
Podcast # 24: Recapitulation

Scott:  My name is Scott Paton.  I am talking today with Allan Colston.  He is the author of the book “The Last Days of Tolemac”.  This is a book dealing with prophecy.

For those listeners who may be new to this topic, this Podcast is another in the series “Signs of the Times”.  Hello Allan and welcome to the Podcast.

Thanks Scott, it’s good to chat to you once again.

Scott:  Allan, I see that you have titled this Podcast “Recapitulation”. What exactly do you mean by that?

Well Scott, I don’t know if you remember, but back in March you started off our Podcast # 21  by asking me whether the various subjects that I have been writing about over the last year or so were all related to the subject of prophecy, and if so, how?

Scott:  Now that you mention it, I do remember that.

Well Scott, the good news is that I am finally in a position to answer that question. And in doing so, I also want to put all the different topics I have written about in context, and explain how they are related to prophecy.

Scott:  I’m sure your listeners will appreciate that. I know I will.

OK Scott, let’s start off by going back to the very beginning. When I wrote the book “The Last Days of Tolemac”, my purpose was to point out that the events that are happening in the world today are actually fulfilling prophecies that were made several thousand years ago.

Now there was nothing particularly novel about that. After all, the idea that we are living in the last days prophesied in the Bible has been current ever since Hal Lindsey published his world-wide best seller called “The Late Great Planet Earth” way back in 1970.

What was different about my book, was that it not only described in detail what would happen to the earth in the days ahead, but why these events were happening, what places on earth would be affected, what the new world would be like, and what we could do to prepare.

As I explained, we are about to experience “a new heaven and a new earth” where there will be no more suffering and no more pain. However, all of us are faced with a choice. Will we live to inhabit the new world that is coming, or will we fall victim to the catastrophes that will herald its arrival?

The decision as to whether we will literally live or die rests with each one of us, and it is our response to the daily challenges of our lives that will determine whether we will be counted among those who will live on in glory, or those who will succumb to the horrors that are coming.

Scott: So tell me Allan, how do we know when these horrors are coming?

Well Scott, the prophets of the Old Testament were very specific when they wrote about the events that would happen on the earth during the days leading up to the end of the present age, and the beginning of the new age to come. In fact they referred to this period as the “Latter Days”.

They predicted that the current age would end with a seven year period which they called the “Tribulation”, on account of the devastation that would occur on the earth, and the suffering that would be inflicted on those who were alive at that time.

In addition, this period of seven years would begin and end with two dramatic events. It would begin with a series of disasters which would all happen in the course of a single day. They referred to this day as “The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord”.

They also predicted that this seven year period of affliction would end with the appearance in the heavens of the Messiah or Saviour, who would then judge all the people of the earth, both the living and the dead, based on their actions when they were alive.

They also went on to describe a series of events that would occur in the world shortly before that period, so that people who were alive at that time would know that the “last days” were imminent. These events were centred in the countries of the Middle East.

Scott: What sort of events did they describe?

They said that the Jews would be gathered up from the far corners of the earth, and would return to their ancestral land and become a nation state once more. And of course Scott, this happened in 1948 when the British Mandate for Palestine expired, and Israel became an independent state.

They also predicted that the Jews would regain control of the city of Jerusalem, which they achieved in 1967 during the so-called “Six Day” war. They also said that the state of Israel would go on to become a target of neighbouring countries who would seek to destroy it.

The prophet Ezekiel described how the enemies of the Jews would form a military alliance that would surround Israel on every side. But just when they were poised to strike, the Lord would intervene miraculously by causing the Arab armies to be annihilated by “brimstone and fiery hail” that would descend on them from the sky.

And everything that I have written about on my Blog lately has been linked to these events in one way or another. For example, because Persia was one of the countries that was specifically mentioned by the prophets, I have written a lot about Iran, and particularly their attempts to acquire nuclear weapons.

In fact Scott, there are three things that I think all students of prophecy ought to be focused on at this time, because they hold the key to understanding what is about to happen to our world, and especially the build-up to “The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord”.

Scott: What sort of things are you referring to?

Well Scott, the first and most important thing we need to focus on is the state of Israel itself, simply because that is where the Old Testament prophets came from, and that is where the events that they wrote about are predicted to take place.

The second is the state of Persia, or Iran as it is now called, because it will come to play a crucial role in the formation of the Islamic Alliance that is predicted to undertake the land invasion of Israel. And the third thing we need to be aware of is comets.

As I pointed out in my Blog post headed Signs in the Sky , the Old Testament prophets made it clear that the disasters associated with “The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord” would be something that would come from the heavens, as can be seen from the following quotations.

And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes.”  (Joel 2:30-32)

For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.” (Isaiah 13:10)

The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness.” (Zephaniah 1:14-15)

Scott: So why do you think that these disasters will be the result of a close encounter between the earth and a comet?

Well as I pointed out in my book as well as in earlier posts, in Chapter 8 of his Book of Revelation, John describes seven angels who were given seven trumpets. As each angel sounded their trumpet, the earth was assailed by a specific disaster.

The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of the trees was burnt up, and all the green grass was burnt up.

“And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; and the name of the star is called Wormwood; and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.  (Revelation 8:7-12)

In my book I go into great detail explaining the meaning of these verses in modern astronomical terms. I also point out that similar things have happened before, such as when the children of Israel were led out of bondage by Moses, and Egypt was devastated by a series of plagues.

And that is what makes my Blog different from most of the other commentators of Biblical prophecy. I don’t spend time warning people about Hell or the need to repent their sins and transform their lives. I just try to focus on the facts and point out where they lead.

I then leave it up to each individual reader to judge for themselves whether what I have written makes any sense, and if it does, I let them decide what changes, if any, are needed in their lives, and what actions they should take to deal with their own personal challenges.

Scott: So Allan, how does this relate to all the other subjects you have been writing about?

Well Scott, up to about a year ago, I had been focusing on the three topics I referred to earlier, namely, the events in the Middle East, particularly Israel, the efforts by Iran to develop nuclear weapons, and the comet Ison, which was at that time approaching perihelion.

As things turned out, all three of these situations reached a point of suspended activity at about the same time, and this allowed me the opportunity to branch out into other areas, such as ancient history, the philosophy of science and the Kingdom of God.

First of all, at the direction of President Obama, John Kerry embarked on an ambitious timetable to try to get a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. These negotiations dragged on for nine months and ultimately collapsed completely.

At the same time, events in Iran underwent a significant change. President Hassan Rouhani was chosen to replace Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He proved to be a far more pragmatic leader than his predecessor, and he entered into a series of negotiations with the West to try to resolve the nuclear issue.

These talks also meandered on for many months, but only led to the decision to keep on talking for many more months, which is where matters stand at the moment. So the situation regarding their nuclear ambitions has also remained on hold since that time.

Finally, Ison proved to be a literal bust, as the comet that had attracted so much attention from the media fizzled out in a matter of days, when the comet disintegrated completely just as it was making its closest approach to the Sun. So that topic could be conveniently shelved for a while.

So I used this political stalemate between the Jews and the Palestinians, and the protracted negotiations between the Iranians and the G-7 countries, as an opportunity to branch out into other areas which I felt readers ought to know about.

Scott: What other areas did you have in mind?

One area where I devoted a considerable amount of Blog space has been the nature of comets, what they are made of, and why they behave the way they do. After all, if the world is to be endangered by a close encounter with a comet, then it would help to know precisely what we are up against.

And this is where the matter gets confusing. Most scientists and astronomers today still cling to the “dirty snowball” theory of comets, which says that they consist primarily of dust and ice. However, the latest findings of space probes prove definitively that this is not the case.

The reason why I have discussed the “Electric Theory” of the universe in such detail is because it explains the nature and behaviour of comets so much more effectively than standard theory, and because it can also predict the outcome of close encounters with comets with greater accuracy.

But rather than express my own views on the subject, I preferred to outline the major features of both theories, so that readers could then draw their own conclusions. And I applied this same approach to the whole “Electric Theory” of the universe.

Scott: What about subjects like the philosophy of science, Darwin’s theory of evolution and the theory of Uniformitarianism?. How do they relate to prophecy?

I’m glad you mentioned that Scott. The reason I wrote about the philosophy of science, and especially the work of research scientist Thomas Kuhn, was to help readers understand the importance of the concept of the word “paradigm” within a scientific context.

The average person today is easily duped by the scientific community into believing that all scientific research is conducted in the traditional spirit of science, and is a simple quest for understanding, and one in which the results are allowed to speak for themselves.

Unfortunately, the reality is that students of scientific disciplines are indoctrinated in the course of their studies. This indoctrination takes place within the arena of the prevailing paradigm, which sets out specific things that students must embrace as accepted truth before they can graduate.

The best example of this today is Darwin’s theory of evolution, as well as the theory of Uniformitarianism on which it is based. As I pointed out in earlier posts, despite the fact that both of these theories no longer stand up to critical analysis, they continue to be taught to students as if they were established fact.

But if we are to understand what is really happening in our world today, and why the long prophesied time of “Tribulation” is shortly about to befall the earth, we need to understand the true facts, rather than the platitudes of scientists who follow their own agenda of obscuring the truth.

Scott: And what about the legend of Lemuria?

This is a classic example of what I was referring to. Despite the fact that evidence can be found all over the world of advanced cultures that lived many thousands of years before the “accepted history” of humanity, scientists continue to ignore this evidence.

They do so because they cling to the accepted version of history, which is that civilization began about five thousand years ago, and that any evidence that suggests otherwise is therefore wrong, and must be ignored by the scientific community.

The reality is that human beings have existed on this planet for tens of thousands of years, and that some of these civilizations of the past have reached levels that have even surpassed our own. Civilizations like those of Atlantis and Lemuria were destroyed as a result of global catastrophes.

Readers need to understand that the history of humanity on the earth has not unfolded in an unbroken sequence of development from earliest societies up to the world-wide civilization that we see on earth today, as modern scientists would have us believe.

Instead there have been numerous cultures that have risen to great levels of achievement in the past, only to be destroyed later, usually as a result of their own inherent corruption, which is of course the reason why our own civilization is in such peril today.

Scott: Finally Allan, why did you write about the Kingdom of God, and how does it relate to things that are going on today?

Excellent question Scott. I wrote about the Kingdom of God because it relates directly to the New Age that is about to unfold upon the earth, and which will manifest before our eyes once the horrors of the seven years of Tribulation are at an end.

Again, readers need to understand that the new world that is dawning will not be a mere repetition of the events that have happened in the past. What we are about to experience will be an evolutionary leap in consciousness that is planetary in scope. As the Oracle of Tolemac has stated:

The moment is at hand when the earth will take the greatest evolutionary step that humanity will ever witness. Never before in the history of earth will there be changes as profound as those that now await you.”  (from The Last Days of Tolemac)

As has been the teaching of the Rishis of the East for thousands of years:

To be a living being is not the ultimate state; there is something beyond, much more wonderful, which is neither being nor non-being, neither living nor not-living. It is a state of pure awareness, beyond the limitations of space and time.”  (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj)

This new state of consciousness will not be something that we can personally control. It will be a call from within, from the deepest part of our Being – that part of us that is all-embracing – and is Divine.

This new state of mind will not be something that we consciously choose to adopt. It will be more like giving ourselves up and surrendering to an overwhelming force within ourselves, where we become at one with ourselves and with the universe.

The Kingdom of God is the experience of the understanding of who we really are, together with the freedom that overcomes all limitations, and the Peace within that surpasses all understanding.

This is the wonder of the New Age that is dawning within each one of us that is ready and willing to embrace it. The Light that is coming will transform our inner lives, which will in turn transform our planet and all the life-forms that live upon it.

It will be an experience that will come to include all the creatures that share our life path. It will be a path of caring and sharing. For as the Oracle of Tolemac has predicted:

Some day soon there will be a day of singing such as has never before been heard upon the earth. It will be the sound of a single voice. This single voice will swell with a great multitude of heavenly voices. Choirs of angelic voices will be heard in unison together singing “Come home Earth, Come home, Come home.

“Then will be heard in response a chorus of all the souls upon the earth. It will be a mingling of the voices of people and of birds and of animals. There will be a harmony of sound and colour and beauty that is beyond telling.

“All the souls of earth will join together in worship of the Everlasting Light. This is the Light that shines within the heart of every soul. It is the Light of the eternal “I Am”.  (from The Last Days of Tolemac)

Scott: Thanks Allan. This has been an amazing overview of all that you have been writing about and how it fits in with the events that are unfolding in our world.

You have been listening to Allan Colston, author of the book “The Last Days of Tolemac”.  Do join us for our next Podcast in the series titled “Signs of the Times”.

Allan, AUDIO, Recapitulation, Signs of the Times, August 16, 2014, 7:32 pm

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