

Precognition – literally knowing something in advance – is something that falls within the category of Psi phenomena, or extra-sensory perception. Over the years many people have had the feeling that some particular event was about to occur, such as the death of a loved one, or some type of disaster. If this knowledge comes in the form of a vision or a dream, it is referred to as clairvoyance. 

The reality of any form of Psi phenomena is a subject that has been hotly debated by scientists everywhere. While some support the possibility of paranormal abilities, others reject the idea completely. However, the fact remains that some people do have precognitive abilities, and many of their predictions actually do come true.

Of course the opposite is also true. Many predictions based on visions or dreams do not turn out to be accurate. But the fact that these results happen to be unreliable does not constitute proof that precognition itself is invalid. Absence of proof is not proof of absence, and a single verified case of precognition is enough to prove that prophecy is possible.

For if just one single case of precognition has turned out to be true, this proves that such a faculty of the mind does in fact exist, whether or not the principle involved is clearly understood.

Allan, Introduction, March 9, 2008, 8:08 pm

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