
Star Wars

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far away, a fictional space opera was conceived in the mind of Hollywood Director George Lucas. This space drama not only captivated the world with its special effects, but went on to become one of the highest grossing movie epics of all time.

The science fiction saga that became known as “Star Wars” introduced the concept of a universal form of energy known as “the Force”.  As explained in the movie, this force was a subtle field of energy that permeated all living things.

This force could also be harnessed by those who had the knowledge and the power, and used to perform “miraculous” feats that were beyond the reach of common man.

According to the movie, the fundamental feature of this “Force” was that it was capable of being used for both good or evil purposes, depending on the personality and motivation of the Jedi master concerned. The entire movie series then became a drama acted out between the “good” practitioners of this force and the “bad”.

It is safe to say that hardly one person in a million who witnessed these movies ever stopped to ask themselves whether such a force might actually exist in the universe, and that if it did, whether it might also be something that they could personally use for good or evil purposes.

But whether or not movie goers were aware of this, it is clear that Lucas himself knew that eastern mystics had been referring to the existence of just such a universal force for thousands of years. In India this force has traditionally been described by the Sanskrit term “Prana”, while in China it is referred to as “Qi”, and in Japan as “Ki”.

The ancient oriental masters who discovered the existence of this force also learned to manipulate it in miraculous ways that have since become the stuff of legend. These paranormal powers have come to be known as “Siddhis” by those Yogis who have learned to harness this energy.

It was this same universal energy that enabled Jesus to perform such miracles as healing the sick, feeding the hungry, causing the blind to see and the dumb to speak. He also used this universal power to walk on water and calm the raging storm. He even used it to raise Lazarus from the dead.

It is also safe to say that few viewers, if any, gave any thought to the possibility that there may also exist other beings in galactic space who had learned to use the dark side of this force to oppress others and become demonic tyrants, as the movie suggested.

As bizarre as such a scenario might seem to materially-minded folk who live on earth today, this is nevertheless exactly what is described in the 12th chapter of the Book of Revelation in the Bible. For it tells the story of an ancient war in space that took place between the forces of “good” and “evil”.

According to the tale told in the Bible, the forces of good triumphed, and the vanquished band of evil entities sought refuge on our earth, which they subsequently came to dominate by means of their supernatural powers.

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Revelation 12: 7-9)

Very few people alive today know of the presence of these demonic entities or how they have come to dominate our lives.  Mankind everywhere is in chains. Were it not for the intervention of the golden-helmeted ones it is likely that all life on earth would soon be destroyed.

But as the Oracle of Tolemac reveals, the forces of light are once again about to confront the forces of darkness – this time in a final climactic battle – and we who will be the witnesses to this event will be required to choose. We will have to choose whether to align ourselves with the forces of light, or whether to follow the powers of darkness.

The choice that we make will determine whether we will be among the few who will live on in glory and inherit the golden age that is about to unfold upon the earth, or whether we will be among the many who will follow the path of darkness that leads to suffering and death.

Each one of us will be judged. But we will not be judged by God or some outside entity. We will be the arbiters of our own fate. We will be judged according to the daily decisions of our lives, and whether our thoughts and actions are motivated by the common good of humanity, or for our own personal satisfaction or success.

Allan, Are You Awake?, August 3, 2009, 11:53 am

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