, listening to appropriate types of music, or anything that infuses our being with elevated states of awareness.

According to the teachings of the ancient Rishis, this personal power was believed to reside at the base of the spine like a coiled serpent. Through meditation and other exercises, they taught that this serpent power (Kundalini) could be induced to rise up the column of the spine.

As it did so, this serpent power would pass through successive vortices or force-centers called “Chakras”. As each “Chakra” was energised, so greater levels of personal power would be attained. This power could then be used to achieve greater levels of accomplishment.

Finally, when this serpent power reached the “Sahasrara Chakra” at the crown of the head, the individual would at last achieve the enlightened state of being that is the destiny and goal of every living creature. At this point, the individual consciousness would merge with the God-consciousness.

Once this level of Supreme Awareness had been achieved, unlimited levels of power would be at their disposal. They would then be able to perform all the miracles that Jesus manifested during his ministry. They would be able to bend nature according to their wishes, and write their will upon the stars.

It follows that everyone is limited by their existing level of personal power. We cannot draw on more power than we possess within our existing level of consciousness. However, this reservoir of power can be increased by such activities as meditation, prayer and fasting.

So when the disciples of Jesus were unable to heal a child who was brought to them suffering from severe mental affliction, they turned to him for an explanation. “Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, because of your unbelief”. He then added: “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting”. (Matthew 17:19-21)

What Jesus pointed out to his disciples was that the ability to heal certain types of disease required greater levels of personal power than they currently possessed. Those who practise Shamanic healing also learn that nothing can be achieved without the requisite level of personal power.

Finally, even in those cases where we lack the necessary level of personal power, it is still possible to achieve miraculous results. We can draw on a special remedy that was taught by Jesus to his disciples. It is the power of prayer.

Allan, Men of Miracles, November 13, 2009, 8:27 pm

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